Attention drinkers: Try not to buy these 4 kinds of liquor. They are all blended. If you know earlier, you will benefit sooner. Do you like drinking? Do you usually drink white wine, red wine or beer the most? The author loves wine, especially liquor, and there are many people ar

Attention drinkers: Try not to buy these 4 kinds of liquor, they are all blended. The sooner you know, the sooner you will benefit.

Do you like to drink?

What is your favorite drink, white wine, red wine or beer?

The author loves wine, especially liquor, and there are many people around me who love drinking. In my opinion, wine is the food of the soul, and drinking is a happy thing.

But all this has a major premise: wine cannot be blended with flavors, it must be brewed with pure grains.

Why should we emphasize "pure food"?

Because pure grains are the most basic condition for good wine, only wine made with pure grains can be called the "essence of grains". The wine will also be rich in acids, esters, alcohols and other substances, and the aroma will be longer and the taste will be better. It will also be more layered, and you can truly get a variety of flavors and "various aspects of life" from the wine.

The wine blended with flavors will bring a completely opposite feeling

because it is not fermented from grain, but simply blended directly with alcohol, additives and other ingredients.

The cost of a pound of low-quality blended wine is estimated to be less than 2 yuan. It is not recommended to drink it because whether it is methanol and other substances in the alcohol, or spices, plasticizer and other additives, not to mention the single taste, the aroma It will also be short-lived. The most important thing is that if you drink it regularly, it will cause discomfort in the head, and in serious cases, it will hurt the body, which is of no benefit.

It’s a pity that even though many people know the dangers of flavored alcohol, they still drink it every day. Why? It's very simple. I don't know how to identify it. Some people are just greedy for cheap. Some people are just taking chances and think that drinking now will be fine. As for the future, I will talk about it later. This kind of thinking is actually very dangerous. I advise everyone not to have it.

In fact, it is very simple to avoid blended wine. People who love drinking here are reminded to pay attention. If you encounter the following four kinds of liquor in the supermarket, put them down immediately. None of them are brewed from pure grains. They are all blended. If you had known better, Benefit early, remember to tell your family after reading it.

Type ❶: Wine with “spices, plasticizers, and alcohol” in the bottle

Many people have drank this kind of wine, and 6 out of 10 people around me have drunk it. This kind of wine is a typical example of blended wine.

bypasses the grain fermentation process and directly blends it with low-quality alcohol. In order to cover up the alcohol smell, various additives are inevitably put in it. Common ones include spices, plasticizers, sodium cyclamate, , etc. It is completely nutritious to drink. It also hurts the body.

But pure grain wine is different. All delicious pure grain wines are made from strictly selected high-quality sorghum. In the sauce wine world, the most popular sorghum is Xiaohongnuo sorghum, especially Renhuai The local glutinous sorghum is being bought by major wineries.

As for the reason, it is actually very simple. The starch and tannin contents of this sorghum are much higher than that of ordinary sorghum. Large factories and niche brands such as Jun Zhongyuan Private Wine have also seized the opportunity to use this sorghum to make wine.

Type ❷: Wine without quality grade

If you drink frequently, you will definitely find that some of the wine bottles you buy have grades and some do not. This is not because the winery forgot to label it. There is actually only one reason: no The graded wine is most likely to be blended wine.

If you don’t believe it, you can check out some of the popular blended wines in recent years. You will never find words related to quality grade on their bottles. Because of the grade, only pure grain wine can be marked.

The grades of delicious pure grain wines on the market are generally marked as superior. This is the case with the Jun Zhongyuan private wine mentioned above.

This wine was created by Zeng Chuanzheng (disciple of Li Xingfa, the father of Jiangxiang). Because of the exquisite materials used, the excellent skills of the winemaker, and the ability to concentrate and spend time making wine, the wine quality is very excellent.

This wine is very enjoyable to drink. First of all, it has a rich aroma, especially the soy sauce aroma, and the wine is translucent and mature. Secondly, it is not spicy or spicy in the mouth, and it does not feel choked. It is very mellow and delicate, and it is delicious when you drink it. 2 words - smooth, fragrant, just one drink is not enough.

Type ❸: Add tea and the wine will turn into purple-black wine

Did you know? Drinking tea after drinking alcohol cannot actually relieve hangover, but tea has an unexpected effect, which is to appreciate wine.

When drinking, don’t rush to drink it in one gulp. Pour a little into the glass, add an appropriate amount of tea into it, and carefully observe the color of the wine. If it turns directly into purple-black, don’t tell me, it’s absolutely It is blended, because pure grain wine will only turn into light yellow in color when it comes into contact with tea. If you don’t believe me, you can try it.

Type ❹: A wine that remains extremely clear no matter whether the temperature rises or falls.

As we all know, the reason why liquor can taste a variety of flavors depends on the acids, esters, alcohols and other substances produced by grain fermentation. These components interact with each other at room temperature. This makes the wine body appear transparent. Once the temperature becomes lower or higher, some esters in the wine body will slowly precipitate, causing the wine body to become turbid.

But blending wine does not, because its main ingredients are pure alcohol and additives, without any natural fermentation substances. Therefore, whether the temperature is rising or cooling, the wine body is always as transparent as water without any change.

In short, if you don’t want to drink wine that is full of additives, you must avoid the above four types of wine the next time you buy wine. Don’t listen to my advice.

How do you usually distinguish between blended wine and pure grain wine? If there is a simpler and more effective method, please add it in the comment area.