A case I want to bring to you today is that the owner of a hotel in Jiangsu used "people's gambling nature" for marketing and made a huge profit of 1.58 million in just one year.

A case that

will bring to you today is that the owner of a hotel in Jiangsu used "people's gambling nature" for marketing and made a huge profit of 1.58 million in just one year. The boss's method is applicable to all walks of life. Whether you open a restaurant, clothing store or supermarket, as long as you learn this trick, you can easily make a lot of money, which will definitely be much more than what you originally worked hard to earn.

Story background:

There is a young man born in the 1990s in Jiangsu, named Xiao Yang. After graduating from university, he worked in the design industry. He spent the first twenty years of his life based on his hobbies and feelings. The more he lived, the more panicked he became. He didn’t make much money. No, family members say that he is very playful and only cares about having fun without thinking about the future at all.

It wasn’t until he entered his late twenties and was approaching thirty that Xiao Yang felt a sense of crisis. He thought to himself that people said that he was born at thirty, but he had still accomplished nothing even in his late twenties. The people around him who were the same age were getting married and having children, and some were getting married and having children. A large number of people who own cars and houses finally began to feel panic, so they wanted to start a business to get their first pot of gold.

After resigning, Xiao Yang returned to his hometown and started thinking about starting a business. A good brother he happened to know came back from other places and told him that he wanted to open a restaurant. Catering has always been Xiao Yang's interest, so the two hit it off. , began to make arrangements for opening a store, and after busy inspections for several months, finally opened a home-cooked restaurant near the pedestrian street in the business district.

However, opening a store is one thing, and running it is another. It is not that easy to make money. Xiao Yang was crossing the river by feeling the stones along the way. Like his friends who had just started their own business, he underestimated the fierce competition in the catering industry, ran the business in a hazy way, and carried out activities in a hazy way. Unexpectedly, he had lost 30,000 to 40,000 yuan after only three months of operation.

Xiao Yang was also panicked, thinking that he couldn't just do nothing and wait for customers to come to his door. However, the discount and promotion activities had no effect. Nowadays customers simply don't accept this, so what should we do? Woolen cloth? My friend also looked for opportunities everywhere, and finally learned a trick called "1 Yuan Lottery" from others.

With a half-believing mentality, Xiao Yang prepared the event half out of guilt and half impulsively. Unexpectedly, after one event, the effect was really good. The customer flow and turnover increased four to five times compared with before, and the net profit in one year was 96 Ten thousand. What are the specific activities of Xiao Yang? Let's look down.

activity plan:

If you run such a small restaurant according to the general idea, you can earn at most 300,000 to 400,000 yuan a year, which is good. Then why can some people earn 960,000 yuan a year, but others can't? Making money is not about the size of the business, the key is the thinking of doing business. Xiao Yang’s activities prove the importance of ideas. Let’s take a look at the content of his activities first: During the

activity, as long as you spend 199 yuan or more in the store, you only need to Spend 1 yuan, and you can receive a signature dish worth 45 yuan, and you can also draw a prize for free. The prizes include vouchers ranging from 60 yuan to 600 yuan, as well as Wuchang rice , golden arowana blended oil, and fruit gift packs Waiting for gifts, the winning rate is 100%.

Everyone was dumbfounded when the event came out. Whoever does business sends money and gifts? The boss will definitely lose all his money. In fact, this activity is not as simple as it seems. Not only will it not lose money, but it will also allow Xiao Yang to make a net profit of 960,000 a year. How does the

activity make money? Friends who want to know how the boss makes money, don’t go away, the following analysis will be even more exciting. Profit analysis of

: The "little tricks" adopted in the case of

are only a small part of the marketing wisdom included in this column. If you are having difficulties in business now, if you lack customers, if your products cannot be sold, you might as well collect them in this column. Find out if there is an industry suitable for you and see how smart people do business.

1. Use lottery draws and free signature dishes to attract customers to the store and create transaction opportunities. When you spend over 199 yuan, you only need to spend another 1 yuan to get a signature dish worth 45 yuan. In fact, this 1 yuan signature dish can only be enjoyed when you enter the store next time. When you spend over 199 yuan to pay, the waiter will Give the guest a "taste coupon", and you can enjoy it for free next time you come to the store.

The consumption threshold of 199 yuan is not high. When people go out to restaurants, they usually eat with more than 2 people. A meal costs at least 200 to 300 yuan, so many people can enjoy this privilege. At this time, throw away If you offer a bait of "1 yuan" and pay an extra yuan to eat a plate of food worth 45 yuan, many people will not refuse to take advantage of this. They will have a reason to continue to enter the store next time, and entering the store means that there is a deal. Chance.

Everyone says that 45 yuan is still money no matter how low the cost of the dish is. If you come and get a plate for free, isn’t it a huge loss? But think about it, will guests only eat one dish when they enter the restaurant? Of course, there are people who take advantage of this, but most people will have dinner with friends and order a few more side dishes and bottles of wine. These extra purchases can easily make up for the cost of delivery.

If the 1 yuan signature dish is not attractive to some customers, then the second trick of the event is to spend 1 yuan more to eat the signature dish and also participate in a lottery for free. Most people cannot refuse this temptation. People have this kind of gambler's mentality and a sense of luck. When they see the 1 yuan lottery, everyone is eager to try it, so they can take advantage of this huge advantage.

Now that we have customers, is the boss really not at a loss? In fact, there is no loss. Although it is said that it is 100% winning, most people can only draw vouchers ranging from 60 yuan to 600 yuan. They can only be deducted after spending a certain amount in the store, and those daily necessities are also Xiao Yang got it at the cost price. Even if it was withdrawn, he would never lose money. After all, the customer was equivalent to paying 200 yuan for such a gift.

In addition, this lottery is an online lottery, and guests need to add the boss’s WeChat account before they can participate. In this way, the hotel has mastered the contact information of many customers, established its own user database, and often sends messages about its own store in the circle of friends. Special dishes, event promotions, etc. can play a role in contacting customers and attracting customers to visit the store multiple times.

Just like this, Xiao Yang relied on this series of operations to attract a large number of customers to come to the store for consumption, and gained a large number of repeat customers. The customer flow and turnover increased four times compared with before, and the return rate was as high as 60 to 70%. In addition, Follow-up activities and services gave customers a good experience, resulting in a net profit of 1.8 million yuan in one year.

These activities only capture a small part of the course below, and there are at least two profit points in the case. Friends who want to know how smart people do business must click here to take a look. Our courses cover more than 380 stores and more than 600 sets of activity templates. These methods are real, effective, and easy to copy. Business friends can apply them directly. There will always be one that suits you.

Of course, the activity (industry) cases cited here are only a small part of the methods. There are more strategies, opportunities and "routines" about physical store management in my column. And summarized hundreds of the most cutting-edge money-making industries and new categories. If you are interested, you can click to see if there are any projects suitable for you.