PDD, whose original name is "Liu Mou", was born on April 17, 1991. He has been very fond of playing online games since he was a child. Games such as "Red Alert", "CS", and "Age of Empires" were all games he once loved.

2024/05/2313:43:32 game 1972

PDD, formerly known as " Liu Mou ", was born on April 17, 1991. He has been very fond of playing online games since he was a child, such as "Red Alert", "CS", " Age of Empires " and other games that he once loved. game.

PDD, whose original name is

With his love for games, PDD began his gaming career after coming to Shanghai from his hometown in Sichuan. In June 2011, after League of Legends became popular on the Internet, he came into contact with this game and joined the "NGG Team".

Relying on his love for games and his own hard work, PDD has participated in many competitions and achieved outstanding results and performance. This time he gained a lot of fans and attention.

However, due to many reasons, PDD publicly announced his retirement on June 15, 2014, and then became a game anchor. On March 25, 2019, PDD signed a contract with Douyu Live Broadcasting Platform.

PDD, whose original name is

game anchors not only live broadcast games, they often interact with fans or perform some talents in order to increase the live broadcast effect!

PDD is an online anchor who focuses on games. However, sometimes in order to increase the live broadcast effect or interact with fans, he will often perform some talents, such as singing or acting. This kind of behavior of

PDD is not uncommon. It is a very common behavior among many network anchors, and it has even reached the point of being commonplace. But unexpectedly, PDD impromptuly sang a song " will borrow another five hundred years of from the sky" during a live broadcast. He was sued by the copyright owner of the song and demanded 100,000.

PDD, whose original name is

"Borrow from Heaven for Another Five Hundred Years" is the theme song of the film and television work Kangxi Dynasty. It is the lead singer of Han Lei , the lyrics are written by Fan Xiaobin , and Zhang Hongguang is responsible for the composition and arrangement. The copyright belongs to Beijing Four Seasons Light Nennhua Media Co., Ltd.!

PDD recently revealed the news in a live broadcast that he was recently sued for singing a song called "Borrowing from the Sky for Five Hundred Years" during the live broadcast. In response to his being sued, PDD subsequently issued two videos to apologize. PDD responded in the video that he will no longer sing casually in live broadcasts, and even if he sings, he will have to obtain the consent of the song copyright owner.

PDD, whose original name is

html On July 2, a reporter asked PDD about the follow-up situation of this matter through a third-party platform. PDD told reporters that although he had apologized, the copyright owner of the song had not given up the prosecution and was now negotiating with Douyu. The live broadcast platform has discussed matters before the trial.

How did the composer of "Borrow from Heaven for Another Five Hundred Years" respond?

On July 3, 2022, Zhang Hongguang, the composer of "Borrow from Heaven for Another Five Hundred Years" responded to this matter. He said that the amount of money to be sued against PDD this time was secondary, and the most important thing was to raise awareness among all sectors of society. The emphasis on song copyright encourages more music creators to continue creating excellent works.

PDD, whose original name is

Regarding the composer’s post, some netizens brought this up for comparison. PDD once sang JJ Lin songs in a live broadcast. After JJ Lin learned about this incident, he came to check the room through live broadcast and other methods. Afterwards, JJ Lin did not sue PDD, let alone file a claim for compensation.

PDD, whose original name is

In fact, as the copyright owner of the song, everyone's acceptance level is different, but what should be emphasized here is that as the copyright owner or copyright holder of the song, they have absolute copyright to the song.

PDD’s live broadcast is a profitable activity. Although he does not charge the audience, his live broadcast room is a profitable occasion. The audience’s gifts and even rewards are considered profitable, so it is reasonable for the copyright owner to demand compensation!

By the way, I would like to emphasize that the copyright owners of many songs do not belong to the original authors or composers. There are many songs that belong to music associations and copyright companies.

PDD, whose original name is

After this incident happened, many netizens expressed their opinions one after another. Everyone has their own opinions on this prosecution!

PDD, whose original name is

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