Author: NGA-♀りAsakawa Rui (♀The Infinite Sword Master Yi Master (referred to as Juggernaut) is one of the oldest heroes in the League of Legends. He was released on February 21, 2009 and is the first batch of veterans of the League of Legends. Role.

2024/05/2712:18:32 game 1145

Author: NGA-♀りAsakawa Rui (♀

Wuji Juggernaut Master Yi (referred to as Juggernaut ) is one of the oldest heroes in League of Legends. He was released on February 21, 2009 and is an hero. The first batch of veteran characters in the alliance .

I don’t know if there are many players who have experienced the era of AP Juggernaut. He underwent a major redesign in July 2013 to adjust AD. Different from the AP play style, Juggernaut has gradually become what we are familiar with.

Author: NGA-♀りAsakawa Rui (♀The Infinite Sword Master Yi Master (referred to as Juggernaut) is one of the oldest heroes in the League of Legends. He was released on February 21, 2009 and is the first batch of veterans of the League of Legends. Role. - DayDayNews

However, no matter which version of Juggernaut you are familiar with, this hero is always a very extreme hero, either without any sense of existence or carrying. In the game, he is one of the heroes with the most five kills in the official statistics.

When Juggernaut is in the economic lead, he can kill the entire enemy team by himself. If Juggernaut is behind his opponent, he is very powerful. It is difficult to complete the harvest. The Juggernaut needs time to develop to reach the peak of strength.

The Juggernaut who is strong at low levels and weak at high levels

The snowball attribute of Juggernaut makes him very popular in the passerby game, especially at low levels. The raised Juggernaut can fight one against five, but Juggernaut is rarely seen in high-level segments and competitions, except for some versions of the Gem Juggernaut wild core combination.

Of course, some old players may miss that short-lived experience. In the AP Juggernaut era, AP Juggernaut was used to play mid lane. Times have changed, and Juggernaut only has AD play, and it can only be used in the jungle position.

Author: NGA-♀りAsakawa Rui (♀The Infinite Sword Master Yi Master (referred to as Juggernaut) is one of the oldest heroes in the League of Legends. He was released on February 21, 2009 and is the first batch of veterans of the League of Legends. Role. - DayDayNews

In the LPL arena, there is not much. The impressive Juggernaut scene. However, in the LCK arena, Faker once used the Juggernaut mid laner against the CJ team in 2015. That game attracted everyone's attention. Faker's Juggernaut crossed the tower many times. Killing the opponent forcefully produced the harvest effect of Juggernaut.

Of course, the SKT team at that time was too strong. Even when Faker played Juggernaut, he still killed the opponent randomly. In an interview last month, Faker mentioned that the current version and S5, It was similar in S6, and he believed that the mid laner Juggernaut had a chance to play.

Having said that, Juggernaut still suffered two major weakenings in the S12 season. The first time was the 12.5 version that weakened the Dusk Blade Armor Penetration style. It was the 12.11 version that weakened the dominance of low-level players. The old problem of Juggernaut still exists in 2022. This hero may need a major overhaul before it can appear in the professional arena or high-level games.

But the designer has no intention of removing Juggernaut. After all, MOBA games always have some heroes who can kill five times by slashing and slashing to satisfy the dreams of some players.

Author: NGA-♀りAsakawa Rui (♀The Infinite Sword Master Yi Master (referred to as Juggernaut) is one of the oldest heroes in the League of Legends. He was released on February 21, 2009 and is the first batch of veterans of the League of Legends. Role. - DayDayNews

The League of Legends balance team recently announced a medium-sized change to Master Yi, which is generally a buff. The goal is to narrow the gap between different segments. They plan to launch these changes in version 12.13.

Since Riot Games is on vacation this week, there are no subsequent changes on the test server. Let us take a look at what Juggernaut has become based on last week’s changes. Keep in mind that all changes are subject to change before they are released to the official server.

