It was recently reported that Xiaotong, a 22-year-old female college student in Changsha, was frightened to the point of feeling weak, dizzy, short of breath, and numb in her limbs while playing a scripted killer game last week. After being sent to the hospital for emergency trea

2024/06/0106:17:34 game 1756

Text/Yangcheng Evening News All-Media Reporter Gong Weifeng

Recently, it was reported that Xiaotong, a 22-year-old female college student in Changsha, was frightened to the point of weakness, dizziness, shortness of breath, and numbness in her limbs while playing a script last week. She was sent to the hospital for emergency treatment and was killed. The diagnosis was right fronto-parietal hemorrhage, subarachnoid hemorrhage . The incident became a hot topic on Weibo and triggered a heated discussion among netizens: Some people believe that public opinion should not be "outraged" about script killings for occasional incidents; others believe that the supervision of scripts killing is urgent and should carry out hierarchical management and give players Reminder before.

Recently, the Ministry of Culture and Tourism , the Ministry of Public Security and other five departments issued the "Notice on Strengthening the Management of Scripted Entertainment Business Venues", which for the first time included scripted killings, escape rooms and other new formats of scripted entertainment business venues into the management nationwide. In the face of gradually escalating regulatory policies, where will script killers go?

Recently, a reporter from the Yangcheng Evening News visited the well-known Dafen Chess board game Script Party Hall in Guangzhou and interviewed the manager and Script Killing host Udon, as well as senior players Luo Jieke, Laver Juan, and Yong Shi. They have something to say about the market dynamics of script killing and the changes in practitioners and player groups.

It was recently reported that Xiaotong, a 22-year-old female college student in Changsha, was frightened to the point of feeling weak, dizzy, short of breath, and numb in her limbs while playing a scripted killer game last week. After being sent to the hospital for emergency trea - DayDayNews

[Self-report of senior host Udon]

It is not easy to train a host. To be knowledgeable, you have to "re-create"

Nowadays, there are two groups in the script killing industry: one is the immersive script killing with actors participating, focusing on servers. Transformation; the other type is board game-style script killing, which is reasoning killing. We tried to equip Fuxhua Road with exquisite themed rooms in 2015, but soon faced the choice of track. Some script-killing stores rely on large investments to delve deeper into the immersive field, and their facades become more and more sophisticated. They do not need to train too many hosts and can keep the store open with only a few scripts. We have been in the industry since 2009 and have rich experience in tabletop games. After weighing it up, we decided to strip off the elements of acting and return to our original intention. We only do tabletop game-style script killing that we are good at, such as pure "mystery killing", "Cthulhu Run", "Dragon and Underground" City Running Group".

In the game "Dungeons and Dragons", the "dungeon" manager is called the DM. Nowadays, many people are accustomed to calling script-killing hosts also called DMs. This is not accurate. The industry prefers to refer to the person who leads the program as a "host" or "MC". The cost of immersive script killing is mainly to serve the Tao, while the cost of traditional board game script killing is mainly to train the host. Each host needs to master dozens or even hundreds of scripts.

It was recently reported that Xiaotong, a 22-year-old female college student in Changsha, was frightened to the point of feeling weak, dizzy, short of breath, and numb in her limbs while playing a scripted killer game last week. After being sent to the hospital for emergency trea - DayDayNews

We are one of the first three stores in Guangzhou to do script killing. Many senior script killing hosts in Guangzhou got their start from these three stores. Script Killer emerged in China in 2016 and 2017. At that time, we had been making tabletop games for seven or eight years and accumulated rich experience in teaching, interaction, and hosting, which gave us more advantages than other stores. When

first played the popular European and American party game " murder mystery ", we did not treat it as a script, but as a board game. At that time, the script was still in English and had to be translated word for word. When we opened the script, we found that there was a hosting manual in it. Someone quickly discovered that people who had read the manual could not play with it, so no one was willing to read it. With no excuses, another friend and I were responsible for reading the hosting manual and guiding the process. After playing it, we found that this mode was very special, and we became interested in researching it.

