As NetEase's first fantasy Chinese-style online game "A Chinese Ghost Story", it has been highly topical and discussed since its launch, and is deeply loved by players. All of this is mainly due to the ingenuity and quality of "A Chinese Ghost Story", as well as the game's contin

2024/06/1817:08:33 game 1843

, as NetEase's first fantasy Chinese-style online game " New Chinese Ghost Story ", has been highly topical and discussed since its launch, and is deeply loved by players. All of this is mainly due to the ingenuity and quality of "A Chinese Ghost Story", as well as the game's continuous exploration of the combination of games and various traditional cultures, giving this game a long-term vitality. Not long ago, the game cooperated with Xi'an Forest of Steles Museum to create a virtual stage in the game, showing the glory of the Millennium Forest of Steles in the form of poetry and drama, which was highly recognized by the "People's Daily".

As NetEase's first fantasy Chinese-style online game

Nowadays, the game has a dream linkage with the Longmen Grottoes Research Institute. The scenery of Longmen Grottoes appears in the game, allowing many players to get close to traditional culture and feel the charm brought by culture.

As NetEase's first fantasy Chinese-style online game

When it comes to Longmen Grottoes, I believe many friends think of the Lucena Buddha. In order to allow players to appreciate the charm of Longmen Grottoes without leaving home, "A Chinese Ghost Story" uses a variety of high technologies to perform a high-level restoration . For example, the game uses the most effective "drone air-ground integrated high-precision scanning technology" to present players with a 7-story 17.14-meter Buddha, with perfect precision.

As NetEase's first fantasy Chinese-style online game

At the same time, "A Chinese Ghost Story" considered that the scenery of Longmen Grottoes would be more ornamental due to the light and shadow effects, so it used the black technology Buddha's Sky Sphere and the special CubeMap to highly present the diverse grotto scenery under complex light environments. ! The stairs under the Lucena Buddha, the lake with blue waves, the quaint villages, and even the colorful aurora in the distant night sky... also show different colors in the night.

As NetEase's first fantasy Chinese-style online game

As NetEase's first fantasy Chinese-style online game

Of course, "A Chinese Ghost Story" has also prepared the latest fashion for us - [Brahma Jialan], which is very unique and will make your heart beat at a glance!

As NetEase's first fantasy Chinese-style online game

It is understood that the design of this set is inspired by the elegant and graceful relief image of the Flying Apsara in the Longmen Grottoes, which is simple and elegant yet elegant. Lotus gold silk decoration, pearl and gem nesting, translucent feather yarn ... details visible to the naked eye. Putting it on, the fluttering skirts and ribbons are flying in the air, and the hand-held ribbons are full of rhythm and movement, which has a sense of elegance and ease~

As NetEase's first fantasy Chinese-style online game

In addition, "A Chinese Ghost Story" will also have its latest plot launched on July 15, and it is also in line with the traditional Culture related. According to legend, a woman named Shiyin, as a successor of fireworks skills, was eager to make a breakthrough in fireworks. With the help of the Luchena Buddha, she dreamed of her ancestor and solved her doubts. During this period, we can experience the craftsmanship of ancient fireworks~

As NetEase's first fantasy Chinese-style online game

So many good things will be officially launched on July 15th. Friends, you must go to the Three Realms to have a look~

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