Introduction: As the dog days of summer approach, the weather is getting hotter and hotter. It is so hot that even dragonflies only dare to fly close to the shade of the trees, as if they are afraid that the sun will damage their wings. As for the vegetable garden in front of me,

Introduction: As the dog days of summer approach, the weather is getting hotter and hotter. It is so hot that even dragonflies only dare to fly close to the shade of trees, as if they are afraid that the sun will damage their wings. As for the vegetable garden in front of me, no matter what kind of vegetables it is, as long as it is noon, they will consciously lower their heads, as if begging for mercy from the sun. As the weather gets hotter, a variety of vegetables and fruits are becoming more and more popular. Especially when some vegetables are made into appetizing dishes, they are more appreciated by family members. So in order to make my family eat well in the hot summer, I cook some appetizing dishes for my family every day.

In summer diet, we should eat more green vegetables, because as the saying goes: "If you don't eat green vegetables for three days, your eyes will see stars." And the vegetables I will introduce to you today, whether fried or steamed, are popular among many people. People love it, and it is more delicious than cucumber, bitter gourd and other dishes. It is cucumber beans. July every year is the time when a large number of crock beans are on the market. I grow more than 20 crock beans myself, and I can pick three or four kilograms of crock beans every day.

In my family, my family loves to eat steamed food, especially when steamed with pork belly. It’s really delicious. So I suggest that you eat cantaloupe beans as soon as possible in July. After this period, cantaloupe beans become more expensive. The most important thing is that cantaloupe beans have extremely high nutritional value. Eat more in summer, which can not only clear away heat and strengthen the spleen and stomach. , and it’s delicious and not irritating! Next, I will share with you the recipe of steamed beans with pork belly!

[Ingredients preparation]: 600 grams of fresh beans, 400 grams of pork belly, 10 grams of minced ginger, 150 grams of rice noodles, 15 ml of dark soy sauce, 2 grams of chicken essence, 3 grams of pepper, 3 ml of white wine, 5 grams of spicy rice, and thirteen spice powder 2 grams, appropriate amount of salt and cooking oil.

[Preparation method]:

Step 1: First break the vat beans into 4-5 cm segments, then rinse the vat beans with running water and set aside. When you buy vat beans, it is best to buy particularly thick vat beans. This kind of older vat beans taste the most delicious after being steamed.

Step 2: Wash the pork belly and cut it into thin slices, then add 80 grams of rice noodles, dark soy sauce, chicken essence, white wine, hot pepper, salt and pepper to the meat and stir evenly, then add a little cooking oil. Add to the meat and mix well. The cooking oil must be added last so that the flavors of other seasonings can better penetrate into the meat.

Step 3: Put the drained beans into a basin, then add 70 grams of rice flour, an appropriate amount of salt, and cooking oil into the beans and stir evenly. Be sure to add the oil, otherwise the beans will be stained. No rice noodles. If you like the strong flavor of pot beans, you can also use five-spice rice noodles instead.

Step 4: Prepare a clean steamer, place the beans on the bottom of the steamer, then place the meat neatly on the beans, then put the steamer basket into the steamer, steam the beans on high heat for 40 minutes Serve immediately, sprinkle with a little chives (cilantro) at the end and serve. It is best not to steam crock pot beans for more than 45 minutes, otherwise the crock pot beans will be super steamed.

[ Master Hu has something to say]: Steamed beans like mine are mixed with rice and eaten right after they come out of the pot. It really goes well with rice. There are old people and children at home, so they often make this dish for their families. Eating it can also prevent constipation.

Cucumber and bitter melon stand aside! In July, hurry up and eat the "steamed vat beans" dish. It is a treasure all over the body and is extremely nutritious. Steaming it will relieve summer heat and eliminate dryness. It is delicious and will not cause irritation! Do you also know the delicious ways to make vat beans? Why not leave a message and let us learn from you together! Finally, thank you all for watching, and sincerely thank you for "every like and every comment".