's first popular script was called "Death in White". At that time, there was no concept of scripts killing hosts in the industry, because the number of usable scripts could be counted on two hands. Initially, the way most stores opened the book was that the host distributed scripts and clue cards to each player, and at the end announced the results to the players and reviewed the case. However, the host of our store has followed the whole process and will intervene in the process, guide players to enjoy the game, and finally review the game without script.

It was recently reported that Xiaotong, a 22-year-old female college student in Changsha, was frightened to the point of feeling weak, dizzy, short of breath, and numb in her limbs while playing a scripted killer game last week. After being sent to the hospital for emergency trea - DayDayNews

The same script, led by different hosts, will lead to different experiences. How the host with the book can make different players feel satisfied has something to do with the store's training system. At the beginning, the host will strictly follow the requirements of the script, but after bringing more scripts, the host will quickly capture the real-time experience of the players and re-create according to the mechanism, content, and gameplay of the script.For example, the player asks: "What can I find when I pass the stairs?" If there are no clues in the script, the ordinary host will tell the player "no clues", but the experienced host will add plot elements according to the on-site environment, such as "There was a sudden sound as you passed the stairs, and everything suddenly went dark." An excellent host can make the script environment more reasonable and prevent it from getting cold due to narrative gaps.

Currently, there are three main types of host training on the market: participating in host training classes, participating in chain store system training, and participating in host exchange activities among industry store alliances. Taking our store as an example, it takes about half a year for a novice host to go from knowing nothing to being able to basically carry a book, but it takes at least two years to reach a relatively ideal state. If you can't meet the requirements, you can only do basic work.

It was recently reported that Xiaotong, a 22-year-old female college student in Changsha, was frightened to the point of feeling weak, dizzy, short of breath, and numb in her limbs while playing a scripted killer game last week. After being sent to the hospital for emergency trea - DayDayNews

Don’t blindly pursue hard-core books, the most suitable ones are the best

Players who want to get a good experience usually need to do three multiple-choice questions: a suitable script, and a suitable "same car" (script-killing terminology: a game is A car) players, excellent host. Before the

game starts, we will ask the players some questions, such as what books they have played before, and we will make a basic judgment on the difficulty of selecting the game. Players often ask: "What is the best version here?" But this question is difficult to answer. For players, there is only the most suitable version, not the best version. If novice players are forced to play a difficult game, the experience will not be good. Generally, we will give you other options and most players will follow the advice.

For novice players, we will not recommend hard-core reasoning books or emotional books, but standard books with lower risks. Any player can find a sense of presence in the standard books, and the host will have stronger control. . After bringing in new players once, the host fully understands the player's style and can give them reasonable suggestions the next time they play. For a while, there was a particularly bad trend in the script-selling industry, which was that stores would promote whatever script was popular, such as the hard-core version of "Rings of the Year", but in fact many novice players were not suitable to play it.

It was recently reported that Xiaotong, a 22-year-old female college student in Changsha, was frightened to the point of feeling weak, dizzy, short of breath, and numb in her limbs while playing a scripted killer game last week. After being sent to the hospital for emergency trea - DayDayNews

The quality of scripts on the market varies. There was a five-player script before because the plot had a low tear point. Someone filmed the player crying while playing, and it suddenly became popular on Douyin. In fact, the quality of this script was really not good. Many people came to inquire about this copy, but we resolutely did not buy that copy. This kind of book can only deceive players who have never played it, and we don’t want players to come into contact with it.

It is important to choose the book, and it is also important to choose the person who is "in the same car". Is it suitable for a group of people to play script killing together? One situation is that three or five friends form a game on their own, and we will help them choose a suitable script after understanding the basic situation. Between two and three hundred notebooks, there is always one that suits you. The other is that we help players organize games and match suitable players to play a book. The host must also adapt to the players. Some hosts have strong expressiveness, so they may be suitable for horror stories; some are good at guiding emotions, so they may be suitable for emotional stories; some hosts have strong interactive skills, so they may be suitable for humor stories.

