From morning to night, the food is different. Xiang'an is a place worth visiting just for the food. And the lion-headed geese only eat rice and grass. Eat at least two big ones to be satisfied.

Xiang'an is a paradise for delicious food

From morning to night, the food is different

Whether it is the bowl cake in the alley

or the fried oysters at the street stall

It will conquer your taste buds

Xiang'an It’s a place worth visiting just for the food.

"Let's go, I'll take you to eat."

1 Xinwei goose meat

is preferably farm-raised for 2-3 years

and only eats rice and grass Lion head goose

The meat is firm and tender

The color is mouth-watering

The firm meat texture and The delicious flavors blend together

This is probably the best place for a goose


The fried sturgeon

The solid sturgeon meat, the plump sturgeon yellow

Supplemented with a large amount of ginger, fried until golden

The fresh sturgeon and the aroma of ginger blend together

Eat at least two large ones to be satisfied.

3 Sweet Potato Rice Cake

Made from sweet potato powder and pure rice milk

Add sea oysters, shrimp and other accessories when cooking

Stew in stock

QTender and smooth, thick soup Thick and delicious

4 Pan-fried cake

Fried with flour and brown sugar

There are three kinds of fillings: peanut, brown sugar , sesame

Burnt on the outside and tender on the inside, elastic and soft

Overflowing with fragrance

5 Wanzi cake

It tastes soft and glutinous, with a strong rice flavor

It contains mushrooms, minced meat, quail eggs, dried shrimps, etc.

It is topped with peanut paste, garlic, soy sauce

Simple seasonings can change the taste.



Or vegetables Rolls, or oil rice rolls

or a mixture of the two

Spring is coming to the world in one roll

Small pancakes wrapped in colorful and fragrant whole spring


Taro buns

Griddled taro skin, crispy on the outside and thick and elastic on the inside

Wrap with minced meat, fresh shrimps, dried tofu, mushrooms, pickled bamboo shoots, etc.

Steam and then fry

Top with secret peanut garlic sauce and scallion oil

Take one bite and you won’t be able to stop

8 Shacha noodles

Each Put the ingredients into the pot and blanch for a while.

Pour on the soul soup.

Duck blood and dried tofu are the classic combination of Sha Cha noodles.

The duck blood is tender and smooth. The dried tofu soaks up the soup. People have endless aftertaste.


Pocket noodles

The denseness of taro, the refreshingness of mustard

The elasticity of sweet potato powder, the crispiness of peanuts

Then mixed with soul onion oil

The kids next door will cry with greed

10 Pan-fried sea oysters

Fresh sea oysters , the taste is tender

Under the gentle protection of sweet potato powder and fresh eggs

Crispy on the outside and tender on the inside

Rich and fresh, but also filled with sweetness

11 Pork kidney cake

It is named because it looks like a pork loin

The taste is fluffy and soft

The smell is only light The aroma of flour

is an ancient flavor familiar to old Xiamen people

12 Ginger duck

The flavors of duck meat and ginger slices are perfectly blended

and under the heat preservation effect of the casserole

it stimulates the potential aroma factors of the ingredients

It is nourishing but not greasy. , Warm but not dry

13 Roasted pork rice dumplings

Pork belly, duck egg yolk, shiitake mushrooms, dried shrimps...

The roasted pork belly is fat but not greasy, lean but not woody

The fragrance of the rice dumpling leaves penetrates into the interior through high-temperature cooking

Every bite is the ultimate enjoyment

For many people

Xiang'an is just part of the food map

But this foodie wants to say

Xiang'an has become a part of my stomach and life

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