The weather is hot in summer, and excessive craving for coolness can easily lead to colds. Many people buy medicine when they catch a cold. In fact, this will reduce their resistance. In fact, many foods around us can prevent and treat colds, and are safe and effective. The follo

The weather is hot in summer, and excessive craving for coolness can easily lead to colds. Many people buy medicine when they catch a cold. In fact, this will reduce their resistance. In fact, many foods around us can prevent and treat colds, and are safe and effective. The following four are very effective in preventing colds, let’s take a look!


Beans are rich in protein and a variety of amino acids . Regular consumption can strengthen the spleen and stomach and increase appetite.

Recommended recipe: Spicy Cold Beans

Ingredients: Beans, garlic, millet pepper , green onions

1. Clean the beans and cut off the heads, then cut them into small sections with a knife, add an appropriate amount of water to the pot, and boil After opening, add a spoonful of salt, a spoonful of baking soda . Pour in the chopped beans, turn to medium heat and cook for about five minutes until the beans are cooked through. When the time is up, scoop out the beans. Put it in cold boiling water to make the beans crispier and taste better.

2. Cut three stalks of chili millet into dices, chop the garlic into minced garlic, cut the green onions into thin slices and put them into a bowl. Add a spoonful of light soy sauce, balsamic vinegar, salt, sugar, chicken essence, sesame oil and oyster sauce. Stir evenly and pour in Control the moisture of the beans and mix them evenly, and it's ready.


Pumpkin contains a variety of amino acids needed by the human body. The pectin contained in it can also protect the gastric mucosa, strengthen gastrointestinal peristalsis, and help food digestion.

Recommended recipe: Pumpkin glutinous rice balls

Ingredients: pumpkin, red dates, wolfberry, brown sugar

1. Peel off the skin of the pumpkin, clean it, cut it into thin slices, put it on a plate, and put it in a steamer. Cover and steam the pumpkin until cooked.

2. Add a handful of wolfberry and jujube to clean water. Remove from the water, cut the red dates into small pieces and remove the core. The pumpkin is steamed, use a spoon to press it into a puree, add glutinous rice flour in batches, add as appropriate depending on the dryness and humidity, start kneading into a ball, divide into small portions, and roll into small balls.

3. Boil water in a pot, add red dates and brown sugar, and bring to a boil over high heat. Then turn to medium heat and cook for five minutes, then add the glutinous rice balls and push them gently with a spoon to avoid sticking to the bottom of the pot. After the water boils, add cold water and boil again. The dumplings will be roughly cooked. Add the wolfberry and cook for another two minutes.


Carrots contain a large amount of carotene , which can nourish the liver and improve eyesight. The carotene is converted into vitamin A, which helps to enhance the body's immunity.

Recommended recipe: Carrots and potatoes

Ingredients: carrots, potatoes, pork belly, ginger, garlic, shallots, millet peppers, green peppers

1. Peel and wash a potato, cut it into small dices, put it into water and wash away the excess. starch. Cut a carrot into small dices and a small piece of pork belly into small dices. Cut some onions, ginger, garlic and millet pepper on top.

2. After the oil in the pot is hot, add the pork belly and stir-fry until the oil is released. Then add the small ingredients and stir-fry until fragrant. Spray in cooking wine, light soy sauce, and a little dark soy sauce and stir-fry until fragrant. Then add carrots and potatoes, stir-fry for a while, and then Add appropriate amount of salt, pepper, and chicken essence, stir-fry evenly, and cook over medium-low heat for five minutes. Add some green peppers and stir-fry until raw, pour in appropriate amount of water starch. When the soup thickens, the carrots and potatoes are ready.


Onions have the effect of dispersing wind and cold, have a pungent smell, have anti-cold effects, can resist influenza , and have strong bactericidal effects. Increase appetite and promote digestion.

Recommended recipe: Onion mixed with white fungus

Ingredients: Tremella , black fungus, onion, green and red pepper, garlic, coriander

1, one white fungus, agaric handful, soak in cold water for two hours. Remove the root of the white fungus and tear it into small florets. Flatten the garlic and chop it into fine pieces. Cut the green and red pepper into shreds. Shred the onion. Cut a handful of coriander into small pieces.

2. Boil the water in the pot, pour in the fungus and white fungus, blanch them for 20 seconds, take them out, rinse them with cold water and drain them.

3. Pour the minced garlic into a mixing bowl, add an appropriate amount of salt, monosodium glutamate, sugar, light soy sauce, balsamic vinegar, and red chili oil. Stir evenly and dissolve the seasoning.Pour in the dry fungus, white fungus, red pepper shreds and coriander, stir evenly and it's ready.

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