It was recently reported that Xiaotong, a 22-year-old female college student in Changsha, was frightened to the point of feeling weak, dizzy, short of breath, and numb in her limbs while playing a scripted killer game last week. After being sent to the hospital for emergency trea - DayDayNews

Among the three major factors, the host is the last line of defense. Even if the reasoning player chooses an emotional character and the emotional player chooses a rational character, the host can guide the script to the areas where the players are good at. An excellent host can turn decay into magic and produce an eight-point effect from a six-point script. But if you want to bring a three-point script to an eight-point script, the host needs to work very hard to straighten the script. In 2017, the first batch of people who wrote the book made their first pot of gold. At that time, capital was extremely scarce, so as long as the quality was passable, you could play it. In that situation, "a clever woman has to make a living without rice", and the bad script also trained the host at the time.

Direct traffic from online to offline to meet the social needs of players

Script Killing belongs to offline social culture. Like other board games and video games, it is a media. People socialize offline and use media to break the ice.

Nowadays, many people are exposed to this type of game through script-killing apps. For stores, online is a particularly good way to attract traffic. However, online hosts cannot observe the environment and player status to guide the players' experience like offline hosts.In order to give players a better experience, ambitious hosts will also learn psychology. For example, I studied " personality color " psychology and observed the needs of each player. Some people pursue a sense of accomplishment, while others pursue a sense of pleasure. Some people pursue a sense of rules.

It was recently reported that Xiaotong, a 22-year-old female college student in Changsha, was frightened to the point of feeling weak, dizzy, short of breath, and numb in her limbs while playing a scripted killer game last week. After being sent to the hospital for emergency trea - DayDayNews

Script Kill Host is like a teacher. No matter how familiar we are with the script, we have to prepare lessons every day, review the experience points in a script that players cannot miss, and review the differences between players. For the new version, we will conduct internal simulations in advance, and then launch one or two "experience cars", which are equivalent to public beta testing of the game and will give players some discounts. A host can prepare up to two new books a week. We have manuals like lesson plans, and the hosts have academic discussions with each other.

script killing is a very good way to socialize. Some players created a marriage through script killing. I once assigned a warm-hearted character to a boy in a script, and he liked the character played by a girl. The two fell in love while playing, added WeChat on the spot, and fell in love off-screen. Later, when the time came, the boy asked me to arrange another emotional script to propose to the girl through the character. It was extremely romantic.

It was recently reported that Xiaotong, a 22-year-old female college student in Changsha, was frightened to the point of feeling weak, dizzy, short of breath, and numb in her limbs while playing a scripted killer game last week. After being sent to the hospital for emergency trea - DayDayNews

Our script-killing shop has a bit of a "Late Night Diner" atmosphere. A group of people who have played board games and script-killing games eat some barbecue and drink wine here, and become friends while playing, chatting and crying together. Modern people are too lacking in social networking, and they basically socialize online. In fact, no one is satisfied. I have been working as a screenwriter for so many years, and I have always been able to gain friends and stories, which have become priceless wealth. If I only do it to make money, I will not have such gains.

Now, the public and market’s “love period” for script killing has passed, which is normal. Some of the script-killing players I have led have recently returned to traditional board games. In fact, we are happy to see the results, because there are not many scripts, but there are many board games. You can’t eat tomato scrambled eggs every day.

It was recently reported that Xiaotong, a 22-year-old female college student in Changsha, was frightened to the point of feeling weak, dizzy, short of breath, and numb in her limbs while playing a scripted killer game last week. After being sent to the hospital for emergency trea - DayDayNews

[Their script killing stories]

Luo Jieke·Internet Practitioner

The first thing I came into contact with was the ancient style script killing, which did not meet my interests, so I didn’t get into it. Three or four years ago, I came across mystery scripts and quickly fell in love with them. I would play with a few friends on the weekends, and sometimes ask the store to arrange "carpooling". I have played more than 100 books now. After playing too much, players will regroup with each other because they will lack freshness after figuring out the familiar reaction routines of their playmates.

