Fried garlic and eggs like this is simple and delicious. Today Dao Ming will share with you a home-made recipe for scrambled eggs with garlic moss. Deliciously fresh and savory, it is suitable for all ages. It can be enjoyed with wine and rice. Friends who like it can try it. Fir

Fried garlic moss and eggs like this, simple and delicious. Today Dao Ming will share with you a home-made recipe for scrambled eggs with garlic moss.

Fresh and delicious, salty and delicious, suitable for all ages. It can be enjoyed with wine and rice. Friends who like it can try it. First prepare about 200 grams of fresh garlic moss, wash it, control the moisture, cut off the head and tail, and cut it into inch-long sections without changing the knife. It is easier to get the flavor when frying in this way. Cut the mature pieces and put them on a plate.

The ham is cut into slices with an oblique knife, which enriches the taste and aroma. Put four eggs into the pot, then add a little cooking wine to remove the fishy smell and increase the fragrance. This can make the fried eggs more tender and fluffy, and then use chopsticks to stir in one direction evenly. After the materials are prepared,

heat the pot until the bottom of the pot turns white and smokes, then add a little scallion oil. After the oil is hot, add the egg liquid, maintain medium heat, wait for three seconds, let the egg liquid solidify slowly, and then use a spoon Push it gently, but remember not to push it back and forth, otherwise the fried eggs will break into pieces. After the egg liquid is completely solidified, use a spoon to divide it into evenly sized pieces and stir-fry briefly.

To make this dish, fry the eggs a little, which will make them more fragrant. Fry them until both sides are slightly burnt. Then put them in the pot first, then add a little green onion oil. After the oil is hot, add garlic and stir-fry. Do not fry the garlic. Pour water or oil, then add a little salt to increase the base flavor, continue to stir-fry evenly, and add a little water from the side of the pot.

The pot gas generated in this way can accelerate the maturity of garlic moss. Keep stirring over medium heat for about a minute. Sauté garlic and onion until cooked. Then add the ham slices and stir-fry evenly. After frying, add an appropriate amount of oyster sauce to add a little umami flavor. Light soy sauce and light soy sauce add umami and freshness, continue to stir-fry until the sauce is fragrant, then add the eggs and stir-fry evenly.

You don’t need chicken essence, MSG, etc. to make this dish. Because these ingredients are fried together, the aroma is particularly strong. Finally, turn on high heat and stir-fry a few times quickly, stir-fry until the aroma is released, and the juice and dry oil are released. Turn off the heat and place it on a plate.

Such a simple home-cooked dish, salty, delicious and nutritious scrambled eggs with garlic moss. We have made more home-cooked dishes. Please pay attention to Daoming Food and thank you for your support. Friends who like it remember to like, comment, forward and collect. See you tomorrow.