Recently, I often eat snacks with my friends in the streets and alleys. There are delicious food everywhere in the food court. The dazzling array of delicious food comes into view. The mouths of our mouths are watering. We ate four or five times, and it was once raw and twice coo

Recently, I often eat snacks with my friends on the streets. There are delicious food everywhere in the food court. The dazzling array of delicious food comes into view. The mouths of our mouths are watering. We ate four or five times, and we were reborn twice. As time went by, the bosses got to know us, grown men who like to eat snacks, and started chatting.

They also told me that it is getting more and more difficult to start a small business like this. All the procedures have been completed, but all the customer flow is attracted by the nearby large business districts. Slowly, no one comes even if the food is delicious. . As I listened, I suddenly thought, why don't you get together and then go to a nearby roller skating spot to discuss with the clothes seller to do it together? The boss was confused, what did he do? People look down on me. Of course, one person may not like it, but what about this entire snack street? No matter where you go, it is a collective force that cannot be ignored. If you recruit them to form an cross-industry alliance , change this offline hawking method to online, and use the Internet to spread it, you will definitely be able to attract more customers. . When the bosses heard this, they all became energetic and started to get involved. They rarely go out recently, but occasionally I heard that they and the entire pedestrian street were involved in this project.

So what is the charm of cross-industry alliances that can bring people from different industries together? Even if we get them together, how can we have such a mechanism so that everyone can get the customers they want?

First of all, in this era of rapid development of mobile contact devices, if you want to achieve a large number of users, you can only go online in the long run. This is especially true for O2O e-commerce, which combines offline physical merchants with online promotion. As one body, they combine with each other to develop greater strength.

And now consumers rely more on online platforms for their consumption decisions. Online tools have an increasing impact on consumers' decision-making, which has greatly improved consumers' market sensitivity, thus strengthening the importance of high-quality online tools.

Cross-industry Alliance is an application system in the cloud platform used to create a combination of online and offline businesses. It can be used to integrate offline stores in various industries, display store information and traffic patterns online, and establish a multi-merchant alliance system. The

platform uses merchants to promote platform mini-programs and attract traffic, and merchants can also conduct publicity and marketing independently through the platform, using merchant store information, store addresses, consumer reviews, contact information, sharing links, preferential payment and a series of promotional methods. Publish so that users can better understand the information of each merchant and can choose from them.

has also established a comprehensive platform for cross-industry alliance merchants. The biggest advantage is to provide online promotion channels for merchants, so that each merchant can not only promote offline, but also conduct online communication more effectively, and conduct fan operations through the platform. , Later activities can also be carried out with merchants in different industries, and product combinations of different merchants can be used for promotional activities in the form of discounts, rewards, red envelopes, etc. The merchants’ independent publicity relay platform fission online communication is more relaxed and enjoyable.

In addition, an identity hierarchy system can be established in the future, and alliance cards can be used to make users inseparable from the platform step by step, thus increasing user stickiness and allowing users to fission independently.

This is the cross-industry alliance business model, a business model that combines online and offline. Offline entities, catering industry, entertainment industry, etc. can all integrate resources to establish their own business alliance !

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