Hi guys! I am the kitten of "Kitten Loves the Kitchen", and I meet you again today to share life, food, and happiness! What I bring to you today is a recipe for "Homemade Rolled Roast Duck Simple Pancakes". This is a simple and chewy pancake recipe. I would like to share it with

Hi @Hello everyone! I am the kitten of "Kitten Loves the Kitchen", and I meet you again today to share life, food, and happiness! What I bring to you today is a "Homemade Rolled Roast Duck Simple Pancake" recipe. This is a simple and chewy pancake recipe. I will share it with you today. If you like it, you can give it a try.

I used to like to order Shredded Pork with Beijing Sauce when I went to a restaurant. This dish is rolled with tofu skin and is similar in nature to Spring Pancakes. Every time I order a plate, it must be the first thing to be eaten. This dish. There is also this kind of small pancake when eating roast duck. It is much smaller than spring pancakes and even thinner than spring pancakes. This pancake has a chewy texture and is particularly chewy. It can not only roll duck meat, but also fry some. Shredded potatoes, add some shredded green onions, shredded cucumbers, add some sweet noodle sauce, and a simple package, you can finish one in three or two mouthfuls, it is very refreshing and satisfying.

Some time ago, I wrote an article about the method and process of making the "sweet noodle sauce" in Peking Roast Duck . Many friends asked how the pancakes in it are made. In fact, there are several ways to make this pancake. Generally, It is made by kneading the flour yourself. Today I will share with you the simplest method that does not require kneading the dough and can be done in a few minutes. The following is the process of making the round cake.

——[Homemade roast duck simple pancakes]——

【Making materials】: dumpling wrappers, cucumbers, green onions, coriander, pork belly, sweet noodle sauce

——Making methods and steps——

[Step 1]: Put the leftover dumplings Place the wrappers on a cutting board and use a brush dipped in a little oil to spread evenly on the dumpling wrappers.

[Step 2]: Stack the dumpling skins one by one according to this method, and brush each one evenly with a thin layer of oil. Generally, 5-6 sheets are enough.

[Step 3]: Then use a rolling pin to roll the stacked dumpling wrappers into a thin round cake.

[Step 4]: Place the rolled pancake on the basket cloth in the boiling pot, cover it and steam over medium heat for 10 minutes.

[Step 5]: Cut the washed cucumbers into finger-thick strips with a knife, cut the green onions into shreds, cut the coriander into sections, and cut the braised pork into thin slices, then put them on a plate and set aside.

[Step 6]: Take out the steamed bo cake, let it cool slightly, slowly tear it apart layer by layer by hand and place it on a plate, then put the prepared sweet noodle sauce on it.

[Step 7]: We dip all the ingredients in the sweet noodle sauce, roll it up with the prepared dumpling wrappers and start eating!

- Cooking Tips -

The "Homemade Roast Duck Simple Spring Pancake" I shared with you today has been completed. The dough is chewy and as thin as paper. We use it to roll up our favorite ingredients. The texture and taste are exceptional! If you don’t know how to knead noodles and want to eat spring pancakes, you can use this method to make them. There is no need to knead the noodles. It is simple and convenient and can be done in more than 10 minutes. Just pay attention to these points when making it.

(1) Before rolling out the dumpling wrappers, brush each layer with oil as evenly and carefully as possible. This step is for easy uncovering after steaming. This step must not be omitted.

(2) When rolling with a rolling pin, roll it out gently. It is best to roll it on the opposite side as well, which will make it more even. Just roll it out and put it in a pot of boiling water. It can be steamed in about ten minutes.

(3) Cover the steamed cake with a lid or a clean wet cloth to prevent it from becoming dry and hard. Of course, it is best to eat it while it is hot.

(4) You can buy or make your own sweet noodle sauce. The previous article has introduced it. If you don’t have roast duck, you can make some braised pork to eat, and the taste is quite good!

The above content is the recipe of "Homemade Roast Duck Simple Spring Pancake" that I shared with you. I hope it will be helpful to you. I will share it with you here today.Everyone is welcome to follow "Kitten Loves Kitchen" to reserve. I will update food recipes and techniques for you every day. If you have any comments or suggestions, you can interact with me in the comments below. Thank you for your support and company! See you tomorrow!