Hello everyone, the dish I want to share with you today is shrimp and lime cashew salad. Limai is native to South America. The nutrients it contains can regulate the acid-base balance of our body and protect cardiovascular systems. It is also paired with protein-rich shrimp and c

Hello everyone, the dish I want to share with you today is Shrimp, Lime and Cashew Salad. Limai is native to South America. The nutrients it contains can regulate the acid-base balance of our body and protect cardiovascular systems. In addition, it is paired with protein-rich shrimps and crunchy cashews . The spicy and sweet French mustard salad dressing is sure to please us. Our shrimp, wheat and cashew salad today is very simple to make and it takes about 15 minutes.

Ingredients needed for Shrimp and Cashew Salad:

Limai 50g Quick-frozen shrimp 100g Broccoli 50g Carrot 50g Quick-frozen corn kernels 50g Cashews 30g

Ingredients needed for Shrimp, Limai and Cashew Salad:

Appropriate amount of salt, olive oil, a little French mustard salad Sauce 30g

Then here is the caloric calculation of our dish:

Limai 50g Calories 184 kcal

Quick-frozen shrimp 100g Calories 48 kcal

Broccoli 50g Calories 18 kcal

Carrots 50g Calories 16 kcal

Quick-frozen corn kernels 50g Calories 59 kcal

Cashew nuts 30g Calories 178 kcal

French mustard salad dressing 30g Calories 52 kcal

The total calories of Shrimp and Limonet Cashew Salad are 555 kcal

Cooking tips for Shrimp and Limonet Cashew Salad:

Ingredients for this salad The processing should be based on blanching as much as possible. The blanching time should not be too long, otherwise it will directly affect our taste!

Shrimp Quinoa Cashew nut salad preparation method:

In the first step, we need to prepare 500ml of water. We can add a few drops of olive oil and a little salt to the water and boil it. Then wash the Li wheat, put it in boiling water and simmer it for 15 minutes.

In the second step, we need to take out the cooked quinoa, drain the water, and put it in a bowl for later use.

The third step is to take out the broccoli we prepared in advance, wash it, remove its stems, and cut it into palatable florets.

The fourth step is to wash the carrots, then remove the skin and roots, and cut into thin slices.

In the fifth step, we need to take out the quick-frozen corn kernels, rinse them with cold water, remove the floating ice, and drain the water.

In the sixth step, we put the broccoli, quick-frozen corn kernels and carrot slices into boiling light salt water. After the water boils again, remove and drain, set aside.

In the seventh step, we need to wash the frozen shrimps prepared in advance with cold water to remove the ice floes on them, put them into boiling water and cook them. After the shrimps completely change color, take them out, drain the water and let them cool.

Finally, we need to put all the above ingredients into a bowl with rye, then pour in the French mustard salad dressing, stir evenly, sprinkle with cashews and you are ready to eat.

So, have you learned how to make today’s dish? Go and eat!