Yuanshen account transaction market price

2021/07/2721:26:03 game 322

will share with you the market price of Yuanshen account today!

Yuanshen account transaction market price - DayDayNews

Of course the price is not fixed, given the information that some merchants have acquired the account to determine!

First, let's first understand what accounts are valuable! !

The following is the acquisition information: 5 five-star characters can be collected! Not counting the protagonist, not fortune-telling, not counting weapons, only the 5-star character lighted up by the illustrated book, Walnut Moroccan Wand can be collected, Youla Songlai can be collected Ganyu Amo Sike accepts mandarin and pure kite

①The initial number does not receive the tapped

②Only accepts the official uniform of the national service number or the B uniform

③If you are a minor, you will not be addicted. Accept

④Science and technology numbers are not accepted! !

⑤No recharge or refund will be accepted! ! Negative rough stones are not accepted! !

Character price: Mandrill, Ganyu, Walnut, and Shenli are 90 respectively! Others are not calculated! It's quite saying that only the account with master C has the value of selling! Otherwise, there will be no one at all~

weapon relative to master C's speciality is 90~ Of course this is the purchase price!

The purchase price of the merchant is not equal to the selling price~ The price I estimated to my partner is the selling price!

sale price = purchase price + 200~

200 includes adventure level and other four-star characters! There are also some handling fees for the platform! After all, the purchase price of merchants is much lower!

Almost now a single master C level 20 = about 100!

level 55=300

2000 or more accounts are beyond the scope of my calculation! No analysis~ After all, the accounts of Yuanshen are flying all over the sky! Supply exceeds demand! The devaluation is really fast! So come up with a number as soon as possible~

The above is the content of this issue! Hope to help everyone~


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