Hello dear readers, thank you for reading the food articles I shared. I share my experience with you. Today I want to share with you: "When frying shredded pork, you should not put it directly into the pot. I will teach you a trick on how to stir-fry it." Smooth, tender, fragrant

Dear readers and friends, thank you for reading the food articles I shared. I share my experience with you. What I want to share with you today is: "When frying shredded pork, you should not put it directly into the pot. I will teach you a trick, how to fry it." They are all smooth and tender, fragrant and delicious! 』

Children like to eat meat, especially fried shredded pork. One person can eat a large plate, so I have done some research on fried shredded pork. Children always say that the meat fried by grandma is hard and the meat fried by mother is soft. The same meat, why is there such a big difference?

When her grandma stir-fries meat, she cuts the shredded meat and stir-fries it directly in the pan. The fried meat is woody and hard, and has a strong fishy smell, which is not delicious at all, so the children go to her grandma every time. Everyone at home said they didn’t eat meat, so they didn’t eat it at all. They always asked me to teach grandma.

The last time I took my child home to see my grandma, I personally made a meal of shredded pork with green pepper for her grandma. The kid’s grandma also said it was delicious, especially soft and tender, and much more fragrant than what I made myself. How did she make it?

I told my mother that whether shredded meat or sliced ​​meat, it cannot be fried directly in the pan. It needs to be marinated in advance.

The role of marinated meat is very important. It can remove the fishy smell of the shredded meat, and can absorb the flavor in advance. It can also lock the moisture of the shredded meat and maintain a tender and smooth texture, so that the shredded meat will be smooth and tender no matter how you fry it. Today I will share with you the technique of stir-frying shredded pork, which is also suitable for stir-frying sliced ​​pork. I suggest you learn it, it is really delicious.

To marinate meat, you don’t just add some salt and soy sauce to make it tender and juicy. Let’s take a look at how to make [Shredded Pork with Green Pepper].

Prepare green pepper, tenderloin, cooking oil, salt, soy sauce, starch, eggs, onion, ginger and garlic.

. Wash the tenderloin, slice it into slices and then shred it. Put it into clean water and grab it with your hands. In fact, washing the whole piece of meat cannot remove the blood at all, which is one of the reasons why the meat is fishy. After shredding, the contact area is large, which can effectively wash away blood and fishy smell. Scratch and drain the water after cleaning.

2. Add an appropriate amount of salt and light soy sauce to the shredded meat, and pick it with your hands until the shredded meat becomes a little sticky, indicating that it has become gluey. Marinate for 10 minutes.

3. Add appropriate amount of water to the shredded pork, and continue to grab it with your hands to let the shredded meat absorb the water, so that the taste will be tender, smooth and juicy. After the shredded pork is soaked in water, add a spoonful of starch and an egg white, and continue to mix with your hands to coat the shredded pork with a layer of white powder.

4. Add appropriate amount of cooking oil to the shredded pork, stir evenly with chopsticks, and set aside. Edible oil can lock the moisture in the shredded meat and also has a lubricating effect. It will not stick to the pan after being put into the pan, and it can also remain smooth and tender.

5. Cut some green onions, minced ginger, minced garlic, wash the green peppers, remove the stems and cut them into shreds. Add a spoonful of starch to the bowl, pour in water, and stir into watery starch.

6. Heat the oil in a pan. When it is 60% hot, add the prepared shredded pork. Turn up the heat and stir-fry quickly with a spatula for half a minute. Let the shredded meat spread out and change color before serving.

7. Leave the bottom oil in the pot, heat it up, add minced ginger and garlic and stir-fry until fragrant, add shredded green pepper, add an appropriate amount of salt, stir-fry over high heat for half a minute, then add the fried shredded pork, pour in water and starch, and stir-fry until it becomes soupy. When the sauce thickens, sprinkle with chopped green onion, stir-fry evenly and serve.

[Skill Summary]

Stir-fried lean meat, including pork, beef, and mutton. If you want a smooth and tender texture, you cannot fry it directly in the pan, but marinate it in advance.

In addition to adding salt and soy sauce, there are four indispensable ingredients for marinating, namely water, starch, egg white, and cooking oil, which can make the shredded meat fully hydrated, maintain a smooth and tender texture, and prevent it from sticking to the pan.

When frying meat, be careful not to burn the oil very hot, otherwise the meat will be very hard. Stir-fry in a hot pan with cold oil so that the meat does not become hard.

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