This is the most chilling horror story this summer. Countless "ice cream assassins" are lurking in the freezers of supermarkets and convenience stores, disguised as cheap and poorly packaged, just waiting to give you a critical hit at the checkout.

"Don't just take ice cream you haven't seen before." This is the most chilling horror story this summer. Countless "ice cream assassins" are lurking in the freezers of supermarkets and convenience stores, disguised as cheap and poorly packaged, just waiting to be Gives you a crit at checkout. How outrageous are the prices of contemporary ice cream? Who pays for the high-priced ice cream? Related topics such as "Ice Cream Assassin" have become hot searches and have been on the hot search list for several days.

Ice cream is no longer the "heat-relieving tool" we used to "have one on hand" when we were children in the hot summer. Instead, under the consumption scenario redefined by ice cream manufacturers, it has become an "easy luxury". But the huge investment in marketing expenses and the high value make these ice creams not look so "genuine". Many merchants even asked: "Why can't high-priced ice cream be sold?"

Do you want me to say this is nonsense? Why can't high-priced ice cream be sold? Because everyone is more aware of fraud prevention. At the beginning, I just went to the supermarket to grab some. I was cheated once by a high-priced ice cream. How could I fall into the same pit three times? When I was a child, I was always a little pudding and old popsicle. Having Menglong felt like it was the ceiling. Now, when I go to a convenience store or supermarket, I pick out an unknown ice cream that looks cheap out of the ice cream freezer, and it costs more than a dozen yuan. The problem with

is that it doesn’t look very good-looking, nor does it taste very good. is not as delicious as before. Spend more than ten yuan to buy an ice cream like this? If I buy half a watermelon, won’t it taste good? Nowadays, everyone is so scared that they dare not take the ice cream in the freezer without a price tag. Buying a watermelon at this price is not as happy as an ice cream.

In recent years, the more merchants market high-priced ice cream, people are becoming more and more disgusted with high-priced internet celebrity ice cream. A considerable number of netizens do not accept the brainwashing rhetoric of commercial consumerism at all. They think of the high-quality and low-priced ice cream when they were children, setting off a wave of nostalgia. So everyone remembered the time-honored ice cream in their childhood memories, such as Green Tongue, Old Popsicle, Little Pudding... The price is not high but you can get simple happiness immediately.

Everyone has been suffering from high-priced ice cream for a long time. Even in the live broadcast room of Zhong Xuegao , an ice cream brand that has always been famous for its price, everyone is using snow lotus, old popsicle ... As a result, the screenshots of the lottery are all similar, which is very embarrassing. However, Zhong Xuegao is the kind of person who has already defined me as a more expensive person in people’s minds, which is quite good. At least let people know that the price is not cheap. Generally, when you go to the supermarket, someone will buy it and try it out.

High-priced ice cream can exist as an echelon, but there must also be room for affordable ice cream. Even if you can't give it, , you should honestly let everyone understand the price, and buy whatever you are willing to buy. Now throw the ice cream over there, who knows what the price is. Some of the cheap-looking sorbets cost more than a dozen yuan upon checkout. So everyone summed up their experience, don’t take ice cream that you don’t recognize easily, you will be surprised when you check out.

Even if your ice cream takes various high-end routes, with high prices and high profits, consumers really have the right to speak. Don’t underestimate ice cream brands with RMB 3-5 yuan. They are not lacking in sales volume and voice. The profit may not be as high as Zhong Xuegao or Moutai ice cream, but they have accumulated a batch of ice cream after decades of selling. Loyal consumers still have feelings for the brand. Can you compete with this by setting a high price?

When people first buy high-priced ice cream, they have an early adopter mentality, and they flock to it when they are stimulated by new things. By now, everyone's enthusiasm for buying has passed. has learned from experience and lessons about being deceived and deceived. also understands that high-priced ice cream is nothing more than that. In the end, ice cream for daily consumption must be affordable and easy to accept. It is the kingly way. Popsicles and puddings costing two yuan can also relieve the heat.

Now I have a resolute attitude towards those Internet celebrity foods whose prices you can’t guess at all: I just won’t buy them if I love them, and after checking the prices, I shamelessly quit! Don’t buy one, don’t buy ten, hundreds of thousands. After a long time, merchants naturally no longer dare to play with it. Otherwise, the more indulgent you are, the more it will bite your nose.

Author: Yangfan

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