I like hard-core books with wonderful story structures, but I don’t like stitched-up books with bad plots. It's like I go to a talk show and want to hear something interesting. If I'm given a collection of Internet jokes and vulgar jokes, the experience won't be good. Now the development of script killing has reached a bottleneck. From the perspective of player experience, many so-called new scripts actually don’t have much new ideas. Even if a script is praised by netizens, I can always find traces of playing other scripts in the past, and there is a strong sense of gap. But this is inevitable. In my opinion, hard-core novels are similar to the creation of mystery novels. There will be no greater room for innovation in the reasoning model. The breakthrough may lie in the way of telling stories, such as using multi-perspective narratives, flashbacks, and interludes. Combined etc.

According to my observation, players in first- and second-tier cities have a higher overall level and stronger logical abilities, and there is a market for hard-core reasoning books. The Happy camp is in third- and fourth-tier cities. When I returned to my hometown, I could feel the strong contrast. There was room for improvement in the boss’s operational ideas, host quality, book selection and other processes. I am not satisfied with the overall quality of scripts on the market, but I can understand that in any creative industry, there are usually only 5% excellent works, half of them are garbage, and the rest are passable. I am also exploring script creation now, and the process of sorting out multiple logics really tests the screenwriter's ability.

has been playing script killing for many years, and I have experienced "jumping" (leaving the game midway). It was a "carpooling" game. There was a couple sitting together, and the girl put her thigh on the boy's thigh. It was very indecent. I tolerated it at the time, but I didn't expect that the girl was not polite when playing games, didn't follow the rules, and the host tried to persuade her to no avail. I couldn't bear this, so I left directly. Of course, I have also had wonderful experiences, such as playing scripted killers, meeting girls with similar interests, and falling in love. This experience is common among players.

Text/Yangcheng Evening News All-Media Reporter Gong Weifeng

Recently, it was reported that Xiaotong, a 22-year-old female college student in Changsha, was frightened to the point of weakness, dizziness, shortness of breath, and numbness in her limbs while playing a script last week. She was sent to the hospital for emergency treatment and was killed. The diagnosis was right fronto-parietal hemorrhage, subarachnoid hemorrhage . The incident became a hot topic on Weibo and triggered a heated discussion among netizens: Some people believe that public opinion should not be "outraged" about script killings for occasional incidents; others believe that the supervision of scripts killing is urgent and should carry out hierarchical management and give players Reminder before.

Recently, the Ministry of Culture and Tourism , the Ministry of Public Security and other five departments issued the "Notice on Strengthening the Management of Scripted Entertainment Business Venues", which for the first time included scripted killings, escape rooms and other new formats of scripted entertainment business venues into the management nationwide. In the face of gradually escalating regulatory policies, where will script killers go?

Recently, a reporter from the Yangcheng Evening News visited the well-known Dafen Chess board game Script Party Hall in Guangzhou and interviewed the manager and Script Killing host Udon, as well as senior players Luo Jieke, Laver Juan, and Yong Shi. They have something to say about the market dynamics of script killing and the changes in practitioners and player groups.

It was recently reported that Xiaotong, a 22-year-old female college student in Changsha, was frightened to the point of feeling weak, dizzy, short of breath, and numb in her limbs while playing a scripted killer game last week. After being sent to the hospital for emergency trea - DayDayNews

[Self-report of senior host Udon]

It is not easy to train a host. To be knowledgeable, you have to "re-create"

Nowadays, there are two groups in the script killing industry: one is the immersive script killing with actors participating, focusing on servers. Transformation; the other type is board game-style script killing, which is reasoning killing. We tried to equip Fuxhua Road with exquisite themed rooms in 2015, but soon faced the choice of track. Some script-killing stores rely on large investments to delve deeper into the immersive field, and their facades become more and more sophisticated. They do not need to train too many hosts and can keep the store open with only a few scripts. We have been in the industry since 2009 and have rich experience in tabletop games. After weighing it up, we decided to strip off the elements of acting and return to our original intention. We only do tabletop game-style script killing that we are good at, such as pure "mystery killing", "Cthulhu Run", "Dragon and Underground" City Running Group".

