Tofu and Jerusalem artichoke are included in the list of foods that are very beneficial to women. It is recommended to understand that many women think of these skin care products when they mention skin care: toner, lotion, cream, and essence. A set of them costs thousands of dol

The list of foods that are very beneficial to women, tofu, Jerusalem artichoke are among them. It is recommended to understand

When many women mention skin care, they think of these skin care products: toner , lotion, cream, essence, a set. Costing thousands of dollars, women take care of their skin through more than just skin care products. Many common foods we eat in our daily lives are also very helpful for women and can also have a skin care effect. These foods can be bought in the supermarket at your doorstep. They are delicious and skin-beautifying. If you are interested, please read on. .

6. Tomatoes

Recommended recipes: Tomatoes and egg noodles

Ingredients: eggs, tomatoes, Nepeta , chopped green onions, noodles

Seasonings: salt, chicken essence, light soy sauce, oil consumption

1. Beat 3 eggs in a bowl and use Stir the eggs evenly with chopsticks. After the oil is hot, add the eggs into the pot. Don't overcook the eggs. Young eggs are more delicious when mixed with noodles. Heat the tomato pieces in the pot and stir-fry out the juice. Pour half of the pot of water into it. Boil. After boiling, put the noodles into the pot, add sliced ​​ham slices, and chopped fried eggs; after adding the noodles, stir them up with chopsticks to prevent them from sticking. Add salt, chicken essence, light soy sauce, and oil.

2. When the noodles are boiled, add chopped green onion and schizonepeta, stir evenly and serve.

The tomato and egg noodles made in this way, the soup is full of tomato aroma, the eggs are tender and not dry, the noodles are smooth and chewy, so delicious that you can even drink the soup without leaving a mouthful.

5. Ginger

Recommended recipe: pickled Jerusalem artichoke

Ingredients: Jerusalem artichoke, red pepper, green pepper, coriander

Seasonings: pepper, mature vinegar, soy sauce, sugar, salt, sesame oil

1. Wash the Jerusalem artichoke you bought. Brush off the soil on top and control the moisture; wash the red and green peppers and put them in pots. Put the washed Jerusalem artichokes and green and red peppers in the sun to dry; I prepared 4 pounds of Jerusalem artichokes and put them in the pot. Pour 1,300 grams of mature vinegar, 150 ml of soy sauce, about 30 peppercorns, 300 grams of sugar, and 20 grams of edible salt, stir evenly; cook over high heat until it melts, then turn to medium to low heat and cook for about 5 minutes until the aroma of the peppercorns is released and the sauce Pour into a basin and let cool.

2. Cut the dried Jerusalem artichoke into thicker slices, which will taste crispier; cut the dried green and red pepper into half-finger-long sections, peel off the garlic and cut it in half, and mix with the Jerusalem artichoke. Put the ginger into a basin together; after the sauce has cooled down, pour it into a basin with ginger slices, green and red pepper segments, and garlic slices. Wear disposable gloves and mix evenly so that the ginger slices are evenly coated with the sauce; Jerusalem artichoke After mixing, pour it into a dry glass bottle. The juice must not cover the Jerusalem artichoke. Cover the lid, seal the mouth tightly, and store the glass bottle filled with Jerusalem artichoke in a cool and ventilated place.

3. The Jerusalem artichoke can be eaten after being pickled for about 10 days. Take out some of the pickled Jerusalem artichoke and put it into a basin, add an appropriate amount of coriander, add some sesame oil, and stir evenly.

Put a piece into your mouth. It is not as spicy as expected. It has a sweet and sour taste, a little spicy, and tastes very crispy. It does not feel astringent when eaten dry. It is very delicious with rice, steamed buns, and noodles.

4. Cucumber

Recommended recipe: cucumber jelly

Ingredients: cucumber, pea powder, garlic, millet pepper, coriander

Seasonings: light soy sauce, sesame oil, chili oil, vinegar

1. Choose cucumbers with emerald green skin. Peel clean, cucumber peel do not throw away, put the cucumber peel into a food processor, add a bowl of water and smash it; prepare a piece of clean gauze, use the gauze to filter out the dregs in cucumber juice ; put a bowl of pea powder Pour into the cucumber juice and stir evenly. If you want the color to be more green, add 1 gram of baking soda ; put 6 bowls of water in a pot and heat the water to 60%. Pour the cucumber juice in small amounts several times, stirring while pouring, and continue after pouring. Stir.

2. Stir until big bubbles appear and take it out; take it out of the pot and let it cool for 4 hours; cut the solidified cucumber jelly into long strips; minced garlic, millet spicy, cucumber shreds, coriander, light soy sauce, sesame oil, chili oil, vinegar. Mix well.

