Many days have passed since the summer solstice in 2022, and July is about to enter, which will also usher in the hottest dog days of summer. When will the summer solstice begin in 2022? This year, the time of entering ambushes is July 16th. There are 40 days of ambushes in total

Many days have passed since the summer solstice in 2022, and July is about to enter, which will also usher in the hottest dog days of summer. When will the summer solstice begin in 2022? This year, the time of entering ambushes is July 16th. There are 40 days of ambushes in total. From July 16th to July 25th, it is tombush. The period of Zhongfu is from July 26 to August 14, a total of 20 days. The last period is from August 15th to August 24th, a total of 10 days. During this period, which is the hottest time of the year, we must remember to prevent heatstroke and eat more cool and refreshing delicacies in our diet to help us survive the dog days smoothly. We will share the detailed recipes of 5 delicacies and learn how to make them. Family, eat it!

one, yam .

Recommended recipe [Stir-fried yam]

Ingredients: yam, red pepper, onion, ginger, garlic, vegetable oil, salt, sugar, chicken essence.

Method: 1. First prepare a yam, remove the skin and clean it, then cut it into diamond-shaped slices, soak it in cold water and set aside.

2. Cut the onion into thin strips, peel and mince the ginger, and cut the red pepper into thin strips. Pour oil into the pot and heat it to 60% heat. Add the onion and garlic and stir-fry until fragrant. Then add the yam and pepper and start stir-frying.

3. After frying for one minute, add an appropriate amount of water, salt and sugar, and continue to stir-fry for two minutes.

4.Finally add chicken essence and chopped green onion, stir well and serve.

two, tofu.

Recommended recipe [Fried Tofu]

Ingredients: tofu, salt, vegetable oil, chicken essence, sugar, oyster sauce, light soy sauce, pepper, dried chili pepper, onion, ginger and garlic.

Method: 1. Soak the tofu in salt water for 5 minutes, take it out and cut it into thin pieces, place it on a plate and set aside.

2. Cut the onions into chopped green onions, then find a small bowl, add sugar, salt, oyster sauce, light soy sauce, pepper, chicken essence, add a little water, stir evenly, and make a sauce for later use.

3. Pour oil into the pan, heat it to 30% hot, add tofu and fry both sides until golden brown, then take out the tofu.

4. Leave a little base oil in the pot, add onions, ginger, peppers, garlic, saute until fragrant, then add the fried tofu, pour in the sauce, keep low heat and simmer for two minutes, sprinkle some more before taking it out of the pot. Just a handful of chopped green onions.

Three, chicken breast.

Recommended recipe [Sweet and Sour Chicken Breast]

Ingredients: chicken breast, salt, tomato paste, eggs, light soy sauce, white sugar, white vinegar, corn starch, black pepper, white sesame seeds.

Method: 1. First clean the chicken breast, drain the water on the surface, then cut it into long strips and put it into a large bowl.

2. Add a spoonful of cooking wine, a little salt and black pepper, crack in the eggs and stir evenly, marinate for 30 minutes to fully absorb the flavor, then sprinkle in two spoons of starch and mix evenly.

3. Prepare a small bowl, pour sugar, light soy sauce, balsamic vinegar, tomato sauce, starch, and a little water into it, stir well and set aside.

4. Pour vegetable oil into the pot, heat to 60% heat, add chicken breasts, keep low heat and fry until golden brown, take it out and control the oil, then put it in and fry again, take it out and control the oil and put it in a basin.

5. Leave a little base oil in the pot, add sweet and sour sauce, cook until small bubbles form on the surface, then add the chicken breast and stir-fry evenly, sprinkle with white sesame seeds and serve.

four, winter melon.

Recommended recipe [Home-style roasted winter melon]

Ingredients: winter melon, vegetable oil, salt, dark soy sauce, pepper, rock sugar, chicken essence, garlic, onion, ginger.

Method: 1. First clean the winter melon, remove the skin and flesh, and then cut it into small pieces.

2. Pour vegetable oil into the wok, heat to 60% heat, add winter melon and stir-fry for two minutes, then add ginger and green onion, stir-fry until fragrant, add dark soy sauce and pepper.

3. Continue to stir-fry for one minute, pour in an appropriate amount of water, cover the lid and simmer the winter melon. Finally, sprinkle with salt, chicken essence and chopped green onion, stir evenly, and take it out of the pot and put it on a plate.

five, mung beans.

Recommended recipe [Mung Bean Porridge]

Ingredients: mung beans, rice, glutinous rice, rock sugar.

Method: 1. Soak the mung beans in water for 12 hours one night in advance, then add the glutinous rice and soak for another two hours.

2. Wash the mung beans, glutinous rice and rice, put them into a pressure cooker, add enough water and a few grains of rock sugar.

3. Turn on the beans button and you can open the lid in about 45 minutes. After taking it out of the pot, place it in a bowl and let it cool down before eating.