Add more yeast powder to make the dough faster? Chef: Wrong, learn these skills, it will be full in 10 minutes

add more yeast powder to make the dough faster? Chef: Wrong, learn these skills, it will be full in 10 minutes

The flour is out of stock recently, because people can’t stay at home, they start experimenting with flour, first it is Liangpi, then fried dough, and finally cake again . Flour can make a lot of delicacies. Hard-working Chinese make all kinds of food. Especially northerners, most like to eat noodles, such as steamed buns, steamed buns, flower rolls and so on. These noodles are actually almost the same. One of the most indispensable step is to leave the noodles, so as to make the noodles taste soft and delicious.

now basically has yeast powder, but in the past, it was fermented with old noodles. Compared with old noodles, yeast powder fermented faster, simpler and more convenient. However, many people think that yeast is unhealthy. In fact, yeast powder is beneficial to the human body. Proper consumption can also effectively enhance human immunity.

Although yeast is beneficial, yeast powder should not be added at will, and too much yeast powder should not be added, because the taste of yeast powder is very strong and will affect the taste of pasta. Many people want to increase the speed of the dough, so they add a lot of yeast powder, but in fact, this is useless and will affect the taste. It takes patience to make the noodles. Sometimes it takes an hour or two, but sometimes you don’t want to wait that long. How to speed up the dough? Ask the chef today, learn some skills, learn these skills, and it will be full in 10 minutes.

first prepare the right amount of yeast powder, 500g of flour uses 5g of yeast powder, the ratio is 100:1, not too much yeast, because yeast will continue to ferment and multiply, if the temperature is right, the reproduction speed will be faster.

Then put the yeast powder in a bowl, add some sugar, add some warm water, then stir to melt, and then let it stand for a while. Yeast likes white sugar, which can promote fermentation. When the water temperature is more than 30 degrees, it will help yeast powder fermentation.

Then pour the yeast water into the flour and stir evenly, add some warm water while stirring, stir it into a floc, and then knead it into a smooth dough, then wrap it in plastic wrap and leave it to ferment.

Let the dough ferment in a warm environment, preferably about 30 degrees. It is cold in winter. You can put the dough in the pot, then add some hot water to keep the temperature, so after 10 minutes, it will be full. .