Hubei, as China's famous province of a thousand lakes, has developed water systems and rich products. Such favorable conditions will naturally produce a lot of good wines. However, in recent years, when it comes to liquor, few people think of Hubei. But in Lao In the memory of a

Hubei, as China's famous province of a thousand lakes, has developed water systems and rich products.

Such favorable conditions will naturally produce many good wines. However, in recent years, when it comes to liquor, few people think of it. Hubei

But in the memory of the older generation, Hubei has also produced many well-known liquors

in the country. For example, the Hubei liquor we are going to talk about today was even selected as a "Chinese Famous Liquor" at its peak, with momentum. It is not inferior to Hubei's other famous wine Baiyunbian , but now it has become less popular

Yes, this wine is the former Hubei famous wine - Yellow Crane Tower

Now when it comes to Yellow Crane Tower, maybe the younger generation What comes to mind are Hubei's famous scenic spots, or cigarettes. However, there was once a liquor in Hubei called Yellow Crane Tower

. The predecessor of the Yellow Crane Tower Distillery was Tianchengfang founded by Zhang Zhidong in the Qing Dynasty. Because of its brewing process It comes from Fenjiu , so the original name is Han Fenjiu . Because of its outstanding quality, it was also made as a special wine for the royal family. By 1984, with the reconstruction of Yellow Crane Tower, in order to get rid of the influence of Fenjiu, Hanfen Liquor officially changed its name to Yellow Crane Tower. In the fourth national wine tasting competition that year, it was also selected as "Chinese Famous Wine"

. After becoming popular, Yellow Crane Tower quickly became known to the masses, and its sales increased rapidly. It also created The sales volume has exceeded one billion for three consecutive years.

. In addition, Yellow Crane Tower also launched the 39-degree light-flavor liquor , which not only once again seized the low-alcohol liquor market, but also went abroad.

However, in the 1990s In the 1900s, the rise of the advertising industry made the liquor market unpredictable. However, Yellow Crane Tower always adhered to the "traditional" business method and continued to rest on its laurels. In the end, it had to be slowly surpassed by other competitors.

In the new century , Yellow Crane Tower was already facing bankruptcy. After many efforts, it seems that there has been no improvement, and it has not been able to reproduce the glory of the year.

Market competition is cruel and ruthless. If you cannot adapt to the times and change your operations, In this way, it is easy to be left far behind by the opponent. Such examples are far more than Yellow Crane Tower.

, such as Lai Zhengheng and Site Wine , are typical examples. They obviously have excellent quality, but they still insist on it. The traditional strategy of "the aroma of wine is not afraid of the depth of the alley" has always been unable to escape the local

Let's talk about Lai Zhengheng first. In modern Guizhou, the Lai family was famous. According to records, during the Daoguang period of the Qing Dynasty, Lai Zhengheng, the ancestor of the Lai family, served as the commander of the Chinese military. Later, he was discharged and returned to his fields, and founded the "Shaochun Winery" in Maotai Village, Kweichow. Later, Lai Jiarong inherited the ancestral business, broke through the traditional wine-making techniques, and created the original "sand-returning" process

This wine, like Moutai, uses high-quality waxy sorghum. The brewed wine has a soft taste, distinct layers and mellowness, and a very long-lasting aftertaste.

Then there is this Site wine, which is a special-flavor liquor produced in Jiangxi Province. It is also rare on the market.

Site wine has also been passed down for many years. Its wine is of high quality. What is more, rice is used as a brewing raw material, and the brewed wine has a sweet taste.

It is said that it was very popular as early as the Republic of China. At that time, the supply was in short supply.

The so-called shopping malls are like battlefields. Today, when the market competition is more fierce, no matter whether it is the famous liquor or not Brands must be prepared for changes at any time, otherwise they will be easily eliminated by the market