Hello LPL viewers and League of Legends summoners, this is the World Game Network. LPL ended its weekend match day yesterday, and today it has entered a new match week. There are two matches scheduled on Monday. The four major teams participating in today's match are BLG, TT, EDG

2024/05/2019:48:32 game 1524

Hello to all LPL viewers and League of Legends summoners, this is the World Game Network.

LPL ended the weekend match day yesterday, and today it has entered a new match week. There are two matches scheduled on Monday. The four major teams participating in today's match are BLG, TT, EDG and OMG. Among them, BLG and The TT game is scheduled at five o'clock, and the game between EDG and OMG is scheduled at seven o'clock.

Hello LPL viewers and League of Legends summoners, this is the World Game Network. LPL ended its weekend match day yesterday, and today it has entered a new match week. There are two matches scheduled on Monday. The four major teams participating in today's match are BLG, TT, EDG - DayDayNews

LPL officials will announce the starting lineup for the two games as usual. Unexpectedly, a wave of emergencies happened to the TT team, and the main players in the team were unable to participate in the game due to special circumstances.

Puff suffered from facial paralysis and was unable to participate in the game.

The announced starting lineup did not include Puff player, and Kelper was replaced. Just when people were confused, they found that TT team had announced the reason. Puff player was unable to normal due to sudden facial neuritis. During the game, the club has accompanied the players for medical examination as soon as possible.

Hello LPL viewers and League of Legends summoners, this is the World Game Network. LPL ended its weekend match day yesterday, and today it has entered a new match week. There are two matches scheduled on Monday. The four major teams participating in today's match are BLG, TT, EDG - DayDayNews

And the condition has been controlled in time after emergency treatment. TT also promised to continue to go to the hospital for further examination and treatment in the future, so fans can rest assured.

Facial neuritis, commonly known as facial paralysis, is a relatively common disease, but it seems to be the first time that professional players have suffered from this disease. To put it simply, it is due to damage to the facial nerve that causes uncontrollable face. Common symptoms It means that is skewed in speech and , the speech is leaky, drooling or the eyes are not as good as others, etc.

Hello LPL viewers and League of Legends summoners, this is the World Game Network. LPL ended its weekend match day yesterday, and today it has entered a new match week. There are two matches scheduled on Monday. The four major teams participating in today's match are BLG, TT, EDG - DayDayNews

To be honest, it was quite uncomfortable after getting sick, so the club chose not to let Puff player play. What’s interesting is that when Puff didn’t play, Nanfeng didn’t appear in the starting lineup. It is speculated that the two substitute players were It is a fixed combination, so they have to play together. From the perspective of the audience, Puff is the main force of the team, and his inability to play will definitely affect TT's combat effectiveness.

TT's main players are unable to play, and BLG becomes the beneficiary.

The common cause of sudden facial paralysis, if we look at the daily life of professional players, is probably due to the direct air conditioning for a long time, or taking a cold shower after strenuous exercise. Facial nerve is suddenly damaged, resulting in sudden facial paralysis symptoms . This kind of facial paralysis must be sent to the hospital for medical treatment as soon as possible.

Hello LPL viewers and League of Legends summoners, this is the World Game Network. LPL ended its weekend match day yesterday, and today it has entered a new match week. There are two matches scheduled on Monday. The four major teams participating in today's match are BLG, TT, EDG - DayDayNews

The best way is to use acupuncture . If it goes well, it will be better after a few acupunctures, but it may take a long time to heal. Puff's current symptoms have improved, and it seems that the problem is not serious. , I hope Puff can return to the game soon, because TT really needs him. He is a relatively stable player in TT. Other players often have various problems.

With Puff unable to play, the difficulty of BLG's game has been greatly reduced. The combination of Doggo and Crisp still likes to gain advantage through laning. After the TT team changes the bottom lane, the BLG team can choose to The focus is on the bottom lane, strengthening the strength of the bottom lane in the lineup pick.

Hello LPL viewers and League of Legends summoners, this is the World Game Network. LPL ended its weekend match day yesterday, and today it has entered a new match week. There are two matches scheduled on Monday. The four major teams participating in today's match are BLG, TT, EDG - DayDayNews

Then invest more manpower and energy in the bottom lane to help, so as to have a better chance of winning this game. For BLG who had a bad start, this game must be won.

Personal views on the living habits of players

I personally think that facial paralysis is not a serious disease, but it is still quite scary. Some people have facial nerve necrosis due to facial paralysis, leaving sequelae in the end. After this incident, Puff, You need to improve your daily habits and stop doing things like blowing the air conditioner or taking cold showers.

Hello LPL viewers and League of Legends summoners, this is the World Game Network. LPL ended its weekend match day yesterday, and today it has entered a new match week. There are two matches scheduled on Monday. The four major teams participating in today's match are BLG, TT, EDG - DayDayNews

At the same time, other clubs should also take this as a warning. This time there is a problem with Puff, it may affect 1-2 regular season games at most, but if this problem occurs in the playoffs, the impact will be huge.

It’s not like it has never happened before that a player was unable to play in the playoffs due to sudden injuries. That’s right, it was The Shy. Due to an unexpected incident, a serious arm injury caused him to miss the entire playoffs of the 2018 Spring Split and be unable to play. , IG missed a valuable opportunity to compete for the championship.

Hello LPL viewers and League of Legends summoners, this is the World Game Network. LPL ended its weekend match day yesterday, and today it has entered a new match week. There are two matches scheduled on Monday. The four major teams participating in today's match are BLG, TT, EDG - DayDayNews

Finally, The Shy has a disability. Fortunately, it does not affect his ability to play games, but he cannot exert too much force in daily life.

In short, the players themselves must have good living and work habits, and the clubs should also provide guidance and management to try to avoid this happening again.

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