It’s the Thai food that hits Instagram screens. I’ve never tasted it when traveling. I can’t even say that I’ve been to the Bangkok train night market. The volcano pork ribs are stacked in a cone shape and topped with chili broth. It’s so delicious. Due to the heat and lack of ap

This is the Thai food that hits the Instagram screen. I have never tasted it when traveling, and I dare not say that I have been to Bangkok

The volcano pork ribs can only be eaten at the train night market

Stack the pork ribs into a cone shape, and top it with chili. The broth

made me, who had a poor appetite due to the hot weather, eat 2 pounds of pork ribs!

Each piece of ribs is bigger than the palm of your hand, and the meat is so soft that you can separate the bones from the flesh with just a few hands!

The marinated pork ribs, the meat is tender and smooth, , not bad at all.

The sweet and sour taste is guaranteed to make you dream.

Today we will recreate this internet famous dish at home. is enjoyable to look at and even more enjoyable to eat.

/ Thai volcano pork ribs/

Ingredients: Ribs 750g, appropriate amount of fish sauce, 23 lemongrass roots, appropriate amount of turmeric, 25 lemon leaves, 1/2 onion, 8 cloves of garlic, appropriate amount of coriander, 21 limes, 100g green and red millet peppers

Method : (1) Wash the pork chops and cut them into strips.

(2) Slice the ginger, crack the lemongrass, separate the roots and leaves of the coriander, chop the spicy green and red millet, chop and set aside.

(3) Put cold water into the pot, add the cut ribs, add an appropriate amount of fish sauce and light soy sauce to the water, add the pork ribs and bring to a boil, then add the prepared lemongrass, small turmeric, and lemon leaves , onion, 4 cloves of garlic, and coriander root and simmer for 1 hour, remove and set aside.

(4) Strain out the rib stew soup, add spicy green and red millet, coriander leaves, 4 cloves of garlic, appropriate amount of fish sauce, sugar, squeeze in lime juice, boil and set aside.

(5) Arrange in a volcano shape, pour the prepared sauce and garnish with lemon slices.

The ribs taste tender and juicy, with the fragrance of lemon in the acidity, and a little spicy, full of Thai style. It is not complicated at all to make it at home.