The attack distance has increased from 125 yards to 175 yards

Just looking at this number, you can tell that this is an obvious buff. The attack distance of melee heroes has been increased by 50 yards, which often determines your priority for online blood exchanges. Of course, Juggernaut usually doesn't get to play solo.

If the Juggernaut player brings the fatal rhythm rune, this rune can allow the melee hero to gain an additional 75 yards of attack distance. Then, the Juggernaut will become more terrifying in a duel, and there may be one or two more A opponents. .

Author: NGA-♀りAsakawa Rui (♀The Infinite Sword Master Yi Master (referred to as Juggernaut) is one of the oldest heroes in the League of Legends. He was released on February 21, 2009 and is the first batch of veterans of the League of Legends. Role. - DayDayNews

The most important thing is that this change allows Juggernaut to be on the edge of certain walls and reach the enemy through the wall. Extra attack distance is always a good thing, especially for an allin hero like Juggernaut. Therefore, this buff seems inconspicuous, but actually brings a great impact to the Juggernaut.

The Q skill has a landing position indicator

To judge the level of a Juggernaut player, it is often based on the use of the Q skill, whether it can avoid fatal damage or critical control. In the current official server, whenever the Juggernaut uses up his Q skill, he will appear in front of the enemy.

But this is not necessarily a good thing, sometimes you just want to avoid skills, especially when you want to escape in the opposite direction. In the test server, Juggernaut's Q skill now has an indicator to remind you where you want to land after the skill ends.

Author: NGA-♀りAsakawa Rui (♀The Infinite Sword Master Yi Master (referred to as Juggernaut) is one of the oldest heroes in the League of Legends. He was released on February 21, 2009 and is the first batch of veterans of the League of Legends. Role. - DayDayNews

During the casting process of the Q skill, an indicator will pop up to remind you that when the skill ends, the Juggernaut can land in any direction. You can right-click to position yourself in any direction an enemy is facing, making the Juggernaut's Q cap even higher.

This change means that Juggernaut can traverse thinner terrain on the map. For a hero who likes to constantly pursue, Juggernaut becomes more flexible on the map. Especially with the increase in attack distance, the Juggernaut can more easily pursue his target and find opportunities to kill him.

The damage reduction effect of the W skill is more significant.

The cooldown time of Juggernaut's W skill has been greatly reduced, from 28 seconds to 9 seconds. However, the mana consumption has been adjusted from 50 points per second to 40 + 6% of the maximum mana, which is considered to be an improvement on W. There are some restrictions on skills.

In addition, the damage taken by the Juggernaut is reduced by 90% in the first 0.5 seconds of casting, and then drops to 60-70%. Juggernaut is a hero who likes to rush into enemy formations. For this tightrope-walking character, Juggernaut often needs the W skill to improve his survivability while waiting for the next Q skill to cool down.

Author: NGA-♀りAsakawa Rui (♀The Infinite Sword Master Yi Master (referred to as Juggernaut) is one of the oldest heroes in the League of Legends. He was released on February 21, 2009 and is the first batch of veterans of the League of Legends. Role. - DayDayNews

The damage reduction effect of up to 90% when the W skill is first activated provides the Juggernaut with strong survivability, allowing you to survive fatal damage such as ignition and defensive attacks. Since the cooldown time of the skill is greatly reduced, the Juggernaut can frequently use the W skill to restore blood when he has a blue buff, so as to maintain his battery life in the jungle without having to go home frequently to replenish his supplies. Therefore, this change will definitely benefit Juggernaut a lot.


This change of Juggernaut is generally an enhancement, which should allow him to increase his winning rate in the pub game and narrow the gap between high-level and low-level winning rates. But whether these changes can allow Juggernaut to enter the professional arena, we will need time to observe. After all, Juggernaut's early damage is still low, and teammates need to create harvest opportunities.

The current version has a "Large Sword Master" Belvis, who is competing with him for playing opportunities. Belvis's output environment and hero mechanism are obviously better.

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