Among the daily missions in Fantasy Westward Journey, challenging the Earthly Evil Star is the most difficult task, especially the Earthly Evil Star 6. It is difficult for ordinary civilian players to reach the 6-star level. But friends who like to challenge the Tiangang Earthly

2024/07/0303:37:34 game 1795

In the daily mission gameplay of Fantasy Westward Journey , challenging the Earthly Evil Star is the most difficult task, especially the Earthly Evil Star 6. It is difficult for ordinary civilian players to reach the 6-star level. But friends who like to challenge the Tiangang Earthly Evil Star can refer to the strategy shared in this issue to teach you how to spend the least money to create the most cost-effective 6-star Earthly Evil Star Wuzhuang Temple with a budget of less than 30,000 yuan.

Regarding the budget for building a Tiandi 6X village, some friends asked whether 3W can kill 6X, whether 2W can kill 6X, and whether it will be a hindrance, etc. As we all know, Wuzhuang’s panel can be said to be one of the worst. Here is a brief summary of my suggestions. If you have a budget of about 2W and want to kill 6X, bottomless pit is the best choice. If you have a budget of 3W, you can play Fangcun, Wuzhuangguan, and Huasheng without any pressure. The budget here includes babies.

Among the daily missions in Fantasy Westward Journey, challenging the Earthly Evil Star is the most difficult task, especially the Earthly Evil Star 6. It is difficult for ordinary civilian players to reach the 6-star level. But friends who like to challenge the Tiangang Earthly  - DayDayNews

The equipment + spiritual ornaments do not exceed 10,000 yuan, and the remaining 20,000 yuan is enough to match the baby's budget. And the Wuzhuang with this attribute in the picture above, I wouldn’t say it is a big stock, but it is definitely not a trap, and it is actually a 6X Thigh Wuzhuang.

Regarding the choice of Wuzhuangguan equipment and stunts.

World's requirements for stunts are actually very low. The minimum requirement is JQ+LH. The optional auxiliary stunts are: water clearing, stagnation, flowing clouds, brilliance, putting down, and breaking blood. If it is a fixed team, these auxiliary stunts are basically allocated to everyone. It is enough for each person to carry only 1-2 auxiliary stunts. If you are a solo player, the recommended auxiliary skills are Condensation + Water Clearance. If your budget is limited, Condensation + Armor Break are both good choices.

Among the daily missions in Fantasy Westward Journey, challenging the Earthly Evil Star is the most difficult task, especially the Earthly Evil Star 6. It is difficult for ordinary civilian players to reach the 6-star level. But friends who like to challenge the Tiangang Earthly  - DayDayNews

Why is it stagnation instead of flowing cloud? 6X Disha, if your speed is faster than the opposite Qiankun, he will give himself a cloud, causing many people to lose one speed. In this case, if you are bringing Liu Yun, you will need Liu Yun to have several teammates. If it is Ning Zhi, you only need to throw it at the opponent's Qian Kun Ning Zhi. Therefore, through my own testing, the practicality of Stasis is higher than that of Liuyun.

Then there is the choice of spiritual equipment.

Among the daily missions in Fantasy Westward Journey, challenging the Earthly Evil Star is the most difficult task, especially the Earthly Evil Star 6. It is difficult for ordinary civilian players to reach the 6-star level. But friends who like to challenge the Tiangang Earthly  - DayDayNews

Among the daily missions in Fantasy Westward Journey, challenging the Earthly Evil Star is the most difficult task, especially the Earthly Evil Star 6. It is difficult for ordinary civilian players to reach the 6-star level. But friends who like to challenge the Tiangang Earthly  - DayDayNews

As we all know, the seal hit of Wuzhuang is low in the seal system, and the heaven and earth are real water. Based on this situation, we should find ways to improve the seal hit rate. I choose 4 seals and 2 treatments in the front row. The name of the Broken Village is not for nothing.

Don’t underestimate this 4 seal 2 treatment, none of it is wasted. Let’s talk about 4 seals first. I have a seal hit rate of 12% without rune stones. With the runes, it can reach 16%, which is much higher than most seal hit rates of the heaven and earth seal system. If you have the budget, you can go up to level 7, and you can get a seal hit rate of 18% by using spells. This kind of spiritual jewelry is very cheap, so I suggest you try to choose one with 100 and slightly better attributes. The cost of these two is less than 1,000.

Among the daily missions in Fantasy Westward Journey, challenging the Earthly Evil Star is the most difficult task, especially the Earthly Evil Star 6. It is difficult for ordinary civilian players to reach the 6-star level. But friends who like to challenge the Tiangang Earthly  - DayDayNews

Among the daily missions in Fantasy Westward Journey, challenging the Earthly Evil Star is the most difficult task, especially the Earthly Evil Star 6. It is difficult for ordinary civilian players to reach the 6-star level. But friends who like to challenge the Tiangang Earthly  - DayDayNews

The picture above shows that the accessories + bracelet have the same attributes, two qi and blood and one block value. Immortal spiritual ornaments accumulate vitality and blood, and attribute resistance can ensure optimal attributes. Civilians in the back row can choose 4 HP and 2 Block, or 4 HP and 2 Magic Defense. Block is recommended here. As can be seen from the picture above, the magic defense without any spells is 636. With good spells, it can easily exceed 700. The magic defense is actually enough. And I found that the magic defense needs to be above 900 when facing the output of heaven and earth magic monsters, and the effect difference will be obvious, and blocking is real, which greatly improves the quality of your defense energy and blood.

So in terms of heaven and earth, 2 blood and 1 block are better than 3 attributes in the back row. The attributes of these two back rows are average and are not available in the area. This kind of thing is not suitable for cross-server. One of these two back rows can be purchased for 550 and the other for 600. You can buy one for 600 yuan in most districts, so here it’s 1,200 yuan.

Please pay attention to the details when choosing the back row. The main attribute of the seal system, including the WDD bracelet, must be seal. Don't choose to resist the seal. Your resistance to the cover is meaningless against the divine seal monster. Secondly, pay attention to a detail magic weapon. The magic weapon did not choose Hetu but the combination of Lingbo Immortal Talisman + Double Fixed Wind Bead. Here is a popular science for everyone. The effect of double level 1 magic weapon on improving the seal is greater than that of level 4 Hetu. The full level of Lingbo Immortal Talisman is +45 speed.Therefore, this combination can be said to be the combination with the best panel and the best seal hit rate. The same principle applies to Tiangong Square Cun.

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