"TGS2021" DAY3 game summary: Tencent, Guangrong, Lilith appeared, and the award was selected

2021/10/0417:37:11 game 567

DAY3 is mainly for the Koei Tecumo press conference and Tencent press conference, as well as Lilith Games and other units,

1. Happinet game show second



This agent is quite capable and has brought you a variety of NS games. Their host specially cos the image of a pirate, and the atmosphere is more relaxed.

The second bullet mainly announced some of the independent games they represented, such as "Animal Fight", "The Combination of Isaac: Confession", the sand sculpture simulation game "Stag Simulation", etc., and finally released "The Battle of Rhode Island" "Tidelit's Wonderland Adventure" real machine demonstration, the graphics and action design are quite gorgeous. The above several games will land on the NS platform.

2. Tencent conference

"Span Cosmos 17" and "Span Cosmos 17" and "Span Cosmos 17" At the mobile game exhibition, the mixed game clips and the explosive theme song are quite amazing.

"White Night Aurora" is a strategic mobile game. It mainly uses grids to match character attributes to launch attacks. The gameplay is relatively novel, and it only supports overseas markets.

3. Lilith game conference

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A demonstration of "Farlight 84",This is a chicken-eating game that includes construction and survival elements. Players can obtain props through battle to build their own homes. Currently on IOS and Android platforms

"Dislyte" is another cyberpunk style card mobile game, players need to explore the maze in the future city Fight with cards.

"WARPATH" is the Japanese version of the strategic and tactical mobile game "Medal of War". It is a real-time strategy game with the background of World War II. Players can build bases, explore battlefields, develop the military and fight for victory with the enemy.

These are all mobile games, and it is inevitable that there are krypton gold elements. This is probably the fastest operating method for domestic games to pay back.

IV. Glorious Tecumo press conference

KT this time mainly brought games such as "Nobunaga's Ambition: New Life" and "Dynasty Warriors 8: Empire" Demo.

1. As a veteran strategy game, the gameplay of the Nobunaga series is almost digging, with the aura of the glorious 40th anniversary works, plus the subtitle of "New Life". This generation of games has made in-depth explorations on the characteristics of military commanders, who can show their unique abilities in internal affairs or military affairs, and will have different bonuses. The battle is highly AI, which means that the generals' own abilities will most likely determine the tilt of the battlefield's balance. The failure of a local battle will inevitably lead to a disadvantage. If the capable generals exceed the task and assist other local battlefields, they will also suppress the enemy more quickly.

2. The open-world approach of " True. Sangoku Musou 8 " made KT a big somersault. Since then, the 35 series has never turned around and basically missed the entire PS4 era. This time the 358 empire returns to the level mode again. Players can carry out simple strategic internal affairs management, send generals to attack nearby territories, and then they can be brought into their own banner after victory.You can also capture more military commanders and grow your power.

Judging from the screen, compared to the previous generation of the 357 Empire, it has been greatly improved. In addition to special effects, you can also see fragments of armor scattered during the battle. There are more people on the same screen, and the characters' moves are more gorgeous and changeable. , 無双 has excellent skill and viewing ability.

The most fun part of the empire is that you can create your own generals. You can not only enjoy the refreshment of fighting, but also have the sense of accomplishment of siege. I hope KT will not overturn this time.

3. The big thick legs Lysa let more players realize the charm of the studio series, KT made persistent efforts and newly released the 25th anniversary commemorative work of "Atelier Sophie" 2: The Alchemist of the Incredible Dream. Sophie is the protagonist of the Unbelievable series and has always had a high popularity. This sequel will take the Lysa series as a benchmark, improve the performance of the picture, enrich the plot and alchemy, and RPG has more substantial content.

The game will be launched on PS4 and NS platforms on February 25, 2022.

5. Japan Game Awards 2021

This year's TGS "Japan Game Awards 2021" awards were given to "Soul of Tsushima" and "Monster Hunter: Rise".

" The Last of Us 2 ", "Resident Evil 3 Remake", " Original God " won the Excellence Award.


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