Life must be full of joy, don’t let the golden cup stand against the moon in the hot summer. The happiest thing is the night after get off work, raising a glass to the moon with a few friends at the roadside food stall, chatting about life. I used to like to drink beer. , Now mor

To be happy in life, don’t let the golden bottle stand against the moon.

In the hot summer, the happiest thing is to raise a glass to the moon with a few friends at a roadside food stall at night after get off work, and chat about life.

Before I like to drink beer, and now more and more people accept liquor.

With the continuous prosperity of the liquor market, some people with ill intentions have also developed evil intentions, so that various inferior and blended fake liquors have appeared in the market.

And Some people who know a lot about wine suggest that you should choose high-quality pure grain wine for liquor, and preferably an expensive brand-name wine.

Among them, the most famous one is Moutai . As the national liquor of our country, regardless of its history, Inheritance, cultural heritage, and celebrity anecdotes are all good subjects for people to chat and brag.

However, with various news hypes some time ago, Moutai has become even more popular all over the country.

People have also begun to pay more attention to its price. In the Mainland, In the market, the market price of a bottle of Feitian Moutai is generally around 3,000 yuan.

Especially after the "pricing photos" of Feitian Moutai in Hong Kong were exposed some time ago, some netizens directly shouted that they felt they had been deceived.

After in-depth exploration, I know the whole story:

In order to celebrate the birthday of his 60-year-old father, a Hong Kong netizen chose Moutai as the birthday wine.

and shared the matter on the Internet. The savvy netizen discovered that this bottle The price of wine in Hong Kong is 2,180 Hong Kong dollars, which is equivalent to about 1,850 yuan.

This undoubtedly made some netizens excited. They all said, "This is a serious differential treatment" and "I feel cheated like never before"

Some people also asked the winery Give consumers a reasonable explanation

In this regard, the official has also given some responses

First of all, it is because the taste preferences of consumers in the two places are different

Consumers in Hong Kong are more keen on beer, fruit wine and red wine, etc. Moutai is The taste is not dominant.

There are different perceptions of Moutai between the two places.

Moutai has a deep historical and cultural heritage. Many consumers in the mainland understand the significance of this wine and are even willing to pay for it.

However, Hong Kong consumers have a deep understanding of Moutai. However, their understanding of history and culture are far apart, and more publicity is needed

In summary, the price gap between the two places is just a marketing tool

Moutai has become almost a household name in the mainland, and the market is in short supply.

In the Hong Kong market, Moutai It is not as prosperous as in the mainland. In order to further open up the Hong Kong market, we have to use price reduction promotions as a marketing tool.

The reason why Moutai is so expensive in the mainland market is not only its excellent wine quality, but also the brand premium brought by its marketing.一

If you really want to drink high-quality pure grain liquor, there are many liquor brands on the market worth choosing.

For example, this Lai Zhengheng has a long historical heritage like Moutai. It also tastes silky and smooth with a sauce-flavored taste. It is full of flavor and has a long-lasting fragrance.

There are also wines like this Quanxing Daqu , which has a long history. It is said that this wine already existed during the Qianlong period. Using French craftsmanship, the wine produced is crystal clear, refreshing in taste, and rich in cellar aroma.

Well, today’s sharing is over. If you have any ideas, you can leave a message!