The dog days of summer appear between the minor summer heat and the extreme summer heat. They are the hottest and most humid time of the year. They enter the first day of summer on July 16, the middle day of summer on July 26, and the last day of summer on August 15. They last un

The dog days of summer appear between the minor summer heat and the extreme summer heat . It is the hottest and humid period of the year. Enters the first period on July 16th, enters the middle period on July 26th, and enters the last period on August 15th , until the end of the summer heat, which lasts about 40 days, will start tomorrow, and all parts of the country will enter the "high temperature" mode. The north is hot and dry, and the south is hot and humid. Sweat soaks clothes and sticks to the skin, which is very uncomfortable.

" dumplings, noodles, pancakes, pancakes, eggs ". For friends in the north, this saying is very familiar. The first fold is neither too big nor too small. It is also an iconic festival and naturally has some traditions. Custom, Northerners pay attention to delicious pasta. Dumplings are a must-have. Bring a large plate of dumplings to the table, paired with a plate of sauce, and eat them while dipping. They are delicious, nutritious and juicy. All the elderly and children like to eat them. .

There is a certain explanation for why Toufu eats dumplings.

1. "Eating new food"

There is a custom of "eating new food" in many places among the people. What is new food? It is to grind the newly harvested wheat into flour and make delicious pasta to celebrate the harvest year and recall the hardships of the older generation. Before mechanized harvesting, each wheat harvest lasted a month. Breakfast I didn't bother to eat. I just took a bite at noon and had to go to the ground quickly. I was tired and hot.

I personally experienced many wheat harvests when I was a child. It was really hard to get up early and wait until late at night. When the year was bad, there was a risk of no harvest. In short, it was very hard. Now life has gotten better. The wheat harvest can be completed in two or three days. It is all mechanized. People Now that you have enough food and clothing, you have enough time to enjoy the taste of new wheat. Dumplings are a good choice. There are many seasonal vegetables in summer, and you can add two pounds of pork to make a delicious meal.

2. "Supplementing" nutrition

Because of the high temperature and heat in summer, people call it "bitter summer". Indeed, summer is different from other seasons. In summer, there is no appetite, loss of appetite, people are thinner than usual, and they tend to become darker. As an appetizer, dumplings come in handy at this time. They contain meat and vegetables. Simply mix the fillings, wrap them up and cook them. You can enjoy eating three plates at a time.

Dumplings are divided into vegetarian fillings and meat fillings. Most of the time, people like to eat meat fillings. They use 30% fat and 70% lean pork, chop it into meat fillings, and then choose summer seasonal vegetables, zucchini, , cucumber, and celery. , fennel sprouts , paired with a soul dipping sauce, it is delicious, tender and juicy, the more you eat it, the more you want to eat it.

When you have a big appetite, you will naturally add more nutrients. Dumplings are made of flour and are rich in protein, carbohydrates , minerals and trace elements. The nutrients of pork and vegetables are naturally not needed. Say more, eat dumplings with your head down to replenish your nutrition and help you survive the cold weather.

3. Prayer

Dumplings, as a traditional pasta, have existed for 1,800 years and are deeply loved by the Chinese people. In addition to their delicious and delicious taste, they are also related to the meaning of dumplings. In all seasons of the year, regardless of size, During festivals, you can eat dumplings. The shape of dumplings is like "Yuanbao", which means "Yuanbao Fu". Eating dumplings symbolizes full blessings.

There is a folk saying: "Eating dumplings means drinking, and the more you drink, the more you drink." Eating dumplings symbolizes a better life. Various fillings also represent different meanings. Cabbage filling means "a hundred wealth", and fish filling means "a hundred wealth". "Every year there will be more than enough", mushroom stuffing means "encouraging wealth", celery stuffing means "diligent cooking", mutton stuffing means "making a fortune", and leek stuffing means "long-lasting wealth".

In addition to praying for blessings, dumplings can also be used to offer sacrifices to ancestors. Thanks to the efforts of our ancestors, we have today's wonderful life.

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