Text/Picture Brother Thirteen went to Nali Town, Qinnan District, on the morning of June 29, 2022, with comrades from the Qinzhou column group of fireworks to produce a program. Sanhua plums and melon rinds are both famous agricultural products in Nali Town. The column group here

Text/Picture Thirteenth Brother

On the morning of June 29, 2022, together with the comrades from the fireworks Qinzhou column group, we went to Nali Town, Qinnan District to produce a program. Sanhua Li and Guapi are both Nali Town Famous agricultural products, the delicacies photographed by the column team during this trip are related to these two agricultural products.

At 8:30 in the morning, we set off from the city on time. The vehicle passed through the Lihe River and drove onto National Highway 325 towards Nali. It is midsummer, and the scenery outside the car window is lush and green. All kinds of crops are growing happily. It seems that this year will be another bumper harvest.

After more than an hour's journey, we arrived at Nafeng Village at the foot of Nawuling Ridge in Nali Town. It is said that the most delicious Sanhua plums in Qinzhou are in Nali Town, and the most delicious Sanhua plums in Nali are in Nafeng Village. Nawuling is located in Sanna (Napeng, nasi, Nali) of Qinzhou. To the southwest of Nasi and to the east of Nali, there is a peak with an altitude of 416.1 meters. The top of the peak stands above the clouds, and smoke is lingering from time to time. , hence the name. Nafeng Village is at the foot of Wuling Ridge. The unique climate environment of Wuling Ridge is very suitable for the growth of Sanhua plum trees. Fruit farmers bring spring water from the ridge to irrigate the Sanhua plum trees. The fruits they produce are large in size and taste good. Crisp and sweet in taste, it is deeply loved by diners.

Plum grove in Nafeng Village at the foot of Nawuling Mountain

Uncle Qi planted dozens of acres of Sanhua plum trees at the foot of Nawuling Ridge. During our trip, we shot Sanhua plums in Uncle Qi’s orchard.

The production of food videos is a hard job. We shot under the scorching sun, and we were sweating after a while. It took us more than two hours to complete a few minutes of video.

The next step is to go back to Nali Town to take photos of delicacies related to melon rind.

Melon rind is a well-known snack in Qinzhou. There is a saying in Qinzhou that "I would rather give up shark fin than melon crispy", which shows that melon rind is deeply loved by Qinzhou people.

Qinzhou melon peel is made from selected local short-vine white-skinned cucumbers and processed using traditional methods. It has the characteristics of tender, crisp and refreshing, sour and sweet, strong fragrance, good taste, and increased appetite.

The melon rinds of Qinzhou are Nali, Napeng and Nasi (commonly known as "Sanna"). In Qinzhou, there are many dishes made with melon rind as raw material, such as fried shredded pork with melon rind, fried red snails with melon rind, braised pig's feet with old melon rind, etc. Even if you add some chili pepper and stir-fry the melon rind, it will still be quite delicious.

Qinzhou Guapi

There are many dishes in Guapi, and each dish is unique. However, the column team does not want to photograph ordinary ingredients. We want to be innovative and photograph some dishes that the public has never eaten, or has rarely eaten.

When discussing what kind of dishes to photograph, everyone racked their brains but couldn't come up with an answer. Indeed, people in Qinzhou have been making melon rinds since the Song Dynasty . Dishes based on melon rinds have been eaten for hundreds of years. It is not easy to innovate.

Just when everyone was at a loss what to do, Huang Nanxin, who was in charge of filming, made a surprising statement, "What do you think of scrambled eggs with melon rind?" Huang Nanxin said.

This is the first time I heard about Guapi Scrambled Eggs. I have eaten all the dishes made by Guapi, but I have never heard of Guapi Scrambled Eggs. At first, I thought I was ignorant because I was not a local. Unexpectedly, everyone here was also surprised when they heard the name of the dish. Even Director Huang from the Nali Town Government who assisted us couldn’t help asking, as a native, he had never heard of fried eggs with melon skin. This dish is a combination of melon rind and eggs. Is it delicious?

Huang Nanxin said, "Actually, I haven't eaten it either. This is a recipe I came up with on a whim." Think about it, eggs are the easiest to eat in dishes, such as oyster omelette, bitter melon scrambled egg, scrambled leek egg, grass worm omelette, etc. Even the black radish that Qinzhou people like to eat is salty. It's as delicious as fried eggs. Moreover, melon rind is not difficult to add to dishes and can be paired with many ingredients. Maybe the combination of melon rind and eggs will be very good.

Huang Nanxin’s analysis made sense, and everyone decided to try this new dish.

A dish of scrambled eggs with melon rind will conquer your taste buds.

Back at the farmhouse in town, Director Huang found the chef in the store and asked him to cook a dish of scrambled eggs with melon rind for us to shoot. The chef at

Farmhouse was equally surprised after hearing the name of the dish.He said that after more than 20 years of cooking, this was the first time he heard about the dish of fried eggs with melon rind. Later, when he learned that it was our innovative recipe, he decided to try it. He also wanted to know what kind of taste bud reaction the combination of melon rind and eggs would produce.

Chef first soaks the melon rind in light salt water. In order to facilitate storage, the melon farmers put more salt when making the melon rind. If the melon rind is not soaked first, the taste will be affected.

Then slice the soaked melon rind, put it into a glass bowl, then beat in the eggs, beat evenly and set aside.

Heat oil in a pan, fry the mixed melon rind and eggs, and serve on a plate.

Everyone was looking forward to this dish and rushed to taste it as soon as it was served. I picked up a piece and put it in my mouth to taste it carefully. The eggs were soft and fragrant, and the melon rind was crispy. The scrambled eggs with melon rind not only tasted good, but also tasted good. To be honest, the deliciousness of the fried eggs with melon skin really exceeded our imagination. The chef at

Farmhouse was also overjoyed. He never expected that our seemingly "whimsical" idea would actually produce a new dish. He said that in the future, the farmhouse will list this dish as its signature dish and recommend this dish to the majority of diners, so that more people will know and taste this delicious Qinzhou dish.

The name of the stir-fried melon rind dish is a bit unsophisticated. Do you have any good suggestions on what this dish should be called?