In the game "Dungeons and Dragons", the "dungeon" manager is called the DM. Nowadays, many people are accustomed to calling script-killing hosts also called DMs. This is not accurate. The industry prefers to refer to the person who leads the program as a "host" or "MC". The cost of immersive script killing is mainly to serve the Tao, while the cost of traditional board game script killing is mainly to train the host. Each host needs to master dozens or even hundreds of scripts.

It was recently reported that Xiaotong, a 22-year-old female college student in Changsha, was frightened to the point of feeling weak, dizzy, short of breath, and numb in her limbs while playing a scripted killer game last week. After being sent to the hospital for emergency trea - DayDayNews

We are one of the first three stores in Guangzhou to do script killing. Many senior script killing hosts in Guangzhou got their start from these three stores. Script Killer emerged in China in 2016 and 2017. At that time, we had been making tabletop games for seven or eight years and accumulated rich experience in teaching, interaction, and hosting, which gave us more advantages than other stores. When

first played the popular European and American party game " murder mystery ", we did not treat it as a script, but as a board game. At that time, the script was still in English and had to be translated word for word. When we opened the script, we found that there was a hosting manual in it. Someone quickly discovered that people who had read the manual could not play with it, so no one was willing to read it. With no excuses, another friend and I were responsible for reading the hosting manual and guiding the process. After playing it, we found that this mode was very special, and we became interested in researching it.

's first popular script was called "Death in White". At that time, there was no concept of scripts killing hosts in the industry, because the number of usable scripts could be counted on two hands. Initially, the way most stores opened the book was that the host distributed scripts and clue cards to each player, and at the end announced the results to the players and reviewed the case. However, the host of our store has followed the whole process and will intervene in the process, guide players to enjoy the game, and finally review the game without script.

It was recently reported that Xiaotong, a 22-year-old female college student in Changsha, was frightened to the point of feeling weak, dizzy, short of breath, and numb in her limbs while playing a scripted killer game last week. After being sent to the hospital for emergency trea - DayDayNews

The same script, led by different hosts, will lead to different experiences. How the host with the book can make different players feel satisfied has something to do with the store's training system. At the beginning, the host will strictly follow the requirements of the script, but after bringing more scripts, the host will quickly capture the real-time experience of the players and re-create according to the mechanism, content, and gameplay of the script.For example, the player asks: "What can I find when I pass the stairs?" If there are no clues in the script, the ordinary host will tell the player "no clues", but the experienced host will add plot elements according to the on-site environment, such as "There was a sudden sound as you passed the stairs, and everything suddenly went dark." An excellent host can make the script environment more reasonable and prevent it from getting cold due to narrative gaps.

Currently, there are three main types of host training on the market: participating in host training classes, participating in chain store system training, and participating in host exchange activities among industry store alliances. Taking our store as an example, it takes about half a year for a novice host to go from knowing nothing to being able to basically carry a book, but it takes at least two years to reach a relatively ideal state. If you can't meet the requirements, you can only do basic work.

It was recently reported that Xiaotong, a 22-year-old female college student in Changsha, was frightened to the point of feeling weak, dizzy, short of breath, and numb in her limbs while playing a scripted killer game last week. After being sent to the hospital for emergency trea - DayDayNews

Don’t blindly pursue hard-core books, the most suitable ones are the best

Players who want to get a good experience usually need to do three multiple-choice questions: a suitable script, and a suitable "same car" (script-killing terminology: a game is A car) players, excellent host. Before the

game starts, we will ask the players some questions, such as what books they have played before, and we will make a basic judgment on the difficulty of selecting the game. Players often ask: "What is the best version here?" But this question is difficult to answer. For players, there is only the most suitable version, not the best version. If novice players are forced to play a difficult game, the experience will not be good. Generally, we will give you other options and most players will follow the advice.

