Liquor culture has a long history, and its long history in our country is obvious to all. As more and more types of liquor are competing to appear, various liquor companies have also come up with various ways to compete for market share. When the liquors available for people to c

Liquor culture has a long history, and its long history in our country is obvious to all. As more and more types of liquor are competing to appear, various liquor companies have also come up with various ways to compete for market share. When the liquors available for people to choose have become There are endless debates about drinks, and the debate over drinks has become an indispensable item for drinking friends after dinner.

Old brand drinks such as Red Star Erguotou , which have an unshakable position in the hearts of drinkers, are often mentioned. Even when Moutai Wuliangye and other drinks are rampant in the drink rankings, Red Star Erguotou's reputation remains the same. It has not been reduced, and has been updated to adapt to the times with the blue bottle and green bottle styles. Wine lovers who are keen on Red Star Erguotou have different voices on this matter.

The editor once saw two uncles meeting for a drink downstairs, but they were arguing endlessly about which Red Star Erguotou to drink. One insisted on drinking the green bottle, thinking that the green bottle was the authentic Red Star Erguotou, and wanted to drink the original one. Taste; the other felt that the other was stubborn and the green bottle had long been eliminated by the times, and it would be more comfortable to drink the blue bottle. In the end, neither one of them could accept the other, so they parted on bad terms.

The editor thought this was interesting and told this information to an expert friend who has studied drinks for many years. I wanted to hear his opinion on this. After hearing this, the expert couldn't help but smile: "What's so controversial about this? 2 The two are different.”

Green bottle: The Hongxing Erguotou in the green bottle has a strong taste and strong punch

. It is the image of the wine when it first appeared in the public eye, and it is also the most authentic Erguotou in the minds of many “Red Star fans”. When this wine came out, it broke into the hearts of wine drinkers under the banner of low-priced liquor. Later low-end liquors almost always called Green Bottle Red Star Erguotou "big brother".

Green bottle wine has always been in the direction of high concentration. is full of wine flavor, strong taste and spicy throat . The older generation of wine drinkers can’t put it down and are stimulated by such a concentration of spiciness. Drinkers who have taste buds will find it difficult to experience such a strong spiciness from other drinks.

As a result, these wine drinkers have the misunderstanding that wine is not authentic if it is not spicy. They also dismiss other new styles of wine from Red Star and only have a soft spot for the green bottle Red Star Erguotou.

Blue Bottle: The taste is light and weak

Compared with the traditional green bottle Red Star Erguotou, Blue Bottle wine can be regarded as a huge innovation of Red Star in Erguotou. In order to adapt to the taste of young people at that time, Red Star changed the previous Green Bottle wine. For heavy drinks, we have developed a blue bottle with a softer taste of and , and its punch is far less intense than that of green bottle wine.

The blue bottle has also appropriately reduced the concentration of the wine, which is very suitable for the "slight drunkenness" pursued by young people. The blue bottle does not taste as spicy as the green bottle, and the taste is soft and sweet, and it is not easy to get drunk.

The appearance of Blue Bottle not only won the love of young people at that time, but also some old wine drinkers who were accustomed to drinking Green Bottle were immediately impressed by the deliciousness of Erguotou with its light fragrance. From then on, they changed their original preferences and flocked to Blue Bottle. , believes that Blue Bottle Wine is a successful innovation of Red Star Erguotou , while spicy liquor like Green Bottle Wine is no longer suitable for drinking and should withdraw from the stage of history.

So are these two really like what drinking friends say, there is no room for two tigers in one mountain? Experts believe that there is essentially no difference between blue bottle wine and green bottle wine. The raw materials of these two types of Red Star Erguotou are wines made from grains and water . does not need to worry about adding any alcohol for blending. The reason why the taste of is so different between the blue bottle and the green bottle is because of the grain used in their raw materials. There are slight differences, and the ratio of adding water is also different.

But both are authentic pure grain solid-state fermented wine . There is no better quality than the other. It’s just that everyone has different tastes and naturally has different requirements for the taste of wine. I like to drink green drinks with heavy taste. Bottle, if you like something less aggressive, choose the blue bottle. In this way, Hongxing Erguotou will make all wine lovers who like it happy.

Then some wine lovers would like to ask, are there any pure grain wines that are strong in flavor and not harsh on the throat? Of course, the Maotai-flavor wine that is very popular now is such a high-quality pure grain wine with a strong but not pungent taste. The most outstanding representative of it is the well-known Moutai . However, Moutai is expensive and authentic products are hard to find. Ordinary people can only keep it out of reach. So why not try this high-quality pure grain Maotai-flavor wine -, which can be called " Moutai replacement" Guokang 1935" .

This wine closely follows the characteristics of Moutai in production, and continues the brewing process of Moutai "12987" in ancient Daqu Kunsha brewing . The "red sorghum" used by Moutai in the grain is also the origin of this wine. The quality and taste of the main raw materials can completely withstand the scrutiny of wine lovers.

The taste of this wine is even better. The color is slightly yellow and translucent, and the sauce flavor is full. The liquid hangs clearly in the wine glass. Take a slow sip. The aroma is mellow and delicate. There seem to be various flavors lingering in your mouth. It is refreshing and makes people drink it. One sip makes me want to take another sip of . Such delicious wine is perfect for the whole family to drink.

Okay, regarding "Why is the controversy between the blue bottle and the green bottle so big even though they are both Red Star Erguotou? Let's hear what the experts say?" This article will stop here. If you have any other opinions, please leave a message. Xiao The editor is grateful for your review.