Introduction: You need to eat with the right person, drink with someone who understands, and talk to someone who is willing to listen. Everyone has their own state of getting along with each other. The most comfortable state is actually when you are not tired of being together fo

Introduction: Eat with the right person, drink with someone who understands, and speak with someone who is willing to listen. Everyone has their own state of getting along with each other. The most comfortable state is actually being together for a long time without getting tired. Not tired ~ To put it more simply, it means that you can meet each other even if you don't wash your face and don't dislike each other. Life is simple and happy, and the same is true for people's hearts. The simpler, the easier it is to be satisfied!

Hello, everyone~~, today I will continue to share with you some home-cooked cold dishes that have been praised by many people. They are nutritionally balanced and delicious. They go very well with meals. The preparation is very simple. The ingredients are also common in our daily lives. Even kitchen novices can make it without stress. Friends who like to cook with their own hands should try it together (ღ˘⌣˘ღ)

Cold Seaweed Shreds

- Preparation of ingredients and seasonings: kelp, coriander , sesame seeds, chili noodles, millet pepper , minced garlic, salt, sugar, light soy sauce, balsamic vinegar.

-Cooking and production steps:

1. Sauce: Pour spicy millet, chili noodles, minced garlic, and sesame seeds with hot oil, add appropriate amount of salt, sugar, 2 tablespoons of light soy sauce, and 2 tablespoons of balsamic vinegar and stir evenly! (If you like it sour, you can add a little more vinegar)

2. Wash the kelp, boil it in water for 3 minutes, take it out and let it cool! Add coriander, pour in the sauce and mix well!

Spicy and sour cold kelp shreds! Done in 5 minutes! A very simple and delicious quick salad dish! You can learn it with zero basic knowledge. If you like it, you must give it a try!

[Pickled Cucumber Strips]

- Preparation of ingredients and seasonings: cucumber, millet spicy, garlic slices, shredded ginger, Sichuan peppercorns, light soy sauce, balsamic vinegar, white sugar.

-Cooking and production steps:

1. Cut the cucumber into sections and remove the pulp, sprinkle with appropriate amount of salt, mix well and marinate for 30 minutes, rinse and squeeze out the water! Add spicy millet, garlic slices, shredded ginger, 2 tablespoons of balsamic vinegar, 1 tablespoon of light soy sauce, and a little sugar!

2. Heat the oil, add a little chili millet, and fry the pepper until fragrant. Pour the hot oil into the cucumber seasoning to stimulate the aroma, and mix well!

Pickled cucumber strips that you will be addicted to after eating them once! Hot and sour appetizer! A great cold dish to go with rice, you can eat two bowls of rice without meat! ! Highly recommended to you, if you like it, try it!

【Cold water spinach】

-Ingredients and seasoning preparation: water spinach, millet pepper, minced garlic, light soy sauce, balsamic vinegar, salt, sugar, sesame sesame oil.

-Cooking and production steps:

1. Wash the water spinach, and break the rhizome with your hands. It is as long as a finger, and the leaves on the tip are separated from the stem.

2. Boil water in a hot pot. After the water boils, add cooking oil and salt. First put down the stem and blanch it slightly, then put down the leafy tips, scald it slightly until softened. Drain it twice with cold water, and then use to cool down and boil . Or mineral water for the last time, and use your hands to squeeze out the water when fishing it out.

3. Add millet pepper and minced garlic in a bowl, pour hot oil over it, add light soy sauce, balsamic vinegar, salt, sugar, and sesame sesame oil, stir well, and pour on the water spinach. Stir well, and the deliciousness is ready.

A very delicious and simple cold water spinach. Once blanched and mixed, it tastes better than meat. is crisp and refreshing. The taste is not inferior to the ones in restaurants. You should try it too!

Cold Coriander

- Preparation of ingredients and seasonings: coriander, minced garlic, cooked white sesame seeds, chili powder, spicy millet, cumin powder, white sugar, light soy sauce, balsamic vinegar.

-Cooking and production steps:

1. Sauce: Put minced garlic, cooked white sesame seeds, chili noodles, spicy millet, white sugar, and cumin powder in a bowl, pour a little hot oil to stimulate the aroma; add 2 tablespoons of light soy sauce, 1 tablespoon Balsamic vinegar, stir well.

2. Wash the coriander, remove the heads, cut into longer sections (you can also leave it uncut), pour the prepared sauce on it, mix well and enjoy!

Whoever eats this thing will be confused! The more you eat, the better you get! ! Sisters who like coriander must try it! suggests that you do a little less at one time ~ I really can’t hold it anymore!

- Thoughts about time: Some people make instant noodles in three minutes, some people make soup in three hours, some takeaways have been delivered, some people have just cut garlic moss , people have different rhythms, be firm and don’t be anxious, the fun is all in the fireworks~ ~