The tangy cucumber fragrance, the jelly is smooth and elastic, and the color, flavor and flavor are all-round. Eat a bowl when you have no appetite in summer. It will relieve the heat and appetize. You will not feel tired if you eat it every day. Personally, I think it is more delicious than cold cucumber .

3. Tofu

Recommended recipe: Mapo Tofu

Ingredients: Soft tofu, shallots, scallions, ginger, minced pork, starch

Seasonings: Mapo tofu sauce

1. Tofu should be made with soft tofu, which tastes better. Delicately, cut the soft tofu into small pieces; after the water boils, put the cut soft tofu into it, add an appropriate amount of salt, and add a base flavor to the tofu in advance to remove the beany smell; cook for 2 minutes, take out and drain the water; green onion Heat oil in a pan and sauté segment and ginger slices until fragrant, add minced meat and stir-fry until the fat is released.

2. Add a tablespoon of Mapo tofu sauce; stir-fry evenly, add a bowl of boiling water; pour in the drained tender tofu cubes and cook for 3 minutes; stir-fry evenly to allow the tofu to be evenly colored, coat with the sauce, and then add a small amount Add starch water several times to thicken; after serving, sprinkle a handful of chopped green onion.

The tofu is very tender. It breaks into pieces before you even bite into it. It is full of soy sauce flavor, paired with the minced meat that is stir-fried with oil. It has multiple layers of deliciousness and a dense texture. The Mapo Tofu made this way, Just eat it with big spoonfuls of rice.

2. Mung beans

Recommended recipe: Mung bean sago

Ingredients: Mung beans, white sago

Seasonings: White sugar

1. Wash the mung beans, add water, and soak for 2 hours; soak the mung beans and wash them again; put the mung beans on top Drain the water; pour an appropriate amount of water into the casserole; put the drained mung beans into the pot, cover the pot, and cook over high heat. After the water boils, turn to low heat and cook for 20 minutes.

2. Take another pot, pour an appropriate amount of water into the pot, bring the water to a boil over high heat, add large grains of white sago, stir a few times after adding the sago, this can prevent the white sago from sticking to the pot, cover the pot and simmer over high heat. 10 minutes. After cooking for 10 minutes, open the lid of the pot, pour a bowl of water, and cook on high heat for 10 minutes. After 10 minutes, cover the pot and simmer. Simmer the white sago until there is no white center; cook the mung beans for 20 minutes. After the mung beans are cooked until they bloom, pour a large bowl of water, cover the pot and bring to a boil over high heat; skim off the mung bean shells, turn to low heat and continue cooking; after the sago is out of the pot, cool it with cold water.

3. Wash the sago several times after it has cooled to make it taste more elastic; pour the cooled sago directly into the mung bean soup; stir the white sago and mung beans in the pot evenly; add more according to your favorite taste Add appropriate amount of white sugar, stir evenly, boil the sugar, turn off the heat and let cool. The mung bean sago will taste better after being chilled in the refrigerator for a while.

The mung bean tastes rustic, and the sago lining is more elastic. The taste is not as monotonous as the mung bean smoothie. It is completely different from the fruit sago in the dessert shop. It is sweet but not greasy, refreshing.

1. Tremella

Recommended recipe: Tremella soup

Ingredients: Tremella, red dates, wolfberry, starch

Seasonings: white vinegar, rock sugar

1. When choosing Tremella, try to choose the one that looks more complete; put the Tremella in a basin. , root side up, add water to wash, try not to pour hot water, add 1 teaspoon of white vinegar and stir evenly; take a plate and place it on the white fungus, so that the white fungus is completely immersed in the water; soak for 5 minutes to soak the white fungus, it is not suitable for white fungus Soak for a long time.

2. Cut off the roots of the white fungus, and tear the remaining white fungus into small florets; pour an appropriate amount of water into the basin, and add some flour, so that the white fungus can be washed more cleanly; wash the white fungus for a while; change to clean water, and then Scratch and wash twice.

3. Wash the white fungus, put it into the pot, and add 5 bowls of water; soak the red dates and wolfberry in water, add an appropriate amount of starch, and wash them clean; white fungus soup boil, continue to cook for 10 minutes over high heat, stir a few times with chopsticks, and stir for 15 seconds About; add a small handful of red dates and a piece of rock sugar, reduce to simmer and simmer for about 10 minutes. Finally, add a little wolfberry and cook for 1 minute before serving.

The whole bowl of white fungus soup has no extra water and is very thick. Red dates and white fungus are very beneficial foods for women. The white fungus is boiled into pieces and does not need to be bitten. It is healthy, nutritious and delicious.

There is no anti-aging needle in the world. Women should take care of their skin as early as possible. If the skin is well taken care of, you can be happy all day long by looking in the mirror every day. Don’t be lazy in skin care, pay more attention to skin care, keep your body and mind happy, and develop healthy eating habits. As long as she persists, a woman in her 30s can have the skin of a 20-year-old.