Sichuan is a well-known wine-producing province. According to statistics, Sichuan is the largest liquor production area in China. There are countless famous wines in Sichuan, the most famous of which are "Six Golden Flowers" (Luzhou Laojiao, Langjiu, Wuliangye, Jiannanchun, Quanx

Sichuan is a famous wine-producing province. According to statistics, Sichuan is the largest liquor production area in China. There are also countless famous wines in Sichuan, the most famous of which is "Six Golden Flowers" ( Luzhou Laojiao , Langjiu , Wuliangye , Jiannanchun , Quanxing Daqu , Tuopai), it can be said that among the top ten famous wines in China, Sichuan wines account for two-fifths.

With its excellent reputation, "Six Golden Flowers" became popular all over the country and once became the representative wine of Sichuan. However, in Sichuan, which is known as a major wine-making province, these six famous wines are not the first choice of local people. Part of the reason is that some famous wines are relatively expensive and are not suitable as ration wines. However, most local wine lovers prefer these four wines. Wine, but unfortunately these wines are rarely known outside the province.

► Yuchan Daqu

Not many people know about this wine, but it is still very famous in the local drinking circle. After all, it is called one of the "Ten Little Golden Flowers of Sichuan" by many local people. According to experienced drinkers who know this wine, this wine has a history of more than 70 years, and the brewing process has been around for nearly 200 years, so it can be regarded as a time-honored brand in China.

Compared with other strong-flavor wines, this wine is not as strong and has a milder and sweeter taste. The raw materials used are only water, sorghum and wheat. It tastes relatively refreshing, and you won’t get drunk after drinking too much. It’s a pity that it’s from other provinces. Not many people know about it, but locals like to use it when entertaining friends.

► Xufu Daqu

The reason why this wine is favored by the locals is that it is very cost-effective and relatively low-priced, but the taste is very good, so it has become the ration wine of choice for many locals. Local people who drink this wine know that this alcohol uses high-quality grains and water, and uses a double-round bottom fermentation process. The wine quality is quite good.

It is worth mentioning that the packaging of this wine is also unique. The appearance is mainly blue, which looks simple yet grand. It has its own style and characteristics. More importantly, its overall taste is also very eye-catching. Surprisingly, it is a little bitter but not astringent in the mouth, and the overall taste is relatively sweet.

► Fenggu Wine

This wine is not very well-known, but some old local wine drinkers praise it very much. People of the older generation know that this wine has a long history and can probably be traced back. to AD 21. Although it is not famous, wine lovers who have tasted it will be conquered by its taste.

What is unforgettable about this wine is its taste. This taste is relatively soft, and the aroma of the wine is also very rich, which is endless aftertaste.

And due to the influence of water quality, the entrance feeling is very sweet. This sweetness is not as sweet as It's not as sweet as sugar, but as sweet as spring water, which gives people a very refreshing feeling.

► Xiantan Wine

This wine is a relatively popular wine in Sichuan. It is also considered to be the best among the affordable wines in Sichuan. It can be said that it has many loyal fans in the local area. The winery behind it is the famous base wine production base in China, that is, Xiantan Winery. It mainly produces strong-flavor and sauce-flavor base wines

. The main reason is that the quality of this wine is extremely excellent. I believe everyone who has tasted it knows that this wine has a transparent body without impurities, a sweet and refreshing taste, and a relatively strong cellar aroma. The price is also relatively close to the people. For about a hundred yuan, you can drink good wine, which is still a good deal.

The above four wines are commonly drunk by locals in Sichuan. Of course, there are many other popular wines. Unfortunately, these wines are only well-known locally and are rarely known outside the province. I believe there are countless such wines in other places, such as Zhang Gong wine in Henan, Guizhou's Master Handong wine, etc.

● Henan - Zhang Gong Liquor

It is said that the history of Zhang Gong Liquor can be traced back to the Shang and Zhou periods. This shows that this wine has a profound historical and cultural heritage and is considered a rare one in the history of Chinese liquor. liquor.So why was it once popular all over the country, but now so few people know about it? The main problem is the business philosophy, and the positioning of the product is inaccurate, so that it has been forgotten by everyone today, and only local people understand it.

● Guizhou - Handong Master Wine

This wine is still not known by people from other provinces, mainly because it is not well publicized. Many local wine drinkers only found out that the quality of this wine is very good with the mentality of trying it at the beginning. , it has the same brewing process as Moutai, so the taste is somewhat similar. Moreover, the packaging of this wine is also unique. The book-style packaging looks very stylish. Of course, it is favored by locals not only because of the packaging, but also because of the good quality.

I believe that there are such wines in every place. Do you know any other good wines that are not famous but are very suitable for ration wine?