Many people are ready to invest in game agents, but they don’t know how game agents make money. In fact, regarding game agents, there are many ways to make money. Take a look at the following aspects to see from which channels agents can earn income. 1. Game props How do game age

2024/05/2104:36:33 game 1438

Many people are ready to invest in game agents, but they don’t know how game agents make money. In fact, regarding game agents, there are many ways to make money. Take a look at the following aspects to see from which channels agents can earn income.

 1. Game props

 How do game agents make money? First of all, you can make a lot of money from players through various props sold in the game. Of course, the pricing of props should comply with market standards and not be inflated. If the price of props is too high, it is likely to cause players to question the price of the game, thereby dampening players' enthusiasm for the game.

Many people are ready to invest in game agents, but they don’t know how game agents make money. In fact, regarding game agents, there are many ways to make money. Take a look at the following aspects to see from which channels agents can earn income. 1. Game props How do game age - DayDayNews

Prop sales or point card sales are the main source of revenue for most games, and they are also the largest amount of money spent by players for games. Therefore, the recharge facilities for the game must be done well.

 2. Advertisement insertion

 For other games, selling props or point cards does not attract too many players. How do casual gaming agents make money? It’s not that casual games have no way to make money, but the traffic provided by gamers.

When a game is hot enough, there are enough players online, and the activity reaches a certain level, corresponding advertisers will pay attention to the traffic of the game and cooperate with agents, hoping to insert their own advertisements into the game to attract more games. Players know their product. This is how casual games typically earn revenue, namely ad insertion.

Many people are ready to invest in game agents, but they don’t know how game agents make money. In fact, regarding game agents, there are many ways to make money. Take a look at the following aspects to see from which channels agents can earn income. 1. Game props How do game age - DayDayNews

 3. Peripheral development

Of course, in addition to the above-mentioned methods of making money through internal operations of the game, how do game agents make money? It can also start in a three-dimensional world outside the game.

For example, agents can develop some surrounding areas in the game, such as shrinking game props and developing posters or pendants of some characters in the game. Some players who are emotionally attached to the game are willing to pay for their favorite characters or favorite scenes. As long as these surrounding developments are done well, they can bring a lot of income to agents.

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