For novice players, we will not recommend hard-core reasoning books or emotional books, but standard books with lower risks. Any player can find a sense of presence in the standard books, and the host will have stronger control. . After bringing in new players once, the host fully understands the player's style and can give them reasonable suggestions the next time they play. For a while, there was a particularly bad trend in the script-selling industry, which was that stores would promote whatever script was popular, such as the hard-core version of "Rings of the Year", but in fact many novice players were not suitable to play it.

It was recently reported that Xiaotong, a 22-year-old female college student in Changsha, was frightened to the point of feeling weak, dizzy, short of breath, and numb in her limbs while playing a scripted killer game last week. After being sent to the hospital for emergency trea - DayDayNews

The quality of scripts on the market varies. There was a five-player script before because the plot had a low tear point. Someone filmed the player crying while playing, and it suddenly became popular on Douyin. In fact, the quality of this script was really not good. Many people came to inquire about this copy, but we resolutely did not buy that copy. This kind of book can only deceive players who have never played it, and we don’t want players to come into contact with it.

It is important to choose the book, and it is also important to choose the person who is "in the same car". Is it suitable for a group of people to play script killing together? One situation is that three or five friends form a game on their own, and we will help them choose a suitable script after understanding the basic situation. Between two and three hundred notebooks, there is always one that suits you. The other is that we help players organize games and match suitable players to play a book. The host must also adapt to the players. Some hosts have strong expressiveness, so they may be suitable for horror stories; some are good at guiding emotions, so they may be suitable for emotional stories; some hosts have strong interactive skills, so they may be suitable for humor stories.

It was recently reported that Xiaotong, a 22-year-old female college student in Changsha, was frightened to the point of feeling weak, dizzy, short of breath, and numb in her limbs while playing a scripted killer game last week. After being sent to the hospital for emergency trea - DayDayNews

Among the three major factors, the host is the last line of defense. Even if the reasoning player chooses an emotional character and the emotional player chooses a rational character, the host can guide the script to the areas where the players are good at. An excellent host can turn decay into magic and produce an eight-point effect from a six-point script. But if you want to bring a three-point script to an eight-point script, the host needs to work very hard to straighten the script. In 2017, the first batch of people who wrote the book made their first pot of gold. At that time, capital was extremely scarce, so as long as the quality was passable, you could play it. In that situation, "a clever woman has to make a living without rice", and the bad script also trained the host at the time.

Direct traffic from online to offline to meet the social needs of players

Script Killing belongs to offline social culture. Like other board games and video games, it is a media. People socialize offline and use media to break the ice.

Nowadays, many people are exposed to this type of game through script-killing apps. For stores, online is a particularly good way to attract traffic. However, online hosts cannot observe the environment and player status to guide the players' experience like offline hosts.In order to give players a better experience, ambitious hosts will also learn psychology. For example, I studied " personality color " psychology and observed the needs of each player. Some people pursue a sense of accomplishment, while others pursue a sense of pleasure. Some people pursue a sense of rules.

It was recently reported that Xiaotong, a 22-year-old female college student in Changsha, was frightened to the point of feeling weak, dizzy, short of breath, and numb in her limbs while playing a scripted killer game last week. After being sent to the hospital for emergency trea - DayDayNews

Script Kill Host is like a teacher. No matter how familiar we are with the script, we have to prepare lessons every day, review the experience points in a script that players cannot miss, and review the differences between players. For the new version, we will conduct internal simulations in advance, and then launch one or two "experience cars", which are equivalent to public beta testing of the game and will give players some discounts. A host can prepare up to two new books a week. We have manuals like lesson plans, and the hosts have academic discussions with each other.

script killing is a very good way to socialize. Some players created a marriage through script killing. I once assigned a warm-hearted character to a boy in a script, and he liked the character played by a girl. The two fell in love while playing, added WeChat on the spot, and fell in love off-screen. Later, when the time came, the boy asked me to arrange another emotional script to propose to the girl through the character. It was extremely romantic.

