The climate in summer is hot, and people are prone to symptoms of internal heat. Moreover, it is easy to accumulate some toxins in the intestines of the human body in summer, which is detrimental to health. Therefore, if we want to obtain better health in our lives, we must maste

The climate in summer is hot, people are prone to symptoms of internal heat, and it is easy to accumulate some toxins in the intestines of the human body in summer, which is detrimental to health. Therefore, if we want to obtain better health in our lives, we must Master a good method.

And Dendrobium officinale has the effect of nourishing yin and clearing away heat. We squeeze and consume fresh Dendrobium officinale juice in summer, which can cleanse the intestines and clear away heat and eliminate internal heat. So what is the method of squeezing and drinking fresh Dendrobium officinale juice in summer? ?Here are some recommended methods for everyone.

1. Use a juicer to squeeze juice

1) Take 50 grams of fresh Dendrobium officinale, clean it, peel off the old skin, and then cut it into 2-3 cm pieces.

 2) Then put the cut Dendrobium officinale into an ordinary juicer and add 1000ML purified water.

 3) Set the startup time of the juicer to 3-5 minutes, so that the nutrients can be fully squeezed out.

 4) Pour it out and drink it. When drinking, add an appropriate amount of rock sugar or honey according to your personal taste for a better taste.

 2. Use a soymilk machine to squeeze juice

 1) Take 20 grams of fresh Dendrobium officinale, wash the Dendrobium officinale, and then cut it into 1-2 cm pieces.

 2) Put the cut Dendrobium officinale into the soymilk machine and add 1000ML purified water.

 3. Start the grain and soy milk program of the soy milk machine. When the soy milk machine stops working, pour it out and filter out the residue, and then you can drink it.

Living standards have improved a lot now, so most families now have soymilk machines or juicers. If you want to drink fresh dendrobium juice in summer, you can choose the juicing method that suits you according to your preferences, and in After the juice is squeezed, you can add an appropriate amount of honey and rock sugar for seasoning according to your own preferences, which will make the taste better.