Everyone has been to the hotel, what is your impression of it? Here, you can taste many of your favorite delicacies. And no matter where the food is, you can find it in the restaurant. But when eating in a restaurant, there is a big hidden danger, that is, many dishes are simply

Everyone has been to

hotel. What is your impression of it?

Here, you can taste many of your favorite delicacies. And no matter where the food is, you can find it in the restaurant.

But there is a big hidden danger when eating in restaurants, that is, many dishes are simply cleaned, not completely cleaned. And for many ingredients that don’t look dirty, they may not be washed at all.

Next, I will talk to you about the 4 "dirtiest" dishes in the restaurant, but they are deeply loved by everyone. Come and see how many of them you have tried!

The first course: Stir-fried green beans

Stir-fried green beans is a dish that many people like to order in restaurants. It is relatively homely, suitable for most people to eat, and tastes delicious. But what you don’t know is that in many restaurants, green beans are not washed. If you really want to eat it, you can make this dish at home, it is simple and easy to operate.

Ingredients: French beans , dried chili peppers, garlic, light soy sauce, edible salt, etc.


1. First, you need to choose the vegetables, pinch off both ends of the green beans, and tear off the tendons on both sides at the same time . After it is done, wash all the ingredients with clean water and break them into even lengths.

2. Without adding any oil to the pot, stir-fry the green beans over medium heat first. After the green beans turn green, turn to low heat, add oil to the pot, and stir-fry constantly to prevent the pot from burning.

3. When the surface becomes very wrinkled, take them all out.

4. Peel and wash the garlic, then chop into fine pieces. Cut the peppers into circles and discard all the seeds. In the pot used to stir-fry green beans, stir-fry these dried chili peppers until crispy and ready to serve.

5. Then add minced garlic and Sichuan peppercorns. When the minced garlic turns golden brown, pour in the prepared green beans, add salt, sugar, and light soy sauce and stir-fry for a while. This is a delicious dry dish. Stir-fried green beans are ready.

The second course: Fried mushrooms

Many people like fried food. It tastes fragrant and crunchy, stimulating people's taste buds. But in addition to the problem of cleaning the ingredients, fried mushrooms themselves cannot be eaten as they are harmful to the body. But it’s okay to eat it occasionally. If you want to eat it, you can make it at home. Follow the instructions below and it will be just as delicious as the restaurant version.

Ingredients: Mushrooms, flour, eggs, edible salt


1. After cleaning the mushrooms, tear them into small strips with your hands and squeeze out the water.

2, flour, eggs, light soy sauce and salt are mixed together, and is stirred into a thicker batter. Then dip the prepared mushroom strips into a circle of batter.

3. Add oil to the pot and heat it over low heat. When the oil is hot, put the wrapped mushroom strips in it and fry. And keep turning it, fry until golden brown, and then it is ready to be taken out of the pan. And add cumin powder and salt and pepper powder to enhance the flavor.

The third course: Cold broccoli

Broccoli is a very nutritious dish. There are many kinds of dishes made with it, and each one is loved by everyone. Summer is here, and it’s so delicious to order a plate of cold broccoli like this. But in restaurants, broccoli are often not washed. If you like to eat it, you can make it at home.

Ingredients: broccoli, light soy sauce, chicken essence, garlic, Sichuan peppercorns, salt, millet pepper, , etc.


1. First, break the broccoli into small pieces, and soak and clean them with salt water.

2. After the water in the pot boils, pour in the broccoli and blanch the water.

3. Add salt, sugar, light soy sauce, minced garlic, lemon, etc. to a bowl. Heat oil in a pot, fry the peppercorn oil and pour it into the prepared sauce.

4. The last step is to pour the prepared sauce and into the broccoli, stir evenly and then you can eat it.

The fourth course: Fried pork slices with fungus

Fungus Everyone is familiar with it. It is dark and needs to be washed repeatedly to become clean. However, there are some hotels that simply flush the . If you like to eat, you can make it at home.

Ingredients: Fungus, tenderloin, edible salt, green onion, ginger, chicken essence, etc.


1. Soak the fungus in advance, wash it repeatedly, and control the moisture in it for later use.

2. Cut the prepared onions, ginger, garlic and red pepper.

3. Cut the prepared tenderloin into slices, add cooking wine, dark soy sauce, light soy sauce, pepper and appropriate amount of water, and then stir it.

4. After a while, add half an egg white and a spoonful of starch, and mix evenly.

5. After the oil is hot, pour the meat slices into the pot and stir-fry evenly . Add the prepared onions, ginger, garlic, red pepper, etc., and stir-fry again.

6. Then pour in the fungus, add salt, thirteen spices, light soy sauce and chicken essence. Continue to stir-fry, and after a while the delicious fried pork slices with fungus will be ready and ready to be served.

Do you like to eat in restaurants? What kind of dishes will you order? But many times, no matter how delicious the food in the restaurant is, it is not as good as cooking it at home. If you still like those dishes, welcomes to leave a message in the comment area to share. I will share the recipe with you in the next issue. Let’s make delicious meals together!

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