Home-made fried noodles are the most avoidable and should not be stir-fried directly after cooking. Master these two points. The noodles will be fragrant, smooth, and non-sticky. Although I am from the north, I am not interested in steamed buns at all. I don’t know if I am tired

Home-made fried noodles, it is best not to fry them directly after cooking. Master 2 points. The noodles will be fragrant and smooth, not sticky or sticky.

Although I am from the north, I am not interested in steamed buns at all. I don’t know if I have eaten them for more than 20 years. The reason for being tired of eating. On the contrary, I prefer fried noodles and fried rice. Every time I go to a restaurant outside, I like to order these two things. I don’t even like stir-fried dishes.

Fried noodles, smooth noodles, delicious eggs, salty ham, and light rapeseed. This combination is simply amazing. It is my favorite fried noodles.

Although it is delicious, I still think that a plate of fried noodles like this is not worth 10 yuan. If you make it at home, you can get it for 3 or 4 yuan.

I don’t know if you have any experience making fried noodles at home. How does it taste? To be honest, when I had never been exposed to the kitchen before, the taste of the fried food was really hard to describe. It was so sticky that I couldn't put it in my mouth.

It turns out that when it comes to home-cooked fried noodles, it is best not to fry them directly after cooking. If you want the noodles to be fragrant and smooth, without sticking or sticking, you must keep two points in mind.

[Homestyle Fried Noodles]

recipe: noodles, ham, eggs, vegetables, salt, chicken essence, light soy sauce, dark soy sauce, oyster sauce, cooking oil

1. Prepare the noodles, boil water in a pot, put the noodles in and start cooking after the water boils , when cooking noodles, remember not to cook them completely, otherwise, if you fry them in the pot, they will be easily fried.

2. Boil the noodles until they are tender and have a slightly hard core inside, then you can take them out. After taking them out, run them through cold water and drain them. After controlling the water, don't fry it directly in the pot. Instead, you need to add one more step. Add 1 spoon of dark soy sauce and 1 spoon of cooking oil to the noodles and mix well.

3. Adding dark soy sauce will make the noodles look better when fried. After adding cooking oil, the noodles will not stick to each other and become smooth. Then cut the ham, wash the vegetables, then prepare a small bowl, beat the eggs in it, add a little water, stir well and set aside.

4. Pour oil into the pot. When the oil is hot, pour in the egg liquid and start frying. After frying, take it out and set aside. Pour in the oil again, add the ham and stir-fry, then add the green vegetables and stir-fry until cooked. Then add the noodles and stir-fry until they are completely cooked.

5. Finally, pour the eggs back in, then add an appropriate amount of salt, chicken essence, light soy sauce, and oyster sauce. Stir the seasonings evenly, and then it is ready to serve.


There are two tips to keep in mind when making home-style fried noodles. First, do not cook the noodles completely. When they are cooked until there is a little hard core inside, take them out just right. Second, do not cook the noodles. After it's cooked, just put it in the pan and stir-fry it. Instead, after it's cooked, add a little dark soy sauce and cooking oil and mix well before putting it in the pan and stir-fry it.