It's the end of June in a blink of an eye, and the weather is getting hotter day by day. As the saying goes: "A mouthful of soup in summer will keep you safe until old age." In summer, the human body's metabolism is strong and it will sweat a lot. Sweating not only takes away wat

It’s the end of June in a blink of an eye, and the weather is really getting hotter day by day. As the saying goes: “A mouthful of soup in summer will keep you safe until old age.” In summer, the human body’s metabolism is strong and it will sweat a lot. Sweating not only takes away water, but also Loss of too much nutrients from the body. Many people think of drinking drinks to quench their thirst. In fact, to replenish enough water in summer, you might as well drink more soup. There should always be a bowl of soup on the dining table in summer, either meat or vegetarian. It not only replenishes nutrients, but also replenishes salt, and replenishes the lost water and The physical energy consumed is very helpful. "Having a bowl of soup before meals" is also helpful for losing weight.

As the saying goes, "eat melons in summer", a large number of melons are on the market in summer. They all have the effect of clearing away heat and relieving heat. Luffa is one of the common vegetables on the table. Among melons, it is rich in nutrients and contains a lot of Vitamins, minerals, dietary fiber and other nutrients. For women, eating more loofah can not only make the skin white and tender, but also remove stains. It is a rare beauty product, and can also regulate irregular menstruation. Eating it in summer can also clear away heat and detoxify, so women must not miss it.

Loofah is fresh, sweet and crispy. It is delicious whether you drink it in soup or stir-fry. Buy a loofah on the way home from get off work, and then think of ways to match the loofah with the ingredients for making soup. Different ingredients will have different tastes. My children like to eat meatball soup, and I always have meat fillings in the refrigerator at home. I then found a pack of crab-flavored mushrooms and cooked the three ingredients together. As expected, it created a more delicious taste. It is light, delicious and nutritious. Drink it The first bite is very appetizing, and the preparation is very simple. It is very comfortable to drink in summer. Recommendation: Rich or not, if a woman drinks this soup three times a week, her skin will be delicate and shiny, and her face will be elastic and tender. It is delicious and cheap. Drink more and you will not gain weight. Let’s take a look at how to make this soup.

[Luffa Crab Mushroom Meatball Soup]

Ingredients: Meat filling 1 small bowl of loofah 1 crab mushroom 1 small package of minced ginger a little starch 1 tsp cooking wine 1 tsp green onion pepper salt appropriate amount

Production: 1. Prepare the raw materials; 2 . Add an appropriate amount of salt, starch, minced ginger and other seasonings to the meat filling, stir in one direction; 3. Boil cold water in a pot, put the assembled meatballs into the cold water pot and cook; 4. Bring to a boil over high heat and set aside Remove the foam; 5. Add crab mushrooms to the pot and cook; 6. Add loofah slices to the pot and cook; 7. After cooking, add appropriate amount of salt and pepper to taste; 8. Put it in a bowl and sprinkle with chopped green onion. .

Tips: 1. Add salt and other seasonings to the meat filling and stir in one direction; 2. Put the meatballs in cold water to facilitate shaping, and skim off the foam after boiling; 3. Add loofah and crab-flavored mushrooms. Put it into the pot and cook it. After it is cooked, add salt and other seasonings.