Features of Roasted Golden Pig with Colorful Glutinous Rice: Crispy on the outside and tender in the middle. The fried colorful glutinous rice is paired with fresh thyme and herbs. The taste is very special. The roasted suckling pig is bright in color, tastes fat but not greasy,

Roasted Golden Pig with Colorful Glutinous Rice

Features: Crispy on the outside and tender in the middle. The fried colorful glutinous rice is paired with fresh thyme and herbs. The taste is very special. Roasted suckling pig is bright in color, tastes fat but not greasy, and has endless aftertaste after eating.

Materials: suckling pig, colorful rice, scallops , shrimp, bacon, sausage, mushrooms .


1. Wash and pre-process the suckling pig, bake it in the oven at 100°C for 20 minutes until just cooked and then take it out.

2. Mix the steamed colorful glutinous rice with an appropriate amount of lard, then add the chopped auxiliary ingredients and stir-fry until the flavor is strong and set aside.

3. Stuff the fried colorful rice into the suckling pig shell, put it in the oven and bake it at 150℃ for about 30 minutes, and then take it out of the oven.

4. Continuously drizzle the pork body with oil temperature above 180℃ to make the skin crispier. Change the knife and plate it.

Thousand Island Sauce Baked Large Shrimp Balls

Features: Combination of Chinese and Western, fusion cooking, rich layers, suitable for all ages. should.

Ingredients: shrimp, steamed buns.


1. Fry the round steamed buns and set aside.

2. Peel the shrimps, wash them, season them appropriately and soak them in oil until they are half cooked.

3. Heat the prepared sandalwood juice and add the shrimp balls.

4. Toss evenly and put on the steamed buns, then garnish with vanilla .

Stir-fried organic aquatic fish

Features: Organic aquatic fish is rich in nutrients. Stir-fried raw method retains the freshness of the aquatic fish to the greatest extent and maintains the fresh and tender taste of the meat.

Materials: water fish, ginkgo, colored pepper , cabbage, ginger and garlic, lemon leaves


1. Leave the shell after killing the water fish, steam the shell, remove the skirt and fry together.

2. Remove large bones from the fish body, cut into strips of bone steak, wash and set aside.

3. Fry the water fish until cooked, then add ginkgo, ginger, onion and garlic and stir-fry until cooked.

4. When taking it out of the pan and serving it on a plate, sprinkle lemon leaves to add flavor.

Benmi Lemongrass Baked Eel

Features: Select local Shunde eel, with firm meat and smooth taste. The raw baked eel retains the smooth and juicy texture of the eel, plus the fragrance of lemongrass , and paired with the homemade soul sauce, it is even more umami.

Ingredients: moray eel, lemongrass, ginger, garlic, red pepper, green pepper, lemon leaves, chrysanthemum petals


1. Cut the moray into gold slices, marinate with a small amount of salt, wash and absorb with a towel Dry and set aside.

2. Pour the moray eel into the plate, add the accessories and stir to taste.

3. Heat to 70% heat, put lemongrass on the bottom, spread the prepared moray eel, and bake over low heat for about 8 minutes. Open the lid and add shredded lemon leaves and chrysanthemum petals. It is ready to serve.

Steamed crab with frankincense chicken oil

Features: Combining the saltiness of milk and the freshness of crab, the taste forms a salty and umami flavor with added freshness.

Ingredients: crab, milk, chicken fat, salt, flavor, sugar.


1. Wash the crabs, cut them and set aside.

2. Add milk, salt, flavor, and sugar to taste.

3. Place the dishes on the steamer and steam for 8-10 minutes.

barrel oil chicken

features: golden red color to attract appetite, aromatic smell. The meat is smooth and delicious, and the more you chew, the more flavorful it becomes. Switch between hot and cold to lock in juice and flavor.

Ingredients: bare chicken, soaked in chicken soy sauce soup, refined brine, and chicken seasoning.


1. Make chicken dipped in soy sauce soup.

2. Put the spices in the brine into the soup bag to make a spice bag.

3. Sauté the ginger and green onion, then put it into the pot. Add the chicken soy sauce soup, etc. and bring to a slight boil. Simmer over low heat for 30 minutes to make the fine brine.

4. Dip the chicken into boiling water and soy sauce three times each, then soak it in brine for 15 minutes, take it out, cut it back into a chicken shape, and pour in the prepared brine.

Hibiscus codfish

Features: Steam the egg whites with fish soup, and a layer of skin will form on the surface of the protein. It tastes like Daliang double-skinned milk. When you taste it together with the codfish, you can feel the rich fish flavor.

Ingredients: cod, ham, egg white, crab roe.


1. Slice the silver cod and season, slice the ham and set aside.

2. Season the egg white with fish soup, put it into a stew pot and steam until cooked.

3. Roll the cod fillets and ham slices together into a flower shape, steam them and then scoop them up and place them on top of the egg whites.

4. Boil clear chicken soup to taste, thicken the soup and pour it on top of the cod, then add crab roe.

Black Truffle Abalone Stuffed Squab

Features: Black truffle is added to the sauce. Black truffle is a wild edible fungus that grows underground and is known as the "black diamond" in food. Black truffle has no roots or leaves and cannot be eaten. Artificial cultivation has high nutritional value and can improve human immunity.

Materials: squab, fresh abalone, black truffle, wild rice. Produced by


1. Remove the bones from the squab and leave the meat.

2. Braised abalone with precious black truffle and wild rice.

3. Stuffed with boneless squab, the finished product has distinct layers.

Sturgeon Fish Roe Furong Jinduobao

Features: Turbot Fish Remove the bones and slice them, then use thick shrimp soup to steam the egg king as the base and steam together, the texture is tender and smooth, and the umami flavor of the fish is more highlighted with the addition of Sturgeon Fish Roe. The embellishment breaks through the traditional steaming cooking method, the taste is richer, and the shape is grand and suitable for all ages.

Materials: turbot, eggs, prawns, sturgeon seeds. Produced by


1. 1 Turbot fish, cut into thick slices and leave the bones intact for posing.

2. Make thick shrimp soup with Jiwei shrimp, add eggs and beat well and steam until cooked.

3. Add the delicious fish fillets and steam until cooked, then pour in the steamed fish soy sauce.

4. Add sturgeon roe to garnish.

Crab meat Braised Pork with Tangerine Peel

Features: Braised Pork with Tangerine Peel absorbs the fragrance of tangerine peel, and then adds crab meat, making the braised pork taste fat but not greasy, with a sweet taste, rich flavor, and a fragrant flavor on the teeth and cheeks.

Materials: tangerine peel, skinned pork belly, paste crab.


1. Wash the crab paste first, steam it with ginger, green onion and wine, then remove the shell and leave the crab meat and crab paste. Stir-fry it in the pot until fragrant and set aside.

2. Soak the original tangerine peel in advance, wash and remove hair from the pork belly, cut into pieces in water, add the prepared sauce, and simmer over low heat for about 30 minutes.

3. Pick up the pork belly and put it into the original tangerine peel that has been fermented. Thicken the original sauce with cornstarch and pour it on the braised pork.

4. Place the fried crab paste crab meat on the braised pork.