Let me share with you how to make scallion oil noodles. It’s very simple and can be done in just a few minutes! Invincible fragrance! Smooth and fragrant, oily and strong! Not greasy at all and very appetizing! Never tire of eating! Kuaishou noodles are a great choice for office

shares with everyone scallion oil noodles , it is very simple and can be done in a few minutes! Invincible fragrance! Smooth and fragrant, oily and strong! Not greasy at all and very appetizing! Never tire of eating! Kuaishou noodles are a great choice for office workers and students!

Preparation of ingredients:

A handful of noodles, three spoons of light soy sauce, a spoonful of dark soy sauce, a spoonful of sugar, an appropriate amount of green onions

Production process:

1⃣️, three spoons of light soy sauce, a spoonful of dark soy sauce, a spoonful of white sugar, stir evenly and set aside (if not Friends who like it too sweet can choose the amount of sugar according to their own taste)

2⃣️, heat the pan with oil, add the shallots, fry over low heat until brown, pour in the sauce prepared above and cook until bubbling, the noodles are cooked, and then Run cold water (the noodles will be more chewy after running cold water). Pour in the scallion oil sauce, stir evenly and serve.

What else do you need for a scallion oil noodles that can be cooked in five minutes! Not to mention it’s really delicious! You can fry more scallion oil and store it in the refrigerator, so you can eat it whenever you want. It’s very convenient! It is recommended that everyone collect it, so that kitchen novices can also show their skills!