Children don’t like to eat breakfast. Make these brown sugar buns, which are nutritious and delicious. Two at a time are not enough. Nowadays, children have a lot to choose from. They don’t like to eat this and don’t like to eat. They don’t want to eat in the morning. What if the

Children don’t like to eat breakfast, so make these brown sugar buns, which are nutritious and delicious. Two at a time are not enough.

Today’s children have a lot to choose from. They don’t like to eat this, and they don’t want to eat in the morning. They don’t want to eat in the morning. How can we eat? This is not only bad for the body, it will also affect classes during the day, which is not good. Breakfast must be eaten, especially for children. If you don’t eat breakfast for a long time, it will not be good for the stomach. good.

Children don’t like to eat breakfast. You can try making these brown sugar buns. They are nutritious and delicious. They taste sweet but not greasy. They don’t run out of sugar and don’t burn your mouth. If your children like to eat two at a time, they won’t be enough. Here’s how to make them now. Share it with everyone.

The brown sugar buns I made are colored, so that the children will be interested in looking at them and will make them want to eat them. Put 300 grams of ordinary flour and 30 grams of purple sweet potato powder in the bowl, or it can be Purple sweet potato puree, carrot puree, spinach puree, etc., then add 3 grams of yeast powder , 15 grams of white sugar , and 180 grams of warm water in small amounts and times. Knead it into a smooth dough and cover it. layer of plastic wrap and let it ferment until it doubles in size.

At this time we are going to make the brown sugar filling. Put brown sugar, white sesame seeds and flour in a bowl. The ratio is 4:2:1 and stir evenly.

Knead and deflate the fermented dough, roll it into a long strip, cut it into equal-sized dough balls, roll it into a small pancake shape, then add sugar filling into it, pinch out the pattern, and then let it rise for a second time. Send it, it will take about 10 minutes.

Finally, after the water is boiled, put it in the pot and steam it for 13 minutes. Turn off the heat and wait three or two minutes before boiling it again, so that it will not collapse. If you have friends who like it, try it. Give this kind of brown sugar buns to your children more often. It tastes sweet and soft, sweet but not greasy, and extremely delicious. If you like my article, please help me forward it + collect it + like it to support it. Welcome to follow the account!