In the Dog Days, no matter how busy you are, you should eat these three dishes regularly to supplement nutrition, relieve the heat, and spend the Dog Days easily. Although, for each of us, the hottest Dog Days of the year are coming, but don’t be afraid. The so-called Dog Days in

Dog Days of Summer, no matter how busy you are, these three dishes should be eaten regularly to supplement nutrition, relieve summer heat, and spend the Dog Days easily. Although, for each of us, the hottest day of the year Dog Days is coming soon, but Don’t be afraid. The so-called Dog Days include three stages: the first, middle and last days. Dog Days are not only the hottest day of the year, but also a humid and sultry day. Therefore, you should pay special attention to cooling and detoxification in your diet during the Dog Days. To sterilize ingredients, today I recommend three most suitable foods to help you spend the summer easily.

[Fried Pumpkin]

Summer pumpkin is tender, crispy and tender, with low sugar content, delicious and reduced fat. It tastes a bit like gourd and has the fragrance of pumpkin. It is suitable for both the elderly and children. It clears away heat and relieves summer heat. It is fresh and tender, has light nutrition, and the key is that it is delicious and cheap. It is also rich in vitamins, calcium, phosphorus and other ingredients. It is a master of stomach strengthening and digestion. Eating more pumpkin can protect the spleen and stomach.

Ingredients: tender pumpkin, green pepper, millet pepper, garlic, salt, chicken essence, steamed fish drum oil.


1. Nennan is very tender and does not need to be peeled. Cut it in half, use a spoon to scoop out the pulp and melon seeds, then clean it, cut it into thin slices, add 1 spoon of salt, mix well and marinate for 10 minutes.

2. Cut millet pepper and green pepper into small rings. Peel the garlic and cut into slices.

3. Heat the wok, add an appropriate amount of oil, and when the oil is hot, add two kinds of chili peppers and garlic slices and stir-fry until fragrant.

4. Pickle the pumpkin to remove the water, squeeze out the water with your hands, put it in the pot and stir-fry for a while, add a little salt, chicken essence, and an appropriate amount of steamed fish drum oil to taste.

5. Stir-fry quickly and evenly over high heat, turn off the heat for about 1 minute, and remove from the pan immediately. If you stir-fry for a long time, the taste will be affected and it will not taste crispy.

[ Stir-fried day lily ]

Recently it is the season for day lily to be on the market. The day lily in June is tender and fresh, and the taste is very authentic. I bought some and stir-fried it at home. It is especially delicious and better than dried day lily. The vegetables taste much better, but summer is hot and stuffy, and I often suffer from insomnia due to poor sleep. In fact, I can usually eat some day lily, which has a calming effect on the nerves and also has a moderate to mild anti-inflammatory and detoxifying effect.

Ingredients: appropriate amount of day lily, 3 garlic, 3 dried chili peppers, 1 spoon of oyster sauce, a little salt.


1. Gently break open the fresh daylily, take out the core inside, and soak it in salt water for more than an hour to remove the toxic substances of narcissus in the Mid-Autumn Festival.

2. Add water to the pot and bring to a boil. Blanch the day lily for 5 minutes. Remove and rinse. Drain the water. Cut the dried chilies into sections and cut the garlic into slices.

3. Put an appropriate amount of oil in the pot, add dried chili peppers, minced garlic and stir-fry until fragrant. Pour the day lily into the pot and stir-fry evenly.

4. Add 1 spoon of oyster sauce, a little salt to taste, continue to stir-fry for about 1 minute, turn off the heat, remove and serve on a plate.

[ Cold Salad Lotus ]

Pulled Lotus belongs to a kind of cabbage. It has a different name in every place. It is also called Solanum and Cabbage. We call it Pulled Lotus. Its vitamin content is very rich and promotes Digestion, also helps with weight loss and cell renewal, and it contains sulfur, which has a good effect on skin health. Many people eat it as a fruit. It is full of water, crisp, fresh and sweet, and has a good effect on skin health.

Ingredients: 1 lotus , a section of green onion, 3 dried chilies, 2 garlic, appropriate amount of white vinegar, a little sugar, half a spoonful of salt.


1. Clean the lotus , peel it with a knife, and cut the two ends into thin strips.

2. Put the filaments into a basin, add half a spoonful of salt, mix well and marinate for 5-10 minutes, then squeeze out the water with your hands.

3. Chop the onion and garlic, place the dried chili segments on the lotus root, heat an appropriate amount of oil in the pot, and pour it on top while it is hot.

4. Then pour in an appropriate amount of white vinegar, a little sugar to taste, stir evenly with chopsticks, and the delicious cold salad pull lotus root is ready.