Introduction: 3 "magic ways to eat chicken breast", it is fresh, tender and delicious, and you will not gain weight if you eat more of it. Nowadays, meat is indispensable for people to have three meals a day. Whether it's chicken, duck, fish, or beef, sheep, or pork, it's basical

Introduction: 3 "magic ways to eat chicken breast", it is fresh, tender and delicious, and you will not gain weight if you eat more.

Nowadays, people have three meals a day, and meat is indispensable. Whether it's chicken, duck, fish, or beef, sheep, or pork, it's basically available for every meal. Among the many types of meat, my favorite is chicken breast. Chicken breast is not only high in protein, but also a low-fat and low-calorie meat. It is particularly easy to be absorbed by the body, even if you eat too much. Worry about gaining weight. For a beauty-loving foodie like me, this is simply the best choice.

However, many friends think that chicken breast is not delicious. After it is cooked, it is too dry and the texture of the meat is too old. That's because the cooking method is wrong. The fat content of chicken breast is relatively low and the tissue is dense, so it will be cooked stale and poor if you are not careful. Today I will share with you three "magic ways" to eat chicken breast. The chicken breast will be delicious and tender, making you want to eat it again.

Type 1: [Fried chicken breast]

Specific method:

. Prepare a piece of fresh chicken breast, rinse it and dry the surface moisture. Cut the chicken breast in half with a knife, and use the back of the knife to pat the chicken breast thin and loose. This will add more flavor, shorten the frying time, and make the chicken breast more tender and smooth.

. Put the patted chicken breast into a plate, add cooking wine, soy sauce, and black pepper. Spread the chicken breast evenly with your hands, wrap it in plastic wrap, and marinate for half an hour to absorb the flavor.

3. After heating the pan, brush it with a layer of cooking oil. If you have butter at home, the butter will taste better when fried. After the oil is hot, put the marinated chicken breasts into the pot, cover the pot and turn on medium heat, fry one side and flip it over. The chicken breast that has been cut and patted is already relatively thin and is easy to cook. It will be almost ready after frying for 3 minutes. If it is fried for a long time, the meat will be thicker.

4. Spread two pieces of lettuce on the plate and put the fried chicken breast on top. Not only does it look more appetizing, the lettuce can also absorb the oil on the surface of the chicken breast very well. Finally, sprinkle some black peppercorns, and the delicious pan-fried chicken breast is ready.

The second type: [Shredded Chicken Breast]

Specific method:

. Rinse the chicken breast and put it into the cooking pot. , add appropriate amount of water to cover the chicken breast, as well as green onion slices, ginger slices and cooking wine. After the fire is boiled, turn to medium heat and cook the chicken breast. When it is cooked, there will be foam floating up. These are the remaining blood and impurities in the chicken breast. Use a spoon to skim off the foam. Don't cook the chicken breast for too long. Twenty minutes is enough. You can take it out and cut it with a spatula. If the meat inside changes color, it is fully cooked.

. When cooking chicken breast, prepare the dipping sauce: take an empty bowl, add minced garlic, chopped green onion, sesame , chili powder, salt and sugar and mix well. Heat the oil in the pot until it is hot and pour it into the bowl to stimulate the aroma. Then add light soy sauce and MSG and stir evenly. The dipping sauce is ready.

3. Take out the cooked chicken breast, let it cool slightly, tear it into thin strips by hand, and place it on a plate. It can be eaten directly with the sauce, or you can pour the dipping sauce into a plate and stir evenly before eating.

The third method: [Cumin Chicken]

Specific method:

. Rinse the blood from the chicken breast, cut it into small cubes and put it in a bowl. Add minced garlic, minced ginger, cooking wine, salt and pepper, and mix well with your hands. Marinate for about fifteen minutes. Peel off the skin of the onion, wash and cut into small pieces. Cut the dried chilies into small pieces and mince the ginger and garlic.

. Pour an appropriate amount of cooking oil into the pot. After the oil is hot, stir-fry the minced garlic, minced ginger, dried chili flakes and onions until fragrant. Add the marinated diced chicken, sprinkle with a little pepper, thirteen spices, and soy sauce, and stir. Saute for a while. After the diced chicken is cooked, sprinkle with cumin and serve.

The chicken breasts made by these three methods are all very delicious. It can be said to be the "fairy way to eat". If you also like chicken breasts, but you just can't make them well, you can make them according to the above three methods. The chicken breast is tender, smooth and especially delicious.