We Chinese basically all know the condiment I’m talking about, and that’s sesame paste. As for how to prepare sesame sauce and its flavor, I don’t need to introduce it at all. I believe everyone knows it well, so I won’t introduce it here.

We Chinese people basically all know the condiment I am talking about, that is - sesame paste.

As for how to prepare sesame sauce and its flavor, I don’t need to introduce it at all. I believe everyone knows it well, so I won’t introduce it here.

I would like to say that I am an authentic northerner, but I used to not like to eat noodles, steamed buns, pancakes, and you don’t like to eat cold skin, cold noodles, spicy hotpot, nor do you like to eat cucumbers, eggplants, Beans and vermicelli, I only like to eat rice and dumplings as staple food. This made it difficult for my father who was responsible for cooking. Later, my father tried every means to improve my cooking skills in order to enhance my nutrition, but I still didn’t buy it and the taste remained the same. Later, my father discovered that as long as he added sesame sauce to all the foods he didn’t like, I would immediately accept them and even start to like them. For example, noodles, cold dishes

sesame sauce noodles

sesame sauce with tomato puree

sesame sauce with spinach

sesame sauce with jelly

I had never eaten spicy hotpot before, and it seemed that I had no appetite, but I accidentally saw the boss serving the newly prepared sesame sauce. , I immediately had an appetite, and then started a tour of Malatang stores.

Malatang with sesame sauce

Malatang with sesame sauce

There is a small shop selling cold skins across the road from my house. Every summer, there is a long queue at noon. I just sneered when I saw it. What's the point of that crap? It’s so delicious, but you still have to queue up. Later, one time my cousin asked me to buy some because this store was very close to my home. I discovered that sesame sauce was also put in the cold skin. I tried it reluctantly. Unexpectedly, I was hooked right away. Now at least the next day. I went to line up obediently under the bright sun.


I didn’t know at first that sesame paste changed my eating habits. Later, I tried not adding sesame paste to the food I didn’t like. I found that the food without sesame paste was like white wax and was difficult to swallow. Later, I added sesame paste. It tastes delicious right away, don’t you think it’s strange? Tahini is such an amazing condiment. After discovering this reason, I like to add sesame sauce when I eat.

Add sesame sauce to your rice

Do you have any condiments that change your eating habits? I’m also curious about whether there are any condiments abroad that are as magical as sesame paste and can change my food preferences. Everyone is welcome to chat.