It was recently reported that Xiaotong, a 22-year-old female college student in Changsha, was frightened to the point of feeling weak, dizzy, short of breath, and numb in her limbs while playing a scripted killer game last week. After being sent to the hospital for emergency trea - DayDayNews

Our script-killing shop has a bit of a "Late Night Diner" atmosphere. A group of people who have played board games and script-killing games eat some barbecue and drink wine here, and become friends while playing, chatting and crying together. Modern people are too lacking in social networking, and they basically socialize online. In fact, no one is satisfied. I have been working as a screenwriter for so many years, and I have always been able to gain friends and stories, which have become priceless wealth. If I only do it to make money, I will not have such gains.

Now, the public and market’s “love period” for script killing has passed, which is normal. Some of the script-killing players I have led have recently returned to traditional board games. In fact, we are happy to see the results, because there are not many scripts, but there are many board games. You can’t eat tomato scrambled eggs every day.

It was recently reported that Xiaotong, a 22-year-old female college student in Changsha, was frightened to the point of feeling weak, dizzy, short of breath, and numb in her limbs while playing a scripted killer game last week. After being sent to the hospital for emergency trea - DayDayNews

[Their script killing stories]

Luo Jieke·Internet Practitioner

The first thing I came into contact with was the ancient style script killing, which did not meet my interests, so I didn’t get into it. Three or four years ago, I came across mystery scripts and quickly fell in love with them. I would play with a few friends on the weekends, and sometimes ask the store to arrange "carpooling". I have played more than 100 books now. After playing too much, players will regroup with each other because they will lack freshness after figuring out the familiar reaction routines of their playmates.

I like hard-core books with wonderful story structures, but I don’t like stitched-up books with bad plots. It's like I go to a talk show and want to hear something interesting. If I'm given a collection of Internet jokes and vulgar jokes, the experience won't be good. Now the development of script killing has reached a bottleneck. From the perspective of player experience, many so-called new scripts actually don’t have much new ideas. Even if a script is praised by netizens, I can always find traces of playing other scripts in the past, and there is a strong sense of gap. But this is inevitable. In my opinion, hard-core novels are similar to the creation of mystery novels. There will be no greater room for innovation in the reasoning model. The breakthrough may lie in the way of telling stories, such as using multi-perspective narratives, flashbacks, and interludes. Combined etc.

According to my observation, players in first- and second-tier cities have a higher overall level and stronger logical abilities, and there is a market for hard-core reasoning books. The Happy camp is in third- and fourth-tier cities. When I returned to my hometown, I could feel the strong contrast. There was room for improvement in the boss’s operational ideas, host quality, book selection and other processes. I am not satisfied with the overall quality of scripts on the market, but I can understand that in any creative industry, there are usually only 5% excellent works, half of them are garbage, and the rest are passable. I am also exploring script creation now, and the process of sorting out multiple logics really tests the screenwriter's ability.

has been playing script killing for many years, and I have experienced "jumping" (leaving the game midway). It was a "carpooling" game. There was a couple sitting together, and the girl put her thigh on the boy's thigh. It was very indecent. I tolerated it at the time, but I didn't expect that the girl was not polite when playing games, didn't follow the rules, and the host tried to persuade her to no avail. I couldn't bear this, so I left directly. Of course, I have also had wonderful experiences, such as playing scripted killers, meeting girls with similar interests, and falling in love. This experience is common among players.

talks about supervision: Moderate supervision is necessary, but it should not be excessive. I was surrounded by adults playing script-killing. In order to promote the plot, the script contains appropriate death issues, suspense, and descriptions of murder scenes, as long as it does not promote pornography or violence.

