Today, the entertainment mode "Arcade Mode" specially produced by WG is officially launched. This mode is only open for 3 days, but according to my experience and everyone's feedback, this mode is the most refreshing and happiest entertainment mode in the history of WoT. Without

2024/06/3018:21:32 game 1466

Today, the entertainment mode

Arcade mode!

Hello, fellow car owners. Today, the entertainment mode "Arcade Mode" specially produced by WG is officially launched. This mode is only open for 3 days. However, according to my experience and everyone's feedback, the mode is the most refreshing and happiest entertainment mode in the history of WoT. It’s not an exaggeration, let’s talk to you today about how great is.

Chat about "arcade mode"

So cool to take off

Today, the entertainment mode

"Railgun" settings modification

First of all, we have to make it clear that this "arcade mode" is essentially a partial data modification of the standard mode. But in arcade mode, all tanks performance will change as follows :

  • artillery hundred meter accuracy enhanced by 70%

  • gun expansion coefficient when the vehicle body rotates, moves and turret rotates enhanced by 50%

  • artillery aiming time Strengthen 50%

  • The engine power is directly doubled

  • The forced lighting distance is increased from 50 meters to 445 meters

In other words, after these magical changes that are simply unimaginable in normal times, the properties of tanks will undergo earth-shaking changes. The operating feel will become quite wonderful, and some tanks will even "fly into the sky". However, with the addition of the 45 meter strong light mechanism, you also need to choose the tank carefully..

Today, the entertainment mode

"Railgun" mode only has these 7 maps available

At the same time, WG is the first issue of "Railgun", which is the arcade mode this weekend. Only 7 maps are specified , I saw it Below, there are classic squatting figures such as Pro, Marley, Siegfried, and Crouching Raman (it’s really a pity not to have Studjanchi). They have all become a setting similar to "Capture the Flag" (without their respective bases, Neutral bases only). If you follow the traditional gameplay of these pictures and sell them, then to be honest, it doesn't make much sense. It's just that everyone drives various dump trucks to charge and experience the initial happiness .

Today, the entertainment mode

The income is the same as the standard mode, which means that you can earn silver coins

And the most important thing is that in order to ensure that everyone has a happy time and will not shrink back because of no income, WG has also thoughtfully formulated the following rules:

  • Only level 8 and Level 10 vehicles can participate, and the battle is a standard 15 vs 15

  • . Both sides are matched according to tank type, and they can form teams!

  • Combat results will not be included in the record

  • The amount of silver coins and combat experience obtained, the price of repairs and supplies are the same as in the standard mode

  • You can complete combat missions in X-level tank battles and get silver coins

Perhaps the only problem with this mode is that it You can't earn pass points, but other than that it's pretty much the same as standard. To put it bluntly, is a "super wild team" mode with greatly increased combat intensity. All tanks can find their own happiness in the arcade mode. . Below I will list with you some tanks that I think are very fun in the arcade mode. :

The violent dump truck

Today, the entertainment mode

Today, the entertainment mode

If equipped with gasoline and a tachometer, it will be even more violent

We all know that the IS-7 has been troubled by bad tracks before, but in the arcade mode, the engine power is directly doubled, although the tracks are still the same It sucks, but it will have the effect of "powerful bricks flying" , and the IS-7 was originally very fast. After this series of additions and modifications - the IS-7 with 3000+ horsepower and 70 top speed is What effect? Not to mention the greatly enhanced gun control of , it is really powerful and fun, and its maneuverability is even comparable to that of Chad Dillon. My words are not enough to describe how domineering this IS-7 feels. I recorded a video myself for you to watch.There are also similar tanks as follows:

  • 10 level includes KRV, 268 project IV type, 277 project , 260 project, 111 5A, 113, 430 project U type, etc.

  • html E-75 TS, E-75 TS, E-75 can be considered in level 08 Mir 1951, KV-5, Skoda T56/122 TM after mobile modification and even WZ120-1G, etc. A series of tanks with "assault" attributes that can be modified in terms of gameplay

  • The top speed will not change, only the engine power will be changed , so those cars with high top speed but unable to run before are extremely happy in arcade mode

Sniper Elite

Today, the entertainment mode

In fact, the 4005 experience is really average

This attribute change also has a great impact on the "Sniper Elite". The driving feel and artillery feel of FV4005 and FV215b183 all take off. FV4005 is even more enjoyable in this mode than at its peak in 9.22. It can hit wherever you point it, and it can even be called "Leopard 1005". But the problem is that the existence of the forced lighting mechanism at 445 meters and the substantial improvement of everyone's gun control means that they will die after being exposed to light. However, the shell speed and reload time have not been modified, so I don't feel too comfortable playing it. . Leopard 1 has high DPM and bullet speed, so in this mode it is like playing CS. It is quite fun to snipe with a forced light circle at 445 meters.

Today, the entertainment mode


T110E3, Dabai Tu and other heavily armored TDs are very suitable for this mode. Their weak mobility has been somewhat compensated, and gun control has been greatly improved. Combined with their original high penetration depth and high single-shot damage characteristics, it is really Just don't be too happy. At the same time, they have strong survivability. Even if they are forced to light up at 445 meters, they are difficult to be suppressed by the enemy. Unlike FV4005 and Cricket 15, which need to hide and hide. I don’t really recommend the mode such as Strv 103B and other similar tanks. Their high concealment and strong defense characteristics are almost meaningless in the arcade mode. To put it bluntly - the wild team hasn't had enough time to drive this car? It's hard to find such a refreshing charge mode, so don't drive 103B or something like this, and switch to other cars .

Other tanks

Today, the entertainment mode

The biggest problem with Caliban in arcade mode is the reloading

Many friends recommended Caliban, and I think it is indeed okay. Its gun control problem has been greatly corrected. It can indeed be said to be quite comfortable, but there are problems Caliban's bullet speed and loading are still too poor. If the loading can be greatly improved, then Caliban will be the well-deserved king of level 8 in arcade mode. The two turtle cars, TS-5 and Turtle Mk.I, can also be played with. Anyway, they are simple and crude, and they can just quarrel with anyone they see. As for the artillery... I haven't tried it. It is said that Project 261 is very happy with all AP, but I doubt how long the artillery can survive under the extremely fast pace of the arcade mode and the 445-meter strong light mechanism. To summarize, the tanks I recommend in arcade mode should have the following characteristics:

  • Strong defense and survivability

  • High DPM 20

    I estimate The 2nd and 3rd times won’t be so fun

    According to my understanding of WG, the new mode they launched for the first time is this “railgun”, which will definitely make everyone feel happy. As for the second and third times, looking at the name, it is not difficult to guess how these two modes will adjust the tank performance, so everyone must have a good time this weekend. Whether you are driving an 8-gold joyful standing game to earn silver coins , or driving a level 10 car "Berserker", this is a great opportunity. I am Anabel, Cardo, and I always consider the vital interests of our players.. If you like my car review, please forward it and share it to promote it, so that more car captains can go home .

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