Nowadays, we can eat countless delicacies, and no matter which kind of delicacy it is, we all hope that it is very clean and hygienic when making it. If you use a dirty stove and chopping board and cook the ingredients without washing them, then just thinking about it will make y

Nowadays, we can eat countless delicacies, and no matter what kind of delicacy it is, we all hope that it is very clean and hygienic when making it.

If you use a dirty stove and chopping board, and cook the ingredients without washing them, then just thinking about it will make you lose your appetite.

In our impression, feet are very dirty. Although they are wrapped with socks and shoes, people will feel that there will be problems such as foot sweat, foot odor, so people will feel that as long as the food that the feet have stepped on is Not clean or hygienic.

But there are some foods that are more delicious when made with feet. Do you know which foods they are? Maybe everyone has eaten these foods, so let’s learn about them together.

1, wine

Wine is wine made from various grapes. Before making wine, the juice of the grapes must be squeezed out and then the wine can be made.

In the beginning, wine was brewed with feet, because it was more laborious to squeeze grape juice with hands, and the efficiency of feet would be higher. At the same time, winemakers could use their feet to feel the grapes. The temperature promotes the fermentation of grapes.

Even if there are machines now, many high-end wines are still made by foot stepping, because the grapes stepped on will not crush the grape seeds, nor will the grape skins be too shriveled and leave residue, so The wine will taste better.

2, edible salt

Everyone should have eaten edible salt. It is a substance extracted from sea water, and when making edible salt, there is a step of drying.

When drying, workers will step on the dried edible salt with their feet. This can make the edible salt dry more evenly, save drying time and increase the output of edible salt.

Of course, there is no need to worry about the unsafeness of edible salt. After being stepped on, a series of treatments will be carried out later to make edible salt completely.

By the time we eat table salt, it has been sterilized and is still very safe to eat.

3, banana wine

Banana wine is the same as wine. When brewing, workers will crush the bananas with their feet, then add appropriate distiller's yeast , and then let the distiller's yeast fully contact with the bananas and microorganisms to ferment the fragrant banana wine. .

This production process is very popular in Africa. Because the climate in Africa is very suitable for the growth of bananas, bananas can be found in many areas of Africa.

In areas where a large number of bananas are grown, during the banana ripening season every year, many women will gather together to make banana wine from the bananas grown at home. Some will keep them for themselves to drink, and some will sell them to others. people.

4, tea

Tea is our traditional drink. Even now, many people still like to store some tea at home, and make some tea to drink in their spare time or when they have guests.

If you want to make tea, you must have tea leaves. We also know that tea leaves cannot be picked and steeped, but need to go through multiple processes.

In the process of making tea, there is a process of kneading the tea. After fully kneading the tea, the taste of the tea can be more mellow.

When there is no machine, it takes more physical effort to knead tea with hands, so most people knead tea with their feet.

Although this traditional method has gradually been eliminated, there are still many areas that still use the traditional method of kneading tea.

Because the tea made in the traditional way has a stronger aroma, it is also liked by many people.

These are delicacies made with your feet. How many have you tried? Do you know any delicious food made with your feet? Let’s share it together.