The 28th Lanzhou Fair, the 4th Longshang Food Expo and Lanzhou Old Street Food Culture Festival will be held in Lanzhou Old Street from July 5th to 12th. This reporter learned this on June 30 from the ventilation meeting of the 28th Lanzhou International Trade Fair, the Fourth Lo

The 28th Lanzhou Fair The 4th Longshang Food Expo and Lanzhou Old Street Food Culture Festival will be held in Lanzhou Old Street from July 5th to 12th. This reporter learned this on June 30 from the ventilation meeting of the 28th Lanzhou International Trade Fair, the Fourth Longshang Food Expo and the Lanzhou Old Street Food Culture Festival. According to reports, the preparations for the food festival are currently progressing smoothly, with more than 200 companies participating in this event. This food festival will be a feast for the eyes and taste.

Five major themes

Integrate "eating, drinking, playing, traveling and shopping" into one

This food festival is sponsored by Gansu Provincial Department of Commerce and Lanzhou Municipal People's Government; Lanzhou Municipal Commerce Bureau, Lanzhou Municipal Market Supervision and Administration Bureau, Qili Hosted by the People's Government of He District; co-organized by Gansu Long Cuisine Association and Lanzhou Old Street Commercial Management Co., Ltd. The opening ceremony of the festival will be held at 15:00 on July 5th. This food festival is one of the important activities of the 28th Lanzhou International Trade Fair. It is also an important step in the implementation of the State Council's " Package of Policies and Measures to Stabilize the Economy" and "Gansu Province's Implementation Plan for the Package of Policies and Measures to Stabilize the Economy" measures. Through the holding of the festival, consumer confidence in the catering industry will be boosted, catering cultural exchanges will be promoted, consumer demand will be stimulated, and production, circulation and consumption will be guided to a comprehensive recovery.

This food festival integrates tourism, culture, food and urban scenery. See the beautiful scenery, taste food, and enjoy the new experience of integrating Lanzhou's famous streets and ancient lanes with food. The event section is comprehensive. There are five major themes, namely the display of fine Longshang delicacies, special food appreciation, exhibition and sales of fine Longshang goods, e-commerce live streaming, and imported beer festival. It integrates "eating, drinking, playing, traveling, and shopping" to make the majority Guests are "satisfied for both their mouths and eyes". The gathering of central kitchen products, time-honored enterprises, Lanzhou beef noodles pre-packaged products is a grand gathering in the food industry. The number and scale of exhibitors in this food festival exceeds that of previous Lanzhou Food Festivals. Among the more than 200 companies, there are more than 50 exhibitors of Longshang gourmet fine dishes, with a total of more than 700 fine dishes on display; more than 80 special food appraisers , with a total of more than 200 varieties; there are more than 80 Longhuo boutiques exhibiting and selling, with a total of more than 400 varieties. There are not only classic dishes, but also delicious snacks that are loved by the people, as well as exquisite "sweet" specialty agricultural products. Guests can not only enjoy local specialties, taste the food on-site, but also take away rich specialties.

The food festival brings together the province's high-quality banquets, specialty snacks and Longshang goods.

This food festival is themed "Jincheng Feast·Longshang Food Festival" and brings together the province's high-quality famous banquets, specialty snacks and Longshang goods. , a wide variety of varieties. Among them, the 45-meter-long "Longweishuan" feast, which brings together the classic delicacies of 14 cities and prefectures, Long cuisine, , Lanzhou's Chinese Yuebin Banquet, Dunhuang Banquet, Lily Banquet, LinxiaHezhou health banquet, Zhangye colorful high platform banquet, Wuwei Liangzhou mushroom banquet, Linta impression Tao River banquet, Kazakh ethnic style banquet and other exquisite dishes, among which the spicy and sour " "Bald Noodles", Tianshui Guagua, which is refreshing and relieving the heat, special marinated pork ribs with special style, Internet celebrity snack Ma Ye's egg fermented glutinous rice and other delicious snacks. Lanzhou beef noodle fast food products such as Longcuitang, Sibohu, Yiwanlan etc. were on display for sale. , there are lilies, bitter water roses, soft pear, Longnan pepper and olive oil, Linze jujube, Dingxi potato noodles, Tianshui Gangu chili noodles and other high-quality products from Longnan. , as well as time-honored foods such as Yuebinlou, Tianshengyuan, and Duanji, as well as prefabricated products from central kitchens such as Zijin Kitchen, Hejiahe, Zuixianlou, and Zhangye Xinle Food Square. At the same time, "imported beer" supporting the festival "Festival" will allow consumers to enjoy free beer and fine wines and taste special delicacies.

The fifth is the integration of online and offline.In order to better stimulate public enthusiasm, enhance the sense of participation, and enhance the sense of gain, the organizer will join hands with various new media to display online and offline simultaneously. In the early stage of the event, Douyin topics, pre-heating videos, and Internet celebrity videos were used to build momentum and attract traffic for the food festival. During the event, through the live broadcast format of live broadcast room + walk-through store visit, the high-quality dishes, delicious snacks, and long food at the food festival were Comprehensive promotion of high-quality products.

During the festival, participating catering companies and three flavor snack streets including Zhengning Road Night Market, Nanguan Night Market, and Jinyan Lane Night Market adopted on-site promotions, store discounts, live streaming, online marketing , etc. at their respective business premises. We will carry out all-round brand promotion in an all-round way and launch various discounts, discounts, special offers and other promotional activities designed for this food festival to mobilize the consumption enthusiasm of Lanzhou consumers, activate market potential, and promote the recovery of consumption in the catering market.