Polium One will never let you fall into the NFT scam through the handle. Polium One is a question that no one has asked and will not have an answer to. It is a "next generation controller for Web3 games". That said, it's currently just a rendering on a website for a fictional mac

2024/05/2604:37:32 game 1258

Polium One will never let you fall into the NFT scam through the handle.

Polium One will never let you fall into the NFT scam through the handle. Polium One is a question that no one has asked and will not have an answer to. It is a

Polium One is a question that no one has asked and will not have an answer to. It is a "next generation controller for Web3 games". That said, it's currently just a rendering on a website for a fictional machine that I'm sure will never be built. I daresay they can't prove me wrong.

Let’s be clear from the start, “web3” or “web3.0” is an umbrella term for a series of apparent scams, from the delusion of getting rich off cryptocurrency to the embarrassment of NFT. It doesn't really mean anything and if you see anyone using it you'll know how outrageous this market is. So Polium One is just as outrageous!

Polium, a company so famous it even has a Twitter ID with just an underscore after its Twitter brand name, has announced its intention to create the first Web3 gamepad. Everyone knows that the main scenario for the first version of web3 is payment! Yes, pay! Yes, payments! You can pay for stuff on it with various cryptocurrencies!

Seriously, that’s what it’s all about. Polium, the hilarious site that says it will launch a Web3 gamepad in 2024, which to the average person might be 2025, also has a FAQ that provides absolutely no detailed answers we’d like to know other than what bullshit payment networks it will accept. . You, a guy with no money, might want to ask, "What Web3 games will be available when this controller launches?" But you'll just be told, "We're currently in talks with multiple game developers." Meanwhile, a true believer Would love to know, you can spend your pretend money via Ethereum, Solana, Polygon, BNB, Imm...

Polium One will never let you fall into the NFT scam through the handle. Polium One is a question that no one has asked and will not have an answer to. It is a

My favorite question in the FAQ is "What are the specs of this controller?" This is just to justify it. Below is the full text of the answer.

"Our goal is to build a high-performance controller. The specs you see on the website are uncertain until we have a functional prototype."

A high-performance one! Where can I pre-order?

As for those "specs" on the website, as far as I can tell, they are - the following: 4K Ultra HD, TouchID, 8K HDR, Ray Tracing, up to 120 frames per second.

Let’s analyze it. It's 4K and 8K, has ray tracing and 120fps without graphics, and has... Apple 100% owned TouchID that outsiders can't get! Bold statement!

It really doubles down on the TouchID The statement, which it's absolutely impossible to make with this statement, however, is that it's claimed to be a technique of theirs that prevents people from sneaking around with your controller (spending all your crypto on a picture of a monkey).

However, when you want to spend all your crypto on monkey pictures, the handle has your back, boasting "a multi-chain wallet for trading, swapping, and bridging," as well as "buying and trading NFTs and games Contents".

It gets even more interesting when you look at Polium's Medium page, where we're told that "the handle will be built by the community." Uh, huh? Well, you see, "We will be taking pre-orders until the controller's hardware is fully built. This will help us gather customer feedback, ideas, and validation." Ah ha. They'll take your money before a thing exists in order to feel more effective. Understood.

Let us remember that none of this exists. It's just one rendering next to a series of nonsense and the promise of a prototype "in a few months." Nothing says a road map to victory better than "a few months later." But the one detail that pops up is a mockup of its "clean handle."

Polium One will never let you fall into the NFT scam through the handle. Polium One is a question that no one has asked and will not have an answer to. It is a

Look at this range of games! There's Otherside - the "metaverse" game from Bored Apes Yacht Club (which never seems to fully come out!) and Decentraland (a miserable virtual world of NFTs!) and Highstreet. , an online shopping mall in alpha stage! And more.Every "game" it imagines running on the system costs money, requiring you to "connect a wallet" before playing. This is not ambiguous at all. Of course, none of this has been confirmed for Polium, which is completely hypothetical at the moment.

We haven’t even learned what the game console’s logo looks like. Did it replace its negative space G with P, or what does the handle look like? Is it the Dollar Store’s Dual Sense, or is it a high-imitation touchpad?

So how do you buy it? It seems like only God knows that you really want to buy it now, right? Well, you have to spend a bunch of cryptocurrency to buy a "pass." Once the item no longer exists, you can trade it for a handle.

But wait, there’s more! You’ll also get a “free” Playables PFP NFT once the company has the guts to release the Polium Pass! That’s to say, a jpeg of a “retro robot,” like so many about these As nonsense goes, Polium will provide "more information later this year." How will you pay for things? Use "PLAY," a token that Polium will "provide more information on later this year." How much information will

provide later this year? We don't know, as if the announcement of its phantom product was a surprise for Polium Underscore.

Every part of this site is so (un)interesting. Such as "Roadmap". Oh my god, I love it so much.

Polium One will never let you fall into the NFT scam through the handle. Polium One is a question that no one has asked and will not have an answer to. It is a

is perfect. It wants all my money!

Of course, we’ll keep you updated on every step of Polium’s development, from when it started accepting people’s money to its eventual announcement that it wouldn’t be moving forward.

I will cut my head off if this gets published.

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