What if you eat in Africa? Don't be surprised, these are the real daily foods in Africa!

What if you eat in Africa? I often see strange foods in Africa, such as roasted large lizards and boiled soybeans by termites. Maybe my friends think that these are all daily foods, and they often worry that they will not eat well there. This is bad for Africa. impression. Everyone, take a look at real African cuisine!

1. Wu curry

Wu curry as a staple food, you can see him in various countries across the African continent, of course, there will be his unique name in each country. It is a dough-like corn meal cooked in water. It is the most common starchy staple food in the Great Lakes region of East Africa and Southern Africa. The traditional way of eating is to roll out a small ball at a time with your hands, and then use three fingers to knead it into a cake. After scooping the stewed vegetables or meat and sauce, press the top with your thumb to make the black curry cake a spoon shape. , In the entrance. It’s the same as eating pancakes in some cultures.

2. Pepper stew with pork rice

Pepper stew with pork rice is a kind of food that must be cooked when host guests in West Africa. The most basic way to eat is to stir-fry rice with tomato sauce and serve with meat or fish. Chicken is another common condiment. The cooked pilaf rice is golden and delicious, and both your eyes and your taste buds will have a full meal, because you will see that the rice absorbs the thick sauce and the tilapia, potatoes and other ingredients are added. Make such dishes more eye-catching and delicious, showing a bright red.

Third, pea bread

In Central Africa, especially Cameroon, you can often see a kind of golden bread, but if you just think of it as our domestic Ordinary bread is wrong. This pea bread is made of cowpeas as the main ingredient. At the same time, the cocoa beans are mashed into powder, wrapped in banana leaves and steamed. At the same time, it is filled with crayfish, fish cubes, and peppers. The unique bright red color and fragrance of the powder are mixed in the red palm oil.

4. Couscous

Couscous is a common staple food all over the land of North Africa. It consists of couscous semolina. Of course, if you want to make your food more luxurious and luxurious, you can also order a royal couscous with lamb fillet and other ingredients. At the same time, order a chicken salad with special North African flavor as a side dish, I believe it will bring you an unforgettable dining experience.

V. Gabon Muamba Chicken

In the southern African country of Angola, the locals like to eat heavy-tasting and fatty foods, the most famous of which is Gabon Muamba Chicken, which consists of Palm oil or olive oil is used as the base oil, and it is cooked with garlic, chili and okra. The chicken itself is marinated with spices, so when you enjoy it, the heavy fat is accompanied by a unique fragrance. The chicken will give you a unique and exciting taste.

6. Egyptian chicken skewers

On the streets of Egypt in North Africa, you can often see this unforgettable delicacy. The locals use sophisticated knives to cut boneless chicken breasts. The meat turns into mouth-watering kebabs, paired with the unique Egyptian spices cardamom, black pepper and other toppings, which will definitely make you remember this North African delicacy fresh and linger.

7. South African barbecue

South African barbecue is regarded as a national treasure in the country. Every Saturday night, every family will sit around the stove, the hostess will bring out any combination of carefully marinated steaks, ribs, kebabs and chicken, and the host will skillfully place them on the barbecue. On the rack, while skillfully turning the barbecue, entertaining relatives and friends with beer to enjoy this wonderful time.

8. Kenya Ailio

East African country Kenya is famous for long-distance running. In this country rich in marathon runners, there is also a very famous dish, this is Ailio The widely-loved dishes were originally the staple food of the local Kenyan tribe of Kikuyu, and later spread to various parts of Kenya.Composed of mashed potatoes, peas, beans, corn and onions, it is usually served with roasted meat with spices, supplemented by attractive spices and condiments.

9. Egyptian library gravel

In the North African country of Egypt, there is also a delicacy you can't miss, the library gravel, which is the favorite delicacy of ordinary Egyptian families. When you taste it consists of rice, lentils, macaroni, garlic and chickpeas, mixed with spicy tomato sauce and fried onions.

This meal not only sounds delicious, it also tastes great.

10. West African Alroche

When you come to West African countries, you must not miss the local cuisine Alroche, which is usually considered a snack, produced by Côte d’Ivoire Deep-fried plantain is eaten with chili, onion or egg and delicious tomato sauce. Known for its unique taste and convenient preparation.