After ten years of hard work, high school is definitely the highlight of life, especially for those students who get high marks in the exam. Relatives, friends and even neighbors feel proud of their faces, and the whole village celebrates by setting off whips, which is more livel

After ten years of hard work, high school is definitely the highlight of life, especially for those students who get high scores. Relatives, friends and even neighbors feel proud of their faces, and the whole village celebrates by setting off whips, which is more lively than the Chinese New Year.

An 18-year-old boy from Shandong scored 703 in the college entrance examination. The good news spread to people around him. Everyone was happy for him, and his mother was even happier. She cooked three dishes herself to celebrate him. Netizens burst into laughter when they saw the dishes. It was obvious that she was his real mother!

Stewed potatoes. Potatoes are the fourth food crop besides wheat, rice, and corn. They have high nutritional value, large yields, good taste, and strong vitality. Even if they are stored for a period of time, the taste will not change. Variety.

Shandong is a potato province. Its annual potato output accounts for 60% of the country's total. Potatoes grown are shipped to all parts of the country. Shandong has also developed the habit of eating potatoes. It is convenient and cheap. Potatoes are rich in lysine and tryptophan. Acid, this is something that ordinary food and grain crops don’t have.

Potatoes can be stir-fried and stewed. The potatoes made by my mother are new this year. Remove the skins and cut them into small pieces. Put them in a pot, fry them, add water and simmer. Add vermicelli before serving to adjust the taste. Don’t look at the average appearance. , but the taste is very good. You don’t need to eat other staple foods after eating potatoes.

Pork head meat mixed with cucumber, this is a very popular dish. Cut the cooked pig head meat into thin slices and mix it with the cucumber, add minced garlic, add various seasonings, and mix evenly.

This dish was once the favorite of the older generation. Whenever there is a formal occasion, it will definitely appear on the dining table. The pork head meat is rich in fragrance, and the cucumber is refreshing. The two different tastes collide together. have a feeling.

If you want the pork head meat mixed with cucumber to be delicious, you must smash the cucumber with a knife to make the texture thicker. The fresh and tender taste of the cucumber can absorb the aroma of the pig head meat. It is not a problem to drink a pound of this dish.

Weishan Lake salted duck eggs . The eggs produced by ducks that grow in the natural waters of Weishan Lake have, of course, nutritional value. Such duck eggs are marinated using traditional local methods. The appearance is round and smooth, and it is rich in amino acids various inorganic salts.

The egg oil in the egg yolk is rich in vitellin and carotene . Its calcium and iron content is higher than that of ordinary eggs and duck eggs, and the taste is better. The egg center is red, delicious and suitable for all ages. It has become one of the local gifts when visiting relatives and friends.

Why do you say that the person who cooks such dishes must be your own mother? When your family eats together, there should be no exquisite presentation or luxurious dishes. What you usually like to eat is the most delicious.

Home-cooked food is the most nourishing. A family that can raise its children to score more than 700 points in the exam is definitely not about being particular about food, but the atmosphere is more important.