This game is a "Metroidvania" game with a "Souls" style. From the screen, it is easy to see that the game adopts a dark and realistic style, which is very consistent with both Castlevania and Souls games. combine.

2024/05/2104:33:32 game 1075

HELLO~Hello everyone, here is Xiaobai’s recommended time for a daily trip. There are thousands of games in the world, and there are many interesting games that are not known to the majority of players due to lack of publicity. Here, Xiaobai will recommend a highly rated but not-so-famous game to everyone every day ~

This game is a

"Vigil: The Longest Night" is a side-scrolling fantasy action game produced by Glass Heart Games. In this world, the day is swallowed up by darkness, and the eternal night covers the earth, and the source of all this is still an unsolved mystery. Terrifying evil creatures spawned by darkness are infesting the land. You have to control the protagonist Layla to explore the truth behind all this.

This game is a

This game is a "Metroidvania" game with a "Souls" style. From the screen, it is easy to see that the game adopts a dark and realistic style, which is very similar to both Castlevania and Souls games. fit. This game also uses horizontal action gameplay, and players have to face a variety of huge, bloody and weird enemies. The content of the

This game is a

game is an obvious combination of "souls" and "Metroid Castlevania". The character has an obvious stamina bar. Whether it is attacking or dodging, it will consume stamina. Different weapons and light and heavy attacks consume different stamina. The overall gameplay is more similar to Castlevania. You need to explore and fight on a huge map, find various props and equipment, and defeat the BOSS to gain abilities and reach new areas. The BOSS is also very huge and very impressive. .

This game is a

The game provides four weapons for the character: sword, double sword, heavy weapon, and bow and arrow. The feel and usage are different. However, when it comes to both offense and defense, the balance of the sword is better, and other weapons are slightly inferior. In the game, there are no attribute points for character upgrading, but only talent points. The branches of talents directly affect the use of weapons. Generally, you can only choose one weapon to master in a week.

This game is a

Generally speaking, this is a "Metroidvania" game with traditional gameplay. There are not many innovations to introduce. The added stamina bar setting does not have much impact except for the need to control the rhythm of the attack. However, one problem with the game is that it lacks solidity in terms of operating feel and impact, and it always feels light and airy. This needs to be improved. Recommended for those who like side-scrolling action games. The game supports Simplified Chinese. Steam is currently locked in the country. You can use high technology to download it.

This game is a

This game is a

This game is a

Okay, that’s it for today’s game recommendations. There are many fun games for beginners. Let’s continue in the next issue.

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