Seaweed Roll·Financial Practitioner

I first learned about script killing through the variety show "Celebrity Detective", and then played it on the APP, and the experience was relatively poor. In 2020, I came into contact with offline script killing and couldn’t stop. So far, I have played more than 50 games. The shortest scenario killing was three hours, and the longest was eight hours. For the past year, I have been working in the script killing shop every Saturday. When

plays script killing, I value the quality of the host the most. The evidence collection process is the most test for the host. If he can lead the evidence collection process well, the player experience will be good, but if he "fails", the experience will not be good. There is a micro-horror game that I have played twice. The first host was full of drama, and the players had a strong sense of immersion. I would recommend to my friends to play together. But when we played in a different store, the host kept urging us to go through the process, and the script experience was very poor. The people "in the same car" are also very important. If you are unlucky and meet a player who is jealous, it will be a disaster. My character doesn't "jump off" midway, so it would be hard to just play it.

I usually have a good experience playing script killing. When I go home during the holidays and have a reunion with my high school classmates, we all arrange a game of script killing, and I quickly regain the familiarity I had back then. In the past, my friends and I would go to KTV to sing at parties, but now we play scripts. In the past two years, when I traveled to Beijing, Xi'an, and Qinghai, I would also search for local stores with good reputations and play scripted games with friends or "carpool".

has played a lot of scripts, and I have found the common characteristics of the players: they don't like to stay at home, they prefer to play; their IQs are online, and they generally have higher education; inference, this player is very rational. I like to play mystery books, but I can't accept emotional books because I don't want to cry in front of my friends. I feel that once is broken and is broken, it will be difficult to get myself back.

talks about supervision: Supervision is necessary. Scripts that are overly scary and have multiple sexual themes can easily cause player discomfort. This kind of element is not impossible to exist, but it is best to have a label prompt in the game introduction to indicate which places may cause players discomfort, so that players can choose to play or not play.

Poetry · Internet Practitioner

I like mystery novels very much. I started playing scripts at the end of 2018 and have read more than 100 books so far. At that time, my colleagues organized a game, and the reasoning process based on facts made me very happy. I quickly fell into the trap. I like mystery books, but I hate suspense books that deliberately create a scary atmosphere or even are full of supernatural elements. I don't accept the emotion book. I once played with a colleague. The girl next to me burst into tears, but I had a question mark on my face.

I formed a script-killing club in my company. There are about 300 people in the group. We gather a group of people and use their breaks to find a conference room and sometimes hold several sessions at the same time. At first, we used scripts to play in the APP, but gradually we got tired of the routines of APP scripts, so we made an appointment to go to a physical store to refresh the scripts. We value the reputation of stores and scripts on social networks. Of course, ratings are for reference only. Unscrupulous merchants sometimes deliberately increase scores, and players will inevitably be deceived. Recommendations from friends are usually more credible.

Because I often play with my colleagues, when the plot is too bloody, we will bring dramatic jokes to life. Sometimes, we also play scripts that leave everyone speechless. For example, the autopsy result of the deceased was drowning, and the murderer's method of killing was finally revealed-the murderer covered the victim with a pillow, and then squeezed water into the deceased's lungs with a lotion bottle. We're in disbelief: Where's the screenwriter's medical knowledge? In order to avoid stepping into the trap, we will choose excellent hosts to bring books. It is said that the reservation for a certain celebrity host in Guangzhou to bring a book is already three months away.

My colleague has just opened a script-writing shop. He is very optimistic about the development potential of script-writing. He usually buys scripts on the "Little Black Detective" script trading platform, but what is lacking now is a good host. This is similar to the admissions situation of many schools - teachers are very important.

talks about supervision: The market is still not standardized. Sometimes we would play a script that was so destructive to our outlook on life that we would repeatedly say, "This will work." Although I don’t play it, I have heard of disgusting scenes in horror books.As for supervision, I hope that stores can be required to take good care of it, and the rest is left to the players to make their own choices. (For more news and information, please pay attention to Yangcheng Pai

Source | Yangcheng Evening News·Yangcheng Pai

pictures | Data map, Visual China

Editor | Shao Ziheng

As for supervision, I hope that stores can be required to take good care of it, and the rest is left to the players to make their own choices. (For more news and information, please pay attention to Yangcheng Pai

Source | Yangcheng Evening News·Yangcheng Pai

pictures | Data map, Visual China

Editor | Shao Ziheng

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