Introduction: How to make delicious pasta, 3 methods praised by chefs, simple and fast, children also love to eat pasta. The main raw material of pasta is flour, which is made from wheat ground into powder. Wheat has a history of more than 5,000 years in China. Wheat is grown wid

Introduction: How to make delicious pasta, 3 methods praised by chefs, simple and fast, children also love to eat

The main raw material of pasta is flour, which is made from wheat ground into powder. Wheat has a history of more than 5,000 years in China. Wheat is grown widely and its annual output is second only to rice. Therefore, pasta is also the most common staple food on people's tables. As the saying goes, "When you go out, the dumplings come in." It means that whether you are leaving your hometown or returning to your hometown, you must first have a bowl of pasta. This is probably the taste of home!

There are many ways to make pasta, and the tastes are also different. Today I will introduce to you three kinds of pasta recipes that are praised by hotel chefs:

The first one: Hand-rolled noodles

If you want to make hand-rolled noodles delicious, the most important thing is that the dough must be well mixed. Therefore, the flour should be medium-gluten or high-gluten. When kneading the dough, you need to add a little salt to the water, so that the dough will be more elastic and the noodles will be more chewy.

Specific steps:

. Pour flour, two eggs and light salt water into a clean basin. The ratio of flour to water is 2:1. Don't pour the light salt water in all at once, pour it slowly, and stir it in one direction while pouring it. Once the dough is stirred into a flocculent shape, you don't need to add water. You can start kneading the dough.

. After kneading the dough into a smooth dough with moderate hardness, stir for fifteen minutes, and then continue to knead until it is "three smooth", that is, the hands are smooth, the dough is smooth, and the basin is also smooth, so that the dough is well kneaded. Okay, just wait for another fifteen minutes.

. Sprinkle some dry flour on the board, use a rolling pin to roll the dough into a large, thin round, and sprinkle a little dry flour while rolling to prevent sticking. If you like thinner noodles, roll the dough thinner. If you like thicker noodles, roll the dough thicker. Adjust this according to your own taste.

4. Fold the rolled dough forward and backward, stack it layer by layer, and start cutting noodles. Cut into the width you like, sprinkle some dry flour on it and spread it out. Boil water in a pot, sprinkle some salt and drop a few drops of cooking oil. Add the noodles after the water boils. This will make the cooked noodles more chewy and smooth and will not stick to the pot. Take out the cooked noodles, top with prepared toppings and serve.

The second type: Leek Box

Leek Box is a kind of pasta filled with leeks, eggs and vermicelli, with a crust on the outside. It looks a bit like a large dumpling. The leek box can be fried or deep-fried. I prefer fried leek box. It has less oil and is healthier and does not feel greasy.

Specific steps:

. Pour the flour into a basin, mix warm water with a bowl of light salt water, slowly pour the light salt water into the basin, stir clockwise while pouring, stir until the dough becomes fluffy, and then start kneading the dough. After kneading the dough until smooth, cover with a damp cloth and let it rise for about an hour.

. During the process of rising the noodles, you can prepare the fillings. Pick and wash the leeks, drain the water and chop into fine pieces. Soak the vermicelli in water until soft and then chop into fine pieces. Crack a few eggs into a bowl, sprinkle some salt and beat with chopsticks into egg liquid.

. Add cooking oil to the pot. After the oil is hot, pour the egg liquid into the pot. Fry the eggs until cooked and use a spatula to smash the eggs into pieces and serve out. Pour the chopped eggs, chopped leeks and chopped vermicelli into a clean basin, add an appropriate amount of salt, five-spice powder, pepper, light soy sauce and sesame oil, and mix the filling evenly.

4. After the dough has risen, sprinkle dry flour on the surface, knead the dough into long strips, divide it into small pieces of similar size, and roll each small piece into a thin round dough.

5. Put the dough in the palm of your hand, put the filling inside, then pinch the dough in half, and pinch out a lace on the edge of the dough. If you don't know how to pinch the lace, press the edge tightly. You can just leave it open when frying. .

6. After all the dough is wrapped, heat the pan, brush with a layer of cooking oil, put the wrapped leek box in, brush with a layer of cooking oil, then cover the pot and fry over low heat. Fry one side until golden brown, then brush with oil and flip over, fry both sides until golden brown, and then take it out of the pan.

The third type: baked mille-feuille cake

Thousand-feuille pancake is actually also called scallion pancake, which is to brush oil pastry on the dough, sprinkle with chopped green onion and then roll it into pancake. After the pancake is baked, , crispy on the outside and tender on the inside, with distinct layers!

Specific steps:

. Use light salt water to knead the flour. The dough will be more elastic. Add water to the basin and stir while stirring. After the flour is kneaded into a ball, cover it with a damp cloth and let it rest for about half an hour.

. Make a bowl of puff pastry when it rises: add appropriate amount of flour, salt, allspice and pepper to the bowl and stir evenly. Add cooking oil to the pot, heat the oil until it is boiling, and pour it into a bowl. Stir while pouring the oil into a fine and sticky paste, and the pastry is ready.

. Sprinkle some dry flour on the board, put the dough on it and knead it into a long strip, then divide it into small pieces of similar size. Use a rolling pin to roll each small piece into a thin pancake, and then brush it with a layer of pastry. If you like chopped green onions, you can sprinkle another layer of chopped green onions.

4. Make a cut on the dough, then roll up the dough at the cut area. After rolling, press it flat, brush it with a layer of pastry and roll it into a thin pancake. Brush the pan with a layer of cooking oil, brush the rolled dough with a layer of cooking oil, then put it into the pan, fry one side until golden and then flip it over, fry both sides until golden and crispy, and then take it out of the pan. After being cut into layers, the layered cake is crispy on the outside and tender on the inside.

Do you like to eat pasta? Have the above three pasta recipes aroused your appetite? What other methods do you have that you might as well share with us!