Hello dear readers, thank you for reading the food articles I shared. I share my experience with you. What I want to share with you today is: "When eating barbecue, these 5 kinds of meat cannot be faked. You can rest assured. Chefs also eat them often." , it is recommended to und

Dear readers and friends, thank you for reading the food articles I shared. I share my experience with you. What I want to share with you today is: "When eating barbecue, these five kinds of meat cannot be faked. You can rest assured. Chefs often Eat, it is recommended to understand! 』

"There is nothing that cannot be solved by one barbecue. If so, then two!"

In summer, the most comfortable way to spend the night is to invite friends and go to the night market to have a barbecue. How pleasant it is to order some skewers and beer, and talk about life and ideals while making skewers and drinking.

The reason why people like to eat barbecue is that the atmosphere is good and lively, and the taste is delicious. Regardless of meat or vegetable, it is grilled until it is sizzling and oily, and sprinkled with various fragrant seasonings, which is called a fragrance. Let’s just talk about my child. The kind that costs 30 skewers for 10 yuan. The child can eat it all in one go and still feels like he hasn’t had enough.

As more and more people like to eat barbecue, businesses have begun to become dishonest and like to make fake products to make more money.

As far as ingredients are concerned, vegetarian dishes cannot be faked. They are all eggplants, potatoes, peppers, leeks, etc. Meat is the "hardest hit area" for counterfeiting. If you are not careful, you will eat "fake meat".

Fake meat is not meat made from other materials, but is pretended to be other meat, that is, beef is not beef, and mutton is not mutton. Since barbecues are filled with a variety of heavy-flavored seasonings, most people can’t taste the meat at all. Therefore, some unscrupulous merchants will use cheap meat instead of expensive meat. This is fraud.

If you use clean and hygienic meat to fake it, it is still a conscience. You are afraid that using some unclean and spoiled meat will endanger your health, so you must avoid fake meat when eating barbecue.

However, due to the special characteristics of some meat, merchants cannot fake it. You can rest assured that even chefs often eat it. For example, the five types of meat mentioned below must be understood by those who like to eat barbecue.

[5 kinds of meat that cannot be faked]

, Grilled fish

Grilled fish is grilled with the whole fish. The fish has a special structure, including gills, fish bones, and fish bones. These are very obvious features, especially It is the kind of fish with many small spines. If you want to fake it, the cost will be dozens or even hundreds of times that of the real fish. If nothing else, the fish gills cannot be imitated.

When eating grilled fish, it mainly depends on whether the fish is fresh. If dead fish or spoiled fish is used, the fish will taste dull and have an odor. However, the taste of fresh fish is more delicious, and you will know it as soon as you taste it.

Moreover, live fish is very cheap and can be bought at a good price, so there is no need for the barbecue stall to fake it.

, Grilled Chicken Wings

Chicken wings are the tenderest part of the chicken, and the meat is even tenderer than chicken breasts and chicken legs. Grilled chicken wings are especially the most fragrant, with crispy skin and tender meat, which is especially delicious. The structure of chicken wings is also very special. It has two bones and joints at both ends. One is high cost of counterfeiting, and the other is that the taste of other meat is different from that of chicken, which can be tasted.

In addition, among all the meats, the price of chicken is the cheapest. Wholesale only costs a few yuan per pound, so counterfeiting is not worth it. You just need to check whether the chicken wings are fresh or not. You can go and see them in person, pick them up and smell them.

If the boss doesn’t let you hear it, there must be something wrong. Even marinated chicken wings can still smell a lot of odor if they go bad, especially the fishy smell.

3. Grilled shelled seafood ( oysters, abalone, scallops, etc.)

Grilled oysters, grilled abalone, etc. are also popular at barbecue stalls. They taste delicious and have a smooth texture. This kind of texture cannot be achieved by other meats. imitated. Moreover, different shellfish have different shapes of meat, so the cost of counterfeiting is too high. And the unique seafood flavor cannot be imitated by simple flavors.

When eating grilled shellfish, the main thing to look at is whether it is fresh or frozen.This is also easy to distinguish. If it is fresh, the meat and shell will stick very tightly after roasting; if it is frozen, the meat will fall off when pinched with chopsticks.

4. Roasted Zhongbao

Zhongzhongbao is a crispy bone in the middle of the chicken paw, and there are also crispy bones from other parts. It has a crispy texture and is especially delicious after being grilled with spicy seasonings. It is perfect for drinking. Due to its unique taste and low price, there is no need to fake it.

Currently, the frozen palm treasures can be wholesaled for only a few cents per bunch, and sold for 5 yuan per bunch. The profit has been several times that of the original ones. The boss is not that stupid if he spends high prices to fake them.

5. Roasted lamb loin

Lamb loin is lamb kidney. It is considered a strong flavor of barbecue. It has a strong smell and a layer of fat on the surface. It sizzles with oil after roasting. The lamb loin inside is smooth and tender and has a special taste. Fragrant, more delicious than mutton.

Wouldn't other kidneys be used instead of sheep kidneys ? No, because beef kidneys and pork kidneys are much larger than sheep kidneys. You only need to remember the size of sheep kidneys, which are only 100 to 150 grams, while a pork kidney weighs 250 grams, while beef kidneys are larger. Moreover, lamb kidneys have a smell that pork kidneys and beef kidneys do not have.

The five types of meat mentioned above are all meat that cannot be faked. You can rest assured when eating barbecue. Also pay attention to choosing a store that is clean, hygienic, and has a lot of traffic, and the ingredients are generally fresher. And don’t choose a cheap store. As the saying goes, “cheap stuff doesn’t mean good stuff